Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 149

Chapter 262 - Nothing to abuse the Lord to play ~~~ (three more harmonious, task completed!)

On this day, after the Tiantian Hellion and two girls were finished, patted their ass to put them on clothes.

Sina and Meimei didn't think there was half-point place, wearing clothes, after all, in these days, Yu Tianshi's beasts often let them wear clothes, and then enter their bodies.

What is disappointed with beauty and beauty is that after they wear clothes, they did not usher in the wars they expected, and the hell beasts were also wearing clothes, patted their small faces, said: " Calling children are coming. "

"Children who were called?" Su Na and Meimei have not responded yet, and after a few minutes, I will react after a few minutes, I am two children who are called calls. Their body and mind have been beyond the hell Give tarpaored, responsible, destiny, shame, hurt, everything has been away from them.

After the reaction, two little girls immediately puff into the aroma of the hell of the hell, Su Nai, looked at the People don't care about what being called. People now want to be a woman who will always be a hell beast. Do you say, is it, beautiful? "

"Well!" Beautiful and beautiful, he saw the end of the end, and he saw the endless attachment in light brown eyes. He said without blushing: "People only want to be a woman in the hell of hell, be a little child. Not fun, where is a woman who is a hell beast, you can do so comfortable every day. "

Two girls say that the huge contrast is almost as sole that the huge contrast is almost excited, and they will be thrown again.

Yu Tianshi is do not want to destroy the plot, and bowing his head and a while, two women nodded and disappointed.

Yu Tianzhiye knows that they are relied on their own dependence, and they have a lot of priests, picked up, and kisses the lips of Sua. The two girls are still too much than the , This is directly to the ground.

Sudina was first gained by the sudden attack of Yuheyou Hello, and then reacted. There was no panic in his heart. Instead, it was a joy, his hands held a man's neck, and his feet also walked his tiger. Waist, I am eager to send my soft lilac tongue, and the skilled inexhaust looks completely a little girl who is only 11 years old.

Beautiful and beautiful, Water's big eyes looked at the

Kissing the foot and more than ten minutes. Yu Tianyu beasts leaving Sana's lips, looked at the expression of "I was very vinegar", and the evil spirits smiled, such as the law, and also hugged the beauty in his arms, kissed beautiful beauty. Lips.

After kissing, the beautiful face blushed, the jealousy, the jealousy, there is no trace.

After that, the hell beasts of the Out of Heaven have relieved illusion on all the digital babies in the castle, and the illusion of the hell beasts, so that the digital baby didn't remember that he was coma, it was like this memory. general.

According to the instructions of Yu Tianyu Beast, and the children who were called called the children, the children did not pay attention to the changes of Su Na and Meimei, after all, the biggest Appels in their 12 Years, it's both primary school students, plus boys more than girls, where to know so much.

It has been faint to become the captain of this group of children. If you want to find a way to go back to the real world, Sana and Meimei surface should be, but I feel that it doesn't matter. They only want to be with the hell beasts with the heaven, and they will not go back to the real world. It is mainly to see the hell beasts. If the heavenly beasts can't go to the real world, they will stay in the digital baby world to make a hell beast. The woman is calculated, at least, you can do so happy every day.

Just when the children are negotiating, Yu Tianzhiyutian is holding Di Road, and it has come to the children's face, and the evil spirits smile. "I really didn't see it, the children who were called."

"Yes you! Yu Tianshi prison!" Too surprised to refer to the Yuen Tiandi Hellion.

After seeing the hell beasts of the heaven, the two of the beautiful and beautiful, and the eyes were delighted. They had detrimented the dependence of the hell beasts of the heaven, even if they were only separated for a few minutes, but it was in the hell of hell. In order to told, they put the joy in the eyes, and the children's attention was attracted by the sudden appearance of the hell beasts, and no one noticed the abnormalities of the two girls.

"It's a weak, so long haven't seen it, I didn't expect you to be so weak." Yu Tianzhi hooks his mouth, three scarlet eyes, despise the eyes constantly zoom.

For the hell beasts, the strength of the children who was called calls is really too weak. If they count, they are counted in the Jiailde and Di Road, which can really let the Tiandi Hello beasts on the digital baby, only Di Road beast The pole, sacred beast, the Badam beast is extremely imaginary beast, and the Augustus and Baby beasts are extremely volatilized, and the tyrants of tyrants and steel plus Mijiao, other, even in the eyes, he is not in the eyes.

However, now Di Road beast is by the heaven, the bright badge is in his clothes, the sacred plan is at the home of Taiyi and Jia, and Di Road beast is said to be a sacred heaven, and even the beast has evolved.

Without the bright arrow of the sky, according to the first plot, the battle of the dragon beast can not appear, the two major acts have a little one, and the Omega beast of the 13th Royal Cavaliers can not appear. .

As for the imaginary beast? Is the strongest angel beast among the three angels so easy to evolve? The first part added, the Badam beast also evolved into a full-body sacred angel beast, and the angelous beast did not arrive at the fourth.

"Asian ancient beast, evolution!"

"Okay, Taiyi, August Evolution ... tysometery!" Asian ancient beasts immediately replied, and then evolved the light.

Then, the sacred plan and the courage badge of the chest on the Taiwan have also issued a bright light, "tyranno" super evolution ... Machinery tyranno "!"

"Gabucura evolution ... Garuu beast!" "Garuu beast super evolution ... Orc Garuu!" "Gogou beast evolution ... Sea Lion beast!" "Bada beast evolution ... Angel beast!" "Bee beast evolution ... more beasts!" "More than multi-beasts!" "" Baru beast evolution ... "Make the beast!" "Milk Beast evolution ..." Badola beast! "

At once, seven digital babies have completed evolution, although Sina and Meimei don't want to be enemy and humane beasts, but in order to temporarily not expose yourself, complete the instructions of Yu Tianyu beasts, and can only be the same.

Too many faces with confident smiles look at the hell beasts, until now, the highest level of digital baby they have touched is completely, so they consciously think that the highest level of digital baby evolution is completely . At Too It seems that there is three complete and four maturity periods here, facing the "complete body" of the heaven and her beasts, it is at the same time.

"Cut!" Yu Tianzhi is disdainful, completely, in addition to the six-wing beast fallen form, other desires of other fights, even if it is resistant to the sacred angel beast, Kirin He couldn't afford to have a half-time interest, and immediately said: "I didn't expect you to be so true, I thought I would like to defeat me with these waste!"

Too confidently smile, immediately said: "Mechanical tyrannosaurus, attack!"

"Treatment of the guns!" The organs of the mechanical tyranno dragon beasts opened, and the two powerful shells were shot. (I have been too lazy for this trick ...)

"Super Large Corner!" "Caesari Claw!" "Fish fork the machine gun!" "Heaven!" "Thousands of touches!" "Meteorite giant wings!"

Machinery tyrannical dragon beast attack, the rest of the digital baby will immediately start the offensive, and the tricks of the sky will come to the heavenly beasts, which seems to be very good. His obedient.

The heaven and her beeter standing, and the smile on his face took endless ridicule, and she hit himself.

boom! ! ! ! ! The huge explosion sounded, and the hell beast was completely engaged in the explosion.

"Success!" Too excited, but very fast, he was excited, and the blast of the explosion quickly calmly, and the


The heaven and her beeter patted the dust on the body, the eyes were lazy, and said: "If this is, it is not enough to show me."

And the Di Road, who just gave the beast to the beast, although the Di Road beast was very powerful in maturity, plus flexible attacks, can match some cumbersome complete body, but to face three times The tricks and four maturity trips are joking at all.

And the move of the heavenly beasts made Di Road beast flashed a shining light, but she went soon.

"Photon Lang, look at what is the digital baby in the , is it full?" Too many immediately shouted.

"Oh, ok!" Yugura immediately took out his laptop, and the fingers quickly touched on the keyboard and searched for the information on the digital baby giving of the senior people in Xuan.

" , , in the dark area, commander countless dark digital baby, one of the seven magic kings, standing on the dark devil king of the nightmare team, the character is cold, self-respect, The trick is a shot and dark cross! "The computer synthesized in the computer.

"Investigate," Too big eyes.

"It can also evolve up in whole body!"

"Hey!" Yu Tianshi is cold and cold. In the face of an enemy that might kills their enemies, there is also a mood to knock on the computer, and I don't know what to know is, and it is stupid.

"Since you are this, then I will attack! The rice!" Yu Tianzhi said coldly, then put four black tube foxes. It is not that heavenly hinter beasts, but because his strength is too strong, the opponent is too weak. If you use death shooting, or if you are dark, no matter how much you converge your strength, power is still Not small, the three permitted three may be supported, but the maturity will not work.

This tricky is a good play of the role of the Elevated Sassard's beast, but it is mainly high than the auxiliary, the attack power is not strong, or it can be used to bind the enemy, which is most used at this time.

Four Dark Persons are easy to shuttle in seven digital babies, even if it is just rubbing, it is enough to returning them back to growth.

Yu Tianshi looked at them coldly, said: "You are so weak, weak, I have no intestment, I haven't seen you, next time, the children who are called ... If ... you still If you can live to the next time ... "Heaven the hell beasts turned around, leaving them a backing back, and did not forget the Di Road beast on the ground.

"Walk ... Kitten ..."

Chapter 203 - Night attack!

"Walk ... Kitten ..."

A small kitten in the hell beasts, let the Di Road, the mood, the good mood of the protection of the hell beasts, and the darkness of the kittens, and the overwinked land said: "I said Don't call me kitten! "

Yu Tianzhi is not back, smashing, directly spitting: "You said, but I didn't promise you."

"Amount ..." Di Road beast stunned, the brain did not respond for a long time.

Yu Tianshi is also in the reason, Di Road beast said, it is her business, Yu Tianshi is not promised, although there is a little lack of gentleman's demeanor, but the heavenly martyrdom will never manage the kind of thing, anyway, he Not a good person, the gentleman's style can't be a meal. Is there a big beautiful woman with a big girl, but also a gentleman's style, make it like Liu Xixiao in a mess? The heaven and her beasts simply cut their own second brothers and went to practice the sunflower book.

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