Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 744

"Old people are not dead, this ghost is gave you!" Judi lost Coan to Black, and immediately sat on the seven nights.

"I am actually less than 50 years old." Black once again was helplessly explained, but Judi did not say hello, Black can only looked at the Conan around him, said: "Get a car, the new Koi. "


"What do you want to take?" Judi sat on the car.

"Sniper rifle." Seven Nights speechlessly in a glance, "Otherwise, what can I still have something."

"Do you want anti-sniper wine?" Judi looked at the seven nights and said: "Do you know their next sniper?"

Anti-sniper is more difficult, first arrived, the sniper will have the opportunity to seize the land, which is a height, and then it is recommended. If you can't know the other's sniper location, you want anti-sniper is very difficult, not to mention There is also a master of the enemy in the enemy.

"I don't know." The seven nights said, but the face is with a smile, said: "However, there is a place I will definitely go."


"No. 22, Miramachi 2,."

"that is not……"

"The new home of the new home is next door, which is the home of Dr. Alban." Sixty-night smile and explained.

"Why is the piano wine going there?" Judy unexpectedly, the kind of guy, the kind of wine, never leisurely, I went to find a doctor who was not angry.

"I didn't say it before? That the bug is not taken back, and the piano is found to be late and later. The suspicion of the piano wine is definitely two people, I and the new one, and the new New I have changed now. A child, those weird props, are definitely doing Dr. Ai, who has a doctoral degree in the engineering department. "

"Then why do you sure you will not go to your home?" Judi asked his own doubts and said: "You are also the enemy of the piano wine, the piano wine may not go to your home attack."

"That's right, but kill me and kill the new one and the arrogant doctor, which is more likely?" I looked at Judi, and said: "Three people, plus the task, for the three people I am not enough, and the piano wine also knows this. If he kills me is an impossible task, I definitely fail, he doesn't have to do this confused thing. And kill the new Kiyin a pirate, no loss, After all, he is also a person who knows the secret of the secret, and the piano wine will do it soon. "

Judi wrinkled, find that he really did not come to refute the seven nights, and only kept silence.

I have rushed back to six houses in seven nights, took two black boxes, and immediately got on the bus, rushed to the sniper location.

I chose a twenty-seven-story high building for seventen, which is the highest building in Michara-cho, on the roof of the building, two-night sniper, RT-20 and TAC-50.

"Do you want to snipe here?" Judi shocked the seven nights, not to believe in seven nights, but this distance is too far, let her not believe.

From the home of Dr. Ai, the straight line is more than 2500 yards. If you do international units, it is about 2.3 kilometers. This is still a straight distance. In fact, the sniper bomb is impossible to fly, gravity, wind, The influence of rain, the sniper bomb must be a curve, and the farther the distance is, the greater the distance, the longer the distance of the sniper flying will also be.

From here, the bullet flight distance will exceed 2.5 kilometers, what monsters are.

"Of course, this can be the highest building in Michara-cho. It is basically not worried that it will be anti-sniper." Indeed, from the next sniper, because there is a wall barrier, so difficult will be big many.

"Is this not a focus ?!" Judie called out, "There are more than 2,000 cars from Dr. A., can you hit the distance?"

"Of course, you can." On the seven-night face revealed the confident smile, then patted the two sniper sniper, "there are two bars."

RT-20 and TAC-50 are ultra-distant sniper rifles, and RT-20 is generally used to destroy aircraft on enemy military apron, hoven helicopters, light armored vehicles, communication vehicles, oil tanks, radar, monitoring systems As well as the bunker, airport facilities, powerful, and the maximum effective range of RT-20 in 1800 meters.

The maximum effective range is 1800 meters, but it is not a target that the bullet is less than 1800 meters. It is just more than 1800 meters. The power of the bullet will weaken because of air resistance, the stability of the sniper will start uncontrolled, and the seven nights will not use it. Is RT-20 hit the target other than 2.3 km?

TAC-50, in the real world, but created the farthest sniper record, the current record is 2475 meters, of course, killing instead of a header.

2475 meters, after the thread sniper, after the acceleration of this distance, even the armored car can play a pair of wear, don't say it is a head, even if it is hitting the stomach, there is no harm to hit anything, the horror impact can make you Separate up and down, broken into two.

"Dear piano wine, hurry up, I can't wait." The eyes of seven nights passed the electronic sight, looked at Dr. Alban, and smiled coldly.


"Before and after 16 o'clock," the piano wine is cool, "DJ's car will pass the bridge, there is a hidden location. This time, Ki'an and Cohen are covered."

"What, cover ?!" Kasi is very uncomfortable, her half of the mad woman, I really want a shot of DJ's head.

"I want to snipe." Cohen also said his will.

"Well, don't say this." Rum smiled a few times, said: "The guy's car is a special projectile car, which is not as good as in the park, even your bullets have done a bullet-energized glass. Will be absorb most of the impact, plus the two bodyguards on his left one right, you can't play him. "

"So, what do you do?" Ki'an is unhappy, as a sniper actually can't shoot, "Do you want to take off your clothes on the bridge, ask DJ to let us take us free of charge ?!"

"Hey, we have a good plan." Along with a motorcycle brakes.

"Hey, Kil, what is your plan? Do you have yourself standing in front of his car? That may be successful."

"Your plan is not suitable for me." Kil, that is, there is no pity, "" When I drove to his car, I would pretend to get an accident, and then lure him get off, and his two bodyguards I want to call you and Cohen. "

The Bo Botry sitting in the car opened the door and said: "After that, I will come from behind, then kill him!"

"But the guy is so easy to get off the bus? And, Kil, you are a host, show your face in the street?"

"Hehehe ... I will expose it, but this face." Kil opened the windshield of the helmet.

"Oh, it is the Poison Town of the mud." It seems that the Makeup technology of Boben has progress. "

"I am still far away." Bo Buben squatted on the car of the piano wine, helplessly said: "This person's skin mask is ready, I can justify a little blood, to say makeup technology It is also the strongest Bell Mad, hey, why she wants to betray the organization at this time, I have to come back. "

"Okay, start preparing."

"Which bridge is the siry, the sniper location?"

"Vain B!"

"Vain B?" Conan heard the new location code, frown, said: "They said this, now there is only the engine's voice."

"Vain B, this is where, if you don't know the location, you can't stop their assassination." Black sighed, said: "If it is not FBI, there is no way to open in Japan, otherwise you can ask directly Mr LEE's route, if you can't solve Vain B, you can't reverse this disadvantage. "

"Wind direction?" Black's sentence made the bulb in the Corinant's brain, "Yes! I understand, Vain B refers to the place!"

"What, do you know ?!"

"Well!" Conan nodded, revealing confident look, said: "Vain can write into VANE, which is a wind direction or fan, can also understand the meaning of the arrow, plus the direction of their driving, only One, that is the Birds Bridge !! "

Chapter 727 - Trading!

"I have no problem, how are you, Cohen ?!"

"It is very clear."

"Well, everyone is a good molecule." Boben said a little helplessly, "Qin wine, I also reached the place."

"Very good, now Zi ... As long as I wait ... Kil is ok." Rum smiled excitedly with the mobile phone.

"Hey, Rum, what is going on there, have noise from just now."

"Noise?" Rum asked a question, said: "We have not been in the basement now, how can there no noise?"

"Noise?" As a suspected sensitive piano wine, astonished on the face.

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