100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 358: Collect Infinity Stones (Part 2)

The blue light flowed on Ivan's body, and soon disappeared like water.

Gu Yi smiled when she saw Ivan coming, and it could be seen that she was really happy.

In fact, in the ancient eyes, Ivan is the closest person to her, because in the long years, she has already lost everything.

"Mr. Jones."

Stephen immediately stood up straight, turned to face Ivan, and his face was a little excited.

"I heard that you sealed Dormammu, Lord of Darkness, is this true?"

"Almost." Ivan smiled faintly.

He didn't mention the fact that Stephen ran away temporarily. After all, there were such explosions and strange scenes inside at that time, and it was abnormal not to run.

Mordo said sarcastically: "Stephen, you just escaped."

"No, I told about it when I came back, and I had nothing to do." Stephen said, "I couldn't find Master Ancient One at that time. She seemed to be receiving blessings in a certain dimension."

"Okay, let's get this out of the way. I'm here to show you something."

Ivan snapped his fingers, and the moment he snapped his fingers, the pocket watch on his neck flashed red.

Suddenly, a virtual projection appeared in the sight of several people, and seven projection gems were suspended in the projection.

"Mage Gu Yi, have you heard the story of the seven gems summoning the Nemesis?" Ivan said calmly.

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head: "No, what kind of story is that?"

"It's probably a good story."

Ivan smiled faintly: "There are six infinity gems and one ego gem in the universe. Now I have collected five infinity gems, one self, and now there is only one time gem left, and I can summon the oldest **** for revenge. Goddess, although we don't know what Nemesis can do, we should know in advance."

Gu nodded slightly: "So you want the Eye of Agamotto in my arms."

When Mordo heard this, he showed white teeth to Ivan.

"Sorry Mr. Jones, you may think the Eye of Agamotto is a toy, but it has a terrible power you can't imagine, it can't be used, and it's impossible to give you this kind of danger..."

"I agree." Gu Yi's words interrupted Moro's speech.

"What?" Moro looked bewildered and tilted his head to look at Gu Yi, "If he wants, we will give it? Just because of something we don't know? You are going to give him a dangerous item that none of us can use. ?"

Moro's perspective is different from everyone else's. He still doesn't know that Gu Yi often uses the time gem to observe the future. Now he only knows that the time gem cannot be used, and the power of time will break the balance.

On the other hand, Stephen Strange and Ivan were different. Gu told them all about using the Time Stone by himself.

Stephen's concept is that looking at the future is nothing, it's just a little thing.

And in Ivan's eyes... Ivan didn't use the time gem to see the future at all.

"I won't ask for the time gem." Ivan laughed. "I just borrowed it. I'll summon Nemesis to take a look, and then the gem will be returned."

"Mr. Jones, are you sure that this goddess of nemesis will not have any impact on the world?"

This was asked by Stephen, but Gu Yi didn't ask.

Gu Yi always believed in Ivan's choice.

"I don't think so." Ivan said with a smile, "According to the Soul Stone, when Nemesis was alive a long time ago, she was tired of this world, and then she did not choose to destroy the world, but self-destruction, This shows that she is a **** whose 'sacrifice' is greater than 'self', and is a good god, if she is summoned, maybe she can make a wish!"

In fact, what Ivan said, Stephen could not fully understand.

Because Ivan thinks that the goddess of nemesis can make a wish, it is entirely because he watched the animation "Dragon Ball" when he was a child.

In Dragon Ball, Sun Wukong can make a wish by gathering the Dragon Balls and summoning the Dragon.

And combine it with yourself...

Collecting all Infinity Gems and Self Gems... Summoning the Nemesis... This series of scenarios is similar, which makes Ivan subconsciously form a 'feeling' that he can make a wish by summoning the Nemesis.

"In any case, I will not let the Eye of Agamotto fall into the hands of outsiders!" Mordo raised his voice and looked directly at Ivan!

Ivan looked back: "So you plan to stop me?"

"Yes... yes." Mordo's eyes were firm.

"So, are you going to do something to me?" Ivan smiled.

"Yes...Yes...Yes." Moro's throat moved, obviously swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Then let's do it, I won't be merciful either." Ivan remained motionless and stretched out one hand to signal 'please'.

"I mean... Stephen and I will both shoot at you." Mordo glanced at Stephen.

"No, I won't, only you will." Stephen said.

"I mean... um..."

"Why haven't you shot, aren't you going to hit me?" Ivan laughed.

"Master Gu Yi." Mo Du turned his head to Gu Yi who was sitting on the ground drinking tea, "He is so arrogant, do you care?"

"It was you who wanted to stop him~www.readwn.com~ Gu Yi sipped his tea and said.

"Yeah, yeah." Stephen raised his eyebrows, "We didn't say stop, you're going to stop it?"

Mo Du coughed lightly: "You guys misunderstood, I mean... I verbally stopped it!"

Stephen smiled: "Oral?"

"If he wants to take the time gem, I will strongly condemn him with my mouth, but as a civilized system, we cannot do it easily."

Mo Du wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Isn't it?"

"Yes, it makes sense."

Ivan smiled and took the time gem handed out by Gu Yi with his mind power, and looked at Mordo: "So I have to take it away? Wouldn't you stop me in action?"

Moro smiled awkwardly and licked his dry lips.

"No, I'm not a barbarian, everything depends on communication."

"But communication can't stop him." Stephen exaggeratedly said, "Ivan is about to leave, don't you use magic to prevent him from taking the time gem? This is not your style, Mordo!"

Mordo's face is as black as the bottom of a pot now.

--why! Why can he take the time gem so arrogantly! And I don't even have the courage to attack him! ! !

-Why is he so strong! I can't do anything like an ant by comparison!

—Ahhh! ! ! I hate myself!

No one could hear the cry in Mordo's heart.

That's it... Ivan collects all the Infinity Stones plus the Ego Gem... and brings them all back to the Deep Blue Dimension!

That's right, Ivan thinks it's safer to summon Nemesis here!

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