100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 260: Wakanda

The lion's head was stroked by Ivan's hand! It's terrifying!

At this time, the group of lionesses also gathered around. What happened?

A lioness is pulling a struggling wildebeest with her mouth! Seeing this scene, I also loosened my mouth from the neck of the wildebeest!

Lion face is stunned!

The king of his own family was taken over by humans?

The male lion was lying on the ground, his body shrunk into a ball, shivering!

Ivan looks gentle and friendly! Feel the touch the lion head brings to the palm of your hand! Comfortable~!

This lion... is so cute!

The lion has been unable to lift its head, it has not dared to look up! It noticed the gazes of many lionesses...

Those eyes are full of surprise! There is a trace of disgust in that surprise!

Ivan licked the lion for a minute, it was cool enough! Then he took out half of the sausage from the space gem and placed it in front of the lion.

"Well, don't prostitute for nothing~!"

After speaking, Ivan soared into the sky!

Ultron has been watching Ivan's deceptive behavior in mid-air. It doesn't understand why humans like to touch animals!

Ivan or others! It seems that people of any age group! Both love petting other animals!

"Ultron, I have sensed the location of Wakanda." Ivan smiled lightly.

In the process of masturbating the lion, Ivan's spiritual vision perception has been continuously expanding.

In order to hide themselves as a poor and backward agricultural country earlier, Wakanda used vibration gold to make the country extremely technologically advanced, and they relied on technology to generate a transparent protective shield over the entire country to hide.

Wakanda has always been an isolated place, even though most countries know of its existence but never find its true location.

And Ivan is not most countries.

In the next second, Ivan wrapped Ultron and the small piece of fruit field with psychic energy, rushing towards Wakanda like a meteor burst!


Outskirts of Wakanda.

This is superficially the same as the surrounding environment.

But Ivan, who was standing here, clearly saw the protective shield in front of him under his spiritual vision.

Immediately stretched out his hand, covered his knuckles with spiritual energy, and tapped three times gently and politely!

clang clang...

I saw Wakanda's light blue protective cover showing a wave of energy spreading in waves under Ivan's knock!

It was like a pebble was thrown on a calm water surface, setting off a circle of ripples!

The ripples... spread all over Wakanda's shield!

Obviously, this acts as the equivalent of 'ringing the doorbell'.

Not long after, a voice appeared inside the protective cover!

Ivan hasn't opened the perspective yet, didn't see inside, just heard a female voice ask inside.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

At this time, Ivan's fruit tree was still suspended in the sky, and was not pulled down by Ivan. It was invisible, but Ultron came down with Ivan.

So the female voice asked 'you', not 'you'.

At this moment, Ultron, seeing that Wakanda has a super high defense cover technology, has to believe what Ivan said!

It looks like Wakanda might...have a lot of vibranium!

Without waiting for Ivan to reply, Ultron spoke first: "We want to get some cheer from you Wakanda..."

Before he finished speaking, Ultron was banned by Ivan.

"We're here to visit Wakanda."

Ivan smiled faintly: "There is a deal, I must do it."

When he said the second half of the sentence, although Ivan was smiling, his voice gave people a feeling of great 'determination'!

The woman inside even feels it! This "determination" is irreversible!

But the strange thing is that she couldn't tell why she felt this way. What appeared in front of Wakanda seemed to be just an ordinary human, plus a tall robot!

"Are you using technology to infiltrate our shields? Are you trying to crack us?" the female voice asked.

"No, I just tapped lightly with my fingers." Ivan said frankly.

"Don't think you're funny, it's not funny at all, you haven't said who you are!"

Ivan smiled, immediately turned on his spiritual vision, and saw a black woman in full armor and a small aircraft behind the black woman.

He also saw a row of black women standing next to the small aircraft! Each holding a vibranium spear!

They looked at Ivan in amazement, and obviously, they felt Ivan's gaze!

He... can he see?

Does his eyeball contain technology?

Everyone kept guessing, and Ivan introduced himself.

"Ivan Jones, fruit tycoon, as I mentioned before, I have an imperative deal, so obviously I'm a businessman."

Ivan smiled: "At least I'm here this time, and I'm just playing the role of a businessman."

"What do you want to trade?" the black woman asked cautiously.

"Let me speak to your king, the decision rests with him."

"I'm sorry." The black woman said rudely, "I'm afraid there isn't what you want here."

"I'm pretty sure there is, just let me talk to your king."

"Sorry." The black woman said rudely again, "I'm afraid we can't let you in."

As soon as these words came out, the banned Ultron took a step forward, raised his iron fist and smashed on the shield!

It can be seen that it is on fire!

Ivan quickly stopped Ultron: "Don't be so rude! Remember my guidelines~www.readwn.com~ Be civilized! Be elegant!"

After speaking, Ivan turned around, stretched out one finger, and gently pressed his two thumbs on the protective cover...

The next second... the sky suddenly turned purple! Even the clouds have changed color!

At this moment, although the black women did not look up to see the change in the sky, they all had a bad premonition in their hearts!

They see! The protective shield that enveloped and guarded the entire Wakanda gradually produced tiny cracks!

The next moment!


That country's shield burst and shattered! Hundreds of millions of crystal blue fragments collapsed into the air like flying butterflies!

"Where are you going, where are you coming from?"

Ivan smiled faintly.

"Now, there are no boundaries between us."

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