100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 284: Core Program (below)

"You crow's mouth!" said Tony Stark, who was sitting in the back.

"What now? We..."

"Natasha, don't panic!" Fury said solemnly, "It is very likely to attack us, you have to do your best to avoid it and keep moving!"

As Fury was talking, he saw a thick turquoise tentacle extending straight towards the aircraft infinitely!

System emergency reminder on Friday.

'It is detected that the object is approaching at a high speed, and once the contact forms a collision, the consequences are unimaginable. ’


The entire aircraft vibrated violently, and at that moment, even with Natasha's agent qualities, her heart trembled!

Such a blow, everyone can imagine what the consequences will be.


After the shock, everyone opened their eyes to see...

It's all right! The aircraft is still moving towards the ** planet!

"Stark, what material and technology do you use for this spacecraft!"

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, the fog knight could not help but exclaim: "This... this can be endured!"

Stark took off his head armor with a bewildered expression, thinking to himself, did the system damage calculation on Friday make a mistake?

No... No, even if there is no system, seeing the impact at that speed... should knock down this aircraft...

What's going on?

Ivan, who was sitting in the back of the cabin, had blue pupils, his face was expressionless and a little helpless.

This Fury's Roush sub-project! It is clearly to send a hero to death with a vote!

If it wasn't for that moment, Ivan blinked and wrapped a protective cover on the outer shell of the aircraft, and the people in this spaceship would have been 'grouped out'.

Then this Freike really clarifies what it means to die before you get out of the teacher! Before reaching the target surface, people will be gone!

This unreliable Fury!

Immediately, Ivan's previous 'admiration' for Fury, the king of agents, dropped by half.

But he still had hope, thinking...

I will secure this aircraft to the surface of the ** planet, and then you can play well, don't lose the face of the king of earth agents! Simply put...

Don't let me down!

Fury couldn't understand why the aircraft was fine at this time, and he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered.

"Accelerate and approach it as fast as you can."

Nick Fury knew that he could not retreat at this time, because it was too late to retreat, so he could only fight for his life.

He only hopes that the next time the enemy attacks, his own spaceship will be able to damage the metaphysics again!

"Frey, why didn't Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes come this time? Is he free?" Captain America asked at this time.

He knows 'War Machine Rhodes' and is a reliable teammate.

"Oh, when he was parachuting out of the last military exercise... he thought he had superpowers, and something happened."

"In the hospital," Fury explained.


The tentacle strikes the fuselage again! Once again unscathed!


More shocking than all the heroes is the ** planet Egg itself!

What's happening here!

As for the tentacles that he extended, he was surrounded by his own divine power, and he knew what kind of power it had.

The previous Lion God was an example.

The Lion God, whose belief has skyrocketed and his strength has skyrocketed several times, was instantly killed by a tentacle on the ** planet. Egg's extension tentacle undoubtedly possesses the power of a supermodel!

Such a force... can't knock down an aircraft?

What kind of terrifying realm has the earth's technology reached?

"I can't imagine it."

Egg used his ancient divine power to look at it intently, and he saw that flying towards it, the tiny aircraft...was wrapped in a light blue protective shell!

Energy shield? Earth's energy shield can already withstand my tentacle attack?

"It's not good. The speed of technological development on this planet has far exceeded my expectations. If this continues, over time, it may develop into what it will look like... It may even threaten my plans."

"It's better now... just kill it!"

"Using all my energy! No problem leveling the surface of this planet, destroying this civilization in a moment... Let it start from scratch!"

But why are they approaching me?

Approach me, can you change anything?

Could the ants get close to me and hurt me? It wants to land on my body?


At this moment, the spacecraft successfully landed on the surface of the ** planet after experiencing several tentacle strikes.

Nick Fury, has also allocated a plan in the process.

Egg is generally a planetary state plus incarnation, and condensing the planetary body into a human form. This is a high-end operation that can only be performed once a week.

And the avatars can be turned into four in total, and each avatar has powerful strength. In addition, Egg's body surface can also summon tentacles for fine attacks.

Except for Ant-Man's mission, which is to go to the center of the planet to destroy the 'core', the mission of the others is to hold back the four incarnations of Egg when necessary.

"I think this plan is too bold."

Ant-Man said, "What if the temperature in the center of the earth is very high? Will I die of heat in it?"

The sand man sneered: "I, who performed the same task as you, did not complain at all."

"Don't think I didn't read your profile."

Ant-Man pointed his head to the sand: "You can withstand the high temperature of 3400 degrees Celsius! You have nothing to fear!"

"According to the information the Skrulls gave me."

Nick Fury said solemnly: "Its core is not very hot, so it can be executed with confidence."

"Are you sure the information given by the Skrulls is correct?" Ant-Man asked with a frown.



Ivan spoke at this time, and he smiled faintly: "Where did the Skrulls get the information?"

Nick Fury glanced at Ivan, thinking that he would land immediately, and he landed on the land of the ** planet! Everyone is very nervous at this time, only this fruit seller is still smiling!

This daring... actually has the stance of surpassing me!

Nick Fury thought so with a big face and said.

"It's not a secret. According to the Skrulls, it was learned from the mouth of the 'Observer's frog figure."

He answered without stopping, took out a few maps, and operated the aircraft to open the hatch.

Then, all the avengers, superheroes, set foot on the ** planet one after another!

"Will the ground suddenly burst out tentacles to attack us at this time?"

Ant-Man is a talker, and as soon as his feet hit the ground, he asks questions.

And Fury replied while handing a map to the sandman.

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ So we have to be on guard at all times. The surface of the planet we are currently on is a blind spot of the ** planet's line of sight, which is equivalent to standing on a person's face, and that person's eyes can't be seen. Seeing things on the face."

Fury answered in an easy-to-understand way: "And its face is too thick, and we stand on it and it can't perceive us, but the four incarnations it divides have 'extra vision', and the incarnation can see us, so we must not be discovered by its incarnation...

Once found, we must hold off the avatar and buy time for Ant-Man and Sand-Man! "

When Fury was talking, Hawkeye had taken out two boxes of black technology bombs from the storage box of the aircraft and handed them to Ant-Man and Sandman.

At this time Natasha looked at Ivan, and she smiled friendly.

"Mr. Jones, are you... not afraid at all?"

Ivan smiled.

"Of course I'm scared, but with you guys protecting me, I feel at ease!"


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