old dream


Chapter 346 Hunger
This time, Ke Lin didn\'t use his spiritual nerves, not because he was worried about leaving traces, but because this move was definitely not suitable for facing multiple enemies.

His tactical judgment has always been clear, but when he fought against the spies again, Colin gradually became a little absent-minded.It may be that he was a little tired of coping with the siege of seven people at the same time, and the countless sword lights and spiritual elements poured out, and it was easy to make his consciousness fall into a trance.

He was distracted again and again, but the reason was not what Jurgen guessed, because of some \"gap of despair\".Colin wouldn\'t despair, he could still run after all.But the truth now is—he actually didn\'t pay much attention to his situation at all.

It\'s not that I don\'t want to, it\'s that I can\'t.

Even in such a critical moment, Colin still turned his head to look in the direction of the iron cage from time to time, but this was not to confirm when Priest Kane would be able to open the restriction.In fact, he didn\'t even look at Kane\'s figure, or at the woodlanders who fell one by one.

Now Colin has no energy to pay attention to them.

Because of the deep hunger rolling in his consciousness, he became more and more restless.

He didn\'t pay attention to the opened doors, and didn\'t look at the curious giant babies. He even forgot their existence.In fact, what attracts Colin to look back again and again is something that does not exist here at all...

He was looking at the great invisible golden bird, the crown of the woodland quadrant.

This was the second time that Colin looked directly at the gods, but he didn\'t have the urge to worship like Priest Kane.It is also not like the believers of the Anghe sects, who only have contempt and respect for paganism.

His thoughts were far from being so advanced and complicated. Colin could no longer think properly, but felt a little weird and inappropriate.

My stomach is empty.

\"Bump!\" \"Bump!\" \"Bump!\"

Another series of tricky and vicious shots, a bullet narrowly passed by Colin\'s ear, almost knocking off his right ear, or piercing through the skull cavity.The silver demon-killing bullet was engraved with lines that would defile most ceremonies, and it might not be able to block it even with the vajra technique.

Colin glared at the spy who shot coldly, but he just wanted to slap himself hard.

Because if he didn\'t wake up and cheer up, he would really die here.

Don\'t look at that big bird!


The first human being in history to see a god, what would he feel?Fear, or worship?So was it the same when he was just an ancient ape?Wouldn\'t there be something older and purer than all of this if you just saw him as a living thing?
Fear is already a very advanced emotion, and worship is a phenomenon unique to humanoids.But my reaction at this moment is obviously more primitive, simpler and more natural than the two.Because long before the belief in the woodlands was formed, before the demon lords of Urju enslaved all humanoids on land and sea, and even before these unprecedented land masses collided and uplifted each other in the northern hemisphere, this ignorant and uncivilized The impulse is already there.

The earliest protozoans may not have even formed sexual reproduction when they ingested other substances through their mouths.

The holy radiance on that big pigeon made Colin feel very familiar.

Also feel very hungry.

The mucous membranes of the throat and esophagus were stuck together, and then were forcibly torn apart again, as hot as a needle prick, overshadowing the pain of the penetrating wound on the shoulder.


With a crack, the sword in Ke Lin\'s hand hit the bullet again, and because of the uneven force, the blade shattered into pieces.Swinging the sword under the tremendous power of Lingsu, the blade bears a terrifying force, not to mention, it is the bullet that cuts.

But Ke Lin didn\'t seem to hear the cracking sound of the sword body shattering, and didn\'t see the scattered steel fragments.Because of the hunger in my stomach, I rolled again.More and more want to bite, swallow something.Throat wriggles with difficulty, like a plow rusted in dry land.He swallowed a large amount of saliva again and again, but it didn\'t relieve the dryness of his throat. Instead, his hunger and thirst deepened, and he was planted in a more unbearable place in his heart time and time again.

——What did you eat this morning?

Once again, he retracted his gaze restlessly, and focused his attention on the fight in front of him.Colin tried his best to ignore the feeling between eating and drinking, but in order to divert his attention, his thoughts became more erratic.

\"Pfft.\" There was a voice coming from inside the body, followed by a flurry of breathing, and a spy\'s stabbing sword had penetrated into the body.This time it was the left arm, where bone and metal seemed to be stuck, almost locked together.

But it seemed that the man was going to charge forward, using his legs, waist and abdomen instead of his arms to exert force.Even if it may not be possible to stab the sword point into the opponent\'s chest, at least the left shoulder should be stuck.Once he is successfully entangled, the battle is over.

--and then?Colin continued to think in his heart, no matter what, he still grabbed a few slices of bread, although not much, not too much, but...

Unexpectedly, the forward-moving sword tip just brushed against his torso, and the two faces were so close that one could see the spy\'s stunned expression for a moment.Colin glanced at the left arm locked with the rapier, which led the spy astray.

The ulna and radius bones in the forearm, even with dense muscles, can\'t resist the rapier blessed by Lingsu.

While Colin was thinking this way, his left arm had been raised and stretched forward, as if he didn\'t feel pain, allowing the stabbing sword to pass through between the bones and flesh.The spy didn\'t dare to think too much, and his expression became ferocious, because he planned to pour all his strength into the Lingsu blade in his hand, and wanted to crush Colin\'s arm directly.

But in the end, it failed to expand the penetrating injury any further.

How could this be?The spy could only let go of the sword in his hand at this moment, but it was too late, because Colin had already clasped his upper arm.Under the supercharged Lingsu, the palm of his hand easily smashed his bones, just like twisting a towel, blood splashed out of the entire arm.

A near-death wail came from the spy\'s throat, and the unimaginable pain completely lost the will to fight.But his wailing only lasted less than a second, because the Lingsu blade on Ke Lin\'s remnant sword had pierced his wide-open mouth the next moment, and pierced out from the back of his head.

No one reacted, and no one could even understand what happened. Why did a Blue Star wizard die in the blink of an eye under the siege of seven to one?
Pulling out the broken sword, he staggered back two steps.Colin bit his tongue, trying to wake himself up. He raised his left arm and looked at the pierced wound.

Thus, he saw the \"crystal map\" in his body for the first time.

After several months of severe spiritual rejection all over the body, foreign bodies spread all over the limbs and bones.

Guided inch by inch by Boyd Elvis, a mysterious map that grows naturally in the body.

She controls this body through the crystal map, just like controlling that puppet.

In the blood hole of the wound, the crystals distributed like tree roots exude an almost metallic halo, or in other words, a kind of nightmarish \"black light\".After soaking in a light layer of blood, the feeling became more and more strange.

It turned out that the reason why I was able to fight against the seven spies in a trance, and even killed one of them, was not because my body already had any fighting instinct.

Instead, she, who couldn\'t bear it, had already taken over the battle since she didn\'t know when.

At this time, Colin finally came back to his senses, knowing where the strong and urgent hunger came from just now.

Because in the depths of this unbearable appetite, he also felt the same deep and violent hatred again.

Do you want to swallow it alive...

The golden messenger?

(End of this chapter)

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