Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 233

Every festive in the heavenly martyrower can destroy some of the body's body, but the regeneration capacity of the mimics will be recovered soon.

The hell of the hell is constantly suppressed by the imiture, so that he continues to regenerate, so that he can't condense the strength to counterattack, and the heavenly beasts of the heavens are also at this time, and condense their strength.

A trick, winning!

Chapter 320 - Digital End!

Yu Tianzhi Hello Beast is more high than the frequency of machine guns, and the imitarates do not have any opportunities for the power. The power that has just gathered will dissipate the heavy hit of the heaven and her beast, and the hell beast is also There is no trick, the power source is constantly gathering to his limbs.

Soon, the hell beasts that he had gathered in the world, and the fist is immediately turned, and a heavy boxing is printed on the mimic under the imitator.

boom! ! !

The imitaver can't respond to the powerful offensive of the , flying over the sky.

The wings of the four devils of Yu Tianshi, with the twelve wings of the Six-winged beast, and immediately catch up with the imitator, and the hands condensed the dark energy of the destructive power, all toward the imitator. I have played the past.

"Lost Paradise !!!"

The hell be bearing a roaring, and the fist attacked the body of the imitation person with a super high frequency. If it was in battle, the best trick is natural or the lost park of six-winged beast.

Everything in Hello Beast is with extremely powerful destructive power. Even if the mimic body has a good body toughness, it is impossible to completely absorb the dark power on the hell of the hell, the body of the most powerful strength of the emperor. Being a thousand holes by Yuhe Lite.

The speed of punk in the hell beast is close to the speed, even the space around the hell beasts and the mimicers, but also become a vacuum status because of the super fast boxing of the heavenly martyth.

The heavenly beasts played countless times with the fastest speed, and the body of the mimics was scared, even the hard substance of the suspected bones was also smashed.

"Look at the box !!!" The hell beasts roared, and the right hand put on the Huanglong mine gloves, and the blatable boxing was on the face of the mimics.


The mimicer's weight is heavy, and the whole body is hit in half air.


The hell beast lifted the right legs high, then the whole legs took his powerful dark power and the weight of the Huanglong Mine, and went to the waist of the imitator.


He is unable to control his body's martial arts, and the imitation of his body is quickly dropped.

The attack of the hell beast is not only one thing. It quickly flew to the mimicers, and the hands became the steel plus, according to the imitator's abdomen, I said in indifferent: "Double Garuu gun! !! "

Strong frozen from two steel Garuu, rapidly freezing the mutters in the whole body into a huge ice.

After the hell beasts, he withdrew by: "Time!"

Flying out of the octaves of the hell of the heaven, the eight shovel flew to seal the imitator's ice.

Eight-piece foxes surround the entire ice, a tube fox bite the tail of another tube fox, and the eight-hunting fox has formed a rugged dark lock, which fully seals the imitors.

Yu Tianshi's beast took out his own indigenous guns, gathered in the dark power in the body, all shouted to Yang Electronic gun, quickly draw a perfect seven mang's magic array, and no need to re-accumulate, energy column Into the magic array.

"True, turbid, strike !!!"

Yu Tianzhi's beast once again used his strongest energy attack, and huge energy column gathered in the control of Hello Been, and flew towards the imitator.

True, turbidity, strikes the body of the imitator, the heat of the hot energy burns the mimics, the most powerful part of the emperor is finally dead in the hands of the hell of the hell, no regeneration.

Without the mimics of the mimics, those who have not disappeared directly, but the strength is greatly reduced, soon, they will be cleaned by the great sin of the hell beasts.

Yu Tianzhi hit a big crime, flying toward the core protective layer of the caregiver.

When the heaven and her beasts were close to the core protective layer, the original calm emperor's red bubble suddenly aging, all flocked to the hell beasts of the heaven.

The dark power broke out on Hello Beast, directly ignored the soul of the modious red bubble, and smash the core protective layer, and kill the inside and the Chuan Ji Fu.

At the same time, I lost the core of the core and the initial research object, I riped it, and the soul of the world around the world is like boiling, rolling powerful power.

The heaven and her beeter are in half of the air. It is not afraid to look at the emperor who has lost control, and the roar: "Come on !! All come !!!!"

In the next moment, Yu Tiandi Hello washed into the red bubble of the emperor ...


Seven years later ...

Distance to the emperor's turmoil has been in the past seven years, and it has also entered a longer period of peace during the heavy real world and digital baby time, and there will be a big war in three hundred years.

In the real world, it will not deserve it, the digital baby world, under the boring of the hell of the hell, Asta beast has become the manager of the digital baby world, the strength and leader temperament of Asta beast is sufficient to conquer most of the Digital baby, as for the small part, after the arrogance of the Asta Beast, the heavenly martyrdom represents the absolute strength, and I don't dare to have any objection to the words of Asta.

And the hell beast, seven years ago, after the emperor lost the control, although the power was strong, but it was more likely to be dealtled, the heavenly martyth beast was swept away from the wind, and destroyed all the emperors, and later entered The core of the digital baby world, the original information of the emperor is also all deleted, and there will never have the emergence of emperor.

After processing these things, Yu Tianzhi bought a villa in all the beautiful places in the real world, and built a lot of palace in the Tiandi Hello Beast, and the heaven and her beasts will look around the world. Look around, create a small person, the days don't know how comfortable comfort.

For example, now ...

A private beach in Sanya, there is a more beautiful woman in the world, and they are only a man, Yu Tianshi Hello.

The hell beast is lazy to lying on a beach chair, and the eyes look at the ten-tailed mermaid who wanders in the sea through the sunglasses. They can all belong to his private object.

The hell beast is very small. How can his woman will allow outsiders? The whole sea area has been junior by him, and the outside people will not come, and even the hell beasts are also invested in the satellite of all countries, so that satellites cannot be Photographed here.

"Out of the hell beast, hurry to play!" Standing in the sea in the sea, smashing the lotus root from the hell beast.

In the seven years, Jiaer has already greeted a big beauty from the original small loli, and she didn't mind the enthusiasm of the hell, and her has already belong to this man.

The heaven and her beeter stood up, picking down the sunglasses on his face, flew over the sea.

"Wife! I am coming !!"

Digital Baby World is complete, the next chapter enters Naruto

Chapter 321 - Beginning! Water country! !

The gray mist shrouded this village, this country, this land, the four seasons were covered by a strong mist, even if it was in the summer, the sun was most fierce, the dense fog here would not dissipate.

Concentrate brings a cold breath to this country, which seems to be like this, cold, ruthless, indifferent. The bloody bloody taste is fluttering, it seems to be because of endless killing, so that the fog here has the taste of blood, so it is also called - blood mist.

Water country fog hidden village, one of the five rivals in the past, five major mysterious one in five rivals. The country of water floats in the outside sea, and has a single-tempered island country.

The country has been in the country, and the bloody policy has never established it with any country, it has been closed, and the civil war is constantly being slaughtered, and the extinguishment is allowed. National fog hidden village has the title of blood mist.

The country of Water is far from the mainland, plus the barrier of the sea, so the end of the past, the country's fog hidden villages are rarely participated, even if there is a very small elite troops, once in danger, they will return to life. The country of water, there is a natural barrier in the sea. In the session of the endurance battle, the damage of the Water is the smallest, if it is not the massacre in the eyes of the civil war, the country of the water is probably the strongest in the five major countries. Big one.

Although the previous three endurance battles ended by the Victory of the Wood, the leaves were also known as the first tolerance of the endurance, but after all, the leaves were just a village, although the wooden leaves were still resources or talents. It is much better than the harsh village of other environment, but the leaves have been decayed.

I have experienced three endurance batts, especially the third time, known as the most tragic tolerance in history, although the wooden leaves have achieved victory with an enemy four, but the wooden leaves have also been hit hard, and the wooden leaves are all colored. The murderer, the unbearable god leaf white teeth suicide, the three endure of the big snake pills, and they also left the wooden leaves with thousands of hand.

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