I will eventually become the king of Shura Field

I Will Be the King of Shura Field Chapter 270

The ambiguous heaven one second, the cold hell the next second.

The back of Hiratsuka's white hands was so blue that she didn't need this kind of extra help.

What is good for you is just bullshit, even if she does not change, she can still live well.

The most hateful thing about Makoto Jingu is that he first gave her a future possibility worth looking forward to, which aroused Hiratsuka's desire to change himself.

It's like you met a very good girl. You want to be with her, you want to bring her happiness, and you want to have a better future with her, for her, so you choose to change the status quo, change yourself, and change Better.

This future worth looking forward to is the fundamental reason why Hiratsuka is determined to change himself and to step out of the original framework.

Without this, all family pressures and friends' advice would be bullshit, Hiratsuka would still complain and feel guilty, but would not choose to act.

Because only with this goal can she feel that her change is worthwhile.

With this exact goal, she can have room for imagination.

Therefore, the thing she least wants to happen happened.

What Makoto Jingong did was indeed for her, but he did not like her.

Just like his frankness after his affection that night, Shizuka was still relieved at the time, but he was joking secretly.

Now, the emotion of regret is beyond words.

She turned her head, looked at him with red eyes, and said coldly: "I don't need you to be so kind."

Jingu Makoto's pupils shrank, and Hiratsuka was so fragile that he had never expected.

He stretched out his hand to help her wipe the tears that were about to drip, but Shizuka shrank back and said lightly: "You can go now."

Jingu Makoto sighed: "You listen to me to finish, okay?"

Hiratsuka endured hard, not letting the tears fall: "There is nothing to say, isn't it just playing with my feelings?"

"I... I don't." Jingu Makoto firmly denied.

Hiratsuka stood up quietly and abruptly, and said hysterically: "Then you have a kind of thing that night, don't touch me! You are not responsible after touching it, isn't this playing with my feelings?"

The momentum burst out suddenly, and Jingong Cheng was all at once suppressed.

He can guarantee that if he said something you didn't stop him, Hiratsuka Jingneng would tear him up on the spot.

But how can Jingongcheng be the only one who only promises, she is loud, he is louder than her.

He also stood up and roared: "Why are you shouting so loudly? I didn't say that I didn't like you!"


Hiratsuka quietly blinked his red eyes, the tearing aura disappeared instantly, and whispered weakly, "Didn't you say I misunderstood..."

Makoto Jingu knocked on the table: "Sit down."


Hiratsuka sits down quickly, inexplicably well-behaved.

Jingu Makoto stared at her, repeating the last sentence: "So, by your drunkenness, by the reason I say I like you, maybe the taste of being liked can make you overcome your hesitation a little bit."

Then, fill in the unfinished words.

"If you can overcome your hesitation and dare to find new things, then you must be confident and charming."

"As for the relationship between me and you, I do like you, but it may not be the feelings of men and women in your imagination, and you may not like me."

"I made it very clear that night. I still want you more than passion for the time being, and you may not be able to accept this kind of feeling."

"Therefore, there is no rush for the matter between you and me. It may be better to leave it to the future."

This is really standard scumbag bullshit.

There is a big problem with this logic: Overcoming your hesitation = I hope you will fall in love, but I cannot be with you for the time being, and you are not allowed to find other people to fall in love.

Isn't this just being dragged?

Of course, from the perspective of Shizuka Hiratsuka, these words have another thought.

First of all, Makoto Jingu is not playing with her feelings. This is the dawn of despair. It is like a roller coaster, which makes her mood ups and downs, and there is no time to think carefully.

Secondly, she herself has concerns. If she were to be with Jingong Makoto now, she would not be able to do it herself.

She made up her mind only to let her consider the possibility of being with Makoto Jingong, or to let her try to contact him further.

Therefore, Makoto Jingu's words catered to Hiratsuka's ideas.

You may like me, and I may like you, but they are not clear about each other's likes, and there is a real gap in issues such as identity and age.

It's better to touch them first, if they can really confirm this like, then hold hands together.

Well, it probably means that.

Chapter 81: Although the years are easy to pass, the love is strong and white

Hiratsuka probably understood what Makoto Jingu wanted to express, and followed the attitude of tacit approval.

In this way, her excitement just now seemed a bit embarrassing, not only embarrassing, but embarrassing.

The eye sockets were still glowing red, and the expression of embarrassment quietly filled the delicate facial features. At this moment, Hiratsuka Jing could not find a hole to bury himself.

Seeing her calm down, Makoto Jingu took a tissue from her pocket and gave it to her.

Shizuka Hiratsuka took the tissue in embarrassment, lowered his head and said, "Thank you~"

Makoto Jingu pressed his hands on the table, squinted at her, and couldn't help but joked: "It seems that Hiratsuka-sensei really figured it out, but he was still a little impatient."

Hiratsuka's small face flushed red, and her heart was filled with embarrassment and embarrassment.

He got closer, picked up her Qingsi, and whispered in her ear: "Does the teacher really want to fall in love with his students?"

Hiratsuka Jingjiao trembled with a trembling body, and quickly blocked his mischievous mouth, and glared at him: "You are so embarrassed to say me, it is obviously you, the stinky boy who came to provoke me first!"

Jingu Makoto shrugged innocently, because her mouth was blocked by her jade hand, so her voice sounded strange.

"I'm just worried that something will happen to you when you are drunk, so I just want to care about you. Is it wrong for students to care about their teachers?"

The strange voice does not prevent Hiratsuka from hearing the ridicule in his words clearly.

"Do you care about that!!"

Hiratsuka quietly lowered his voice, but his tone was almost gritted.

Makoto Jingu nodded shamelessly: "Of course, personal care is also part of care."

Cut... what a shameless guy~

It is impossible for Shizuka Hiratsuka to get past him in this regard, and she can only be sulking.

But Jingong Makoto did not let go of her thoughts, but continued: "Teacher that night, you were also very active, I wonder if you were deliberately pretending to be drunk to seduce me, or how else would you know me..."

He didn't say it, but with both hands pretending to be up and down, Hiratsuka suddenly wanted to hammer him to death.

"You are not allowed to talk about that night again!! Give me peace!!"

She shook his shoulders irrespective of her manners, just how she looked so coquettish.

"Ha, so teacher, did you admit it?"

Jingu Makoto stared at her playfully, and he planned to completely defeat Hiratsuka Shizuo's shame today.

"Woo, don't talk anymore~"

Hiratsuka held his face and whimpered with a little bit of crying. It was really embarrassing.

But what he said was still the truth. She did pretend to be drunk that night, but she could swear to God that it was definitely caused by alcohol.

Makoto Jingu patted her little head and comforted: "It's okay, I can understand. After all, I haven't tried this kind of taste for so many years. It's normal to be a little anxious."

As soon as the voice fell, Hiratsuka's extremely fragile mentality was once again stimulated.

She opened her mouth and bit Jingong Makoto's hand mercilessly, and her blue eyes showed seven points of shame, two points of anger, and the rest of shyness.


Hiratsuka was really ruthless when he started, and he didn't have any spare energy for mercy.

Makoto Jingu could only temporarily admit counsel, and was forced to suppress it by force to announce that today's battle plan ends here.

"Everything is my fault, let go, it's going to bleed~"

Hiratsuka let go of her mouth and raised her head triumphantly, the previous shame and embarrassment disappeared instantly, as if it had never existed.

Makoto Jingu once again realized what a woman's face is, and she really changes when she changes.

Looking down at the wound, the teeth marks were clearly visible. Although the flesh was not bitten, the skin must have been broken and a little blood was still bleeding.

He sighed distressedly: "Should it be you who bleed first? How come I bleed first, it's really a loss."


Just because Hiratsuka has never experienced feelings between men and women, it doesn't mean that she really doesn't know anything.

She is still very clear about the physical common sense.

"No, I didn't say anything."

Jingu Makoto sat staggeringly next to Hiratsuka Jing, clutching the wound, seemingly painful.

Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't bear it too. After not insisting on it for a while, he softly asked Makoto Jingong to stretch out his hand, and then took the tissue he gave him to carefully stop the blood.

While dealing with the wound, Shizuka Hiratsuka whispered: "I hope you don't tell other people about you and me."

"I admit that I am touched by you, that is, my own student. I am a person who has always been frank and open. I will not hide what I should say. I am not afraid that you secretly laugh at me or something. It’s not shameful to break the law. I might have cared about it before, but now I just think it’s justified."

"But it's just a heartbeat. I hope that you can turn into a liking, and become at your disposal. If you have to, it would be too much to underestimate me, so don't be too proud. Don't think that this is to grab my handle. It's absolutely impossible to tease me like I did just now!"

"Anyway, in school, I'm still your teacher."

Makoto Jingu didn't speak.

Hiratsuka couldn't help but look up, only to see that he was also looking at him, looking attentively.

The two eyes met, and Shizuka's fragile little heart couldn't help but pounding again.


Before she finished speaking, Makoto Jingong had already spoken first: "Why do you think I would secretly laugh at you?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka said in a low voice: "Anyway, my age is really much older than you. You may feel that you don't care now, but as time goes by, no matter how good the skin is, it will not be able to withstand the corrosion of years. What's more terrifying is not only my changes, but also the pressure from my surroundings."

"It's really difficult for people to really live purely for themselves."

Makoto Jingu whispered: "You deserve to be a Mandarin teacher~"

Hiratsuka rolled his eyes: "Don't interrupt me, I'll be serious with you."

"Then I'll be serious with you, too." Makoto Jingong stretched out his other hand, held her, and said seriously: "My rule of doing things has always been only my heart."

"If I like it, I will do whatever it takes to get it, and I am not afraid to tell you that I am such a selfish and greedy person."

"So, instead of worrying about whether I will care about the eyes of others, and care about your appearance, though time goes by, you might as well think about how to make me really like you."

Hiratsuka looked at him blankly, every sentence he said was extremely sincere, and she could feel it.

Human eyes cannot lie, she has always believed it.

Every sentence, although an understatement, made her feel warm inexplicably.

There are no flashy rhetoric, no shocking words, just simple and plain.

She suddenly felt that her lost heart might be able to find real peace in him.

This feeling, this warm feeling, is like sunshine.

He is not like a teenage high school student, the firmness and brilliance in his eyes let her see the white heads of the two.

That future, let her yearn, so that she could not refuse.

Chapter 82: Break slowly!

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