100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 544: New Court · Early (7,000 words)

Ivan's eyes were suddenly attracted by the 'golden light' in the distance.

With one thought, he closed the portal in front of him, his body moved with his thoughts, and in the blink of an eye, he flew to the destroyed area of ​​​​the universe.

Then he found out... the golden light was emitted by an 'armor-like' object.

That is armor.

To be precise, it was a pair of golden armor, which was covered with dense text.

It's not some high-level text, Ivan can understand it, and the following text is written on it.

"Those who gain this power will regulate all things in the universe, eliminate chaos and achieve balance, and become life and law."

——It looks amazing!

Such a thought flashed through Ivan's mind.

——In other words, it’s not a coincidence that this thing appeared here, it should be related to the ‘Life Court’, right?

Ivan thought about it, and combined with what the Life Court said before, he estimated that this thing might be the power of balance.

He guessed that the power of balance was not destroyed in the previous psionic torrent as the Life Court said.

But it was hit hard and lost its luster for a short time.

Now, after just such a big time, it has once again radiated its brilliance and was discovered by itself.

Let's take it as a force of balance for now, Ivan thinks so, and is already close to the 'Golden Armor'.

He reached out and stroked the surface of the armor.

It's not a hard texture, on the contrary... that feeling is like touching a mass of substantial light, and it is also like a mass of unknown energy.

But other than that, there seems to be nothing, this 'armor' didn't respond to Ivan's touch.

"Wait back and do some research."

Thinking so, Ivan directly put the 'armor' into the space gem.

Then, a portal returned to Earth.


Earth, sky.

Ivan overlooked the overall situation from here, and found that the battle on the main battlefield had already ceased.

Just like when he flew into space to fight the Court of Life before, Ivan caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye: the men of the Court of Life had been defeated.

He was defeated by the Avengers, by the Jones Hero Association, and by every living elite force on the planet.

These 'men' include the head of chaos, the middleman, and the golden python.

Of course, justice has also paid a certain price. There are many people who were rushed to the underground military hospital.

Among them are the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the mutants of the Hero Association.


Angel, Wanda, Jessica, these three hardly suffered any injuries worth mentioning, and the 'protection work' that Ivan handed over to Qin Grey seems to have played a considerable role.

Now they are temporarily entering a roadside supermarket to eat, and they are hungry because of the war.

Hulk Bruce Banner's "output" was very fierce in this battle, and he was beaten very hard! But fortunately, the Hulk's recovery ability is excellent. After the war, Banner's personality was very good, and it was completely fine, but the underwear that was enlarged and fattened was unfortunately damaged in this war.

He is now looking for a pair of underwear in the store.

Little Cora's soul body was completely uninjured, but Loki had never fought in frontal battles, and he had no scratches, and Lorelei didn't play, so he couldn't say he was injured.

The one who was seriously injured was Janata.

She is too hard. The power transfer device of Swallowing Star is in the experimental stage and is quite imperfect.

With a small body, Janata carries the power of her father swallowing stars, and then to fight with the magnitude of the court of life, it is self-destructive behavior in itself.

What's more, she was directly affected by the "group attack" of the Life Court.


Ivan looked down and listened to the large-scale broadcast in the ground city that "Jones, the strongest hero of the earth, is fighting the alien leader in space." At this time, the voice of the goddess of death sounded in Ivan's heart.

"Ivan, Janata has been sent to Hell Mephisto for treatment by me. You don't have to worry, she is physically strong, and this kind of injury is not a problem in front of demons."

The voice stopped for a moment: "Oh, by the way, I also sent the other one."


Ivan nodded secretly in his heart, the goddess of death was very efficient, and the so-called 'other' should be Qin Ge Lei, who also suffered from the AOE attack from the Life Court.


"Hey, look, is that Mr. Jones?" A disgraced soldier looked up at the sky with joy on his face.

"Jones is still alive, he must have won!"

An officer said excitedly: "Because of Mr. Jones, we can win a big victory!"

Not far from the officer, the minions of the Life Tribunal, the Chaos Head and the Middleman, were bound by mechanical devices.

Those mechanical devices are from 'Stark Technology' and are Tony's masterpiece.

The golden python also collapsed on the street not far away. It was completely incapacitated, and its scales were tattered. It had been devastated by the chaotic power of Wanda and bombarded by many heroes.

The three court minions are dead, but the 'Head of Order' is alone.

Ivan saw that there were many people in the area where Chaos Head was located, including soldiers, officers, military guards looking for the wounded on the battlefield and carrying stretchers, as well as some heroes of the Avengers and the Association.

At the moment, he landed directly to the position of Chaos Head.

Before he could ask questions, a large group of people shouted and surrounded Ivan as soon as they saw Ivan!

"Hey, big hero, I already knew that you would definitely win!"

It was Rhodes, the 'War Machine' who spoke: "It's hard work!"

"What's the situation now? Ivan?" Nick Fury got off a Quin transporter and ran towards Ivan quickly.

"Ivan, that alien leader..."

All of a sudden, everyone had something to ask.

"It's over." Ivan's answer was concise and clear.

"Jones...this is you...save us all again." Captain America limped over.

"No." Ivan said sternly, "It's all of us guarding the 'home' together, not me alone."

"Hey, that's too modest!" Colonel Rhodes laughed.

"Speaking of which, why do aliens always attack our earth?"

"Anyway, it is everyone's luck that the earth has you." Falcon said with emotion.

For a while, everyone began to praise and praise Ivan.

People who didn't speak up, like Magneto and others, also knew that if Ivan hadn't come in time to bear all the pressure of the hostile ultimate BOSS life court for the earth, then the earth would have disappeared.

At this time, Magneto suddenly thought...

——We mutants took great pains from our universe...to come to this so-called 'main universe'...is it really worth it?

——For ethnic development, is this really correct?

——It's not only more dangerous here...

——If it is said that the second inner universe is just a racial struggle, just some civil wars...

——Then this side simply kills the ball at every turn!

——How long have I been here? There are 'aliens' who want to destroy the earth?

——No wonder there is little superpower discrimination here. It turns out that there is too much pressure from the outside world.

——If the earth is not protected by superpowers, it will be destroyed by aliens. With aliens as pressure, the vast majority of ordinary people on earth have a good opinion of heroes. This may be the so-called supply-demand relationship.

Magneto sighed, in order not to be discriminated against, did I choose a greater risk for mutants?


Ivan chatted with everyone for a while, and then asked the head of order where he had gone and whether he had been captured.

"Head of Order? That big golden head?"

Everyone discussed a few words and said they didn't notice it.

"We also saw earlier that the group of Miss Jones and the others were fighting with it."

"Later it fled in a hurry, and we were forced to pursue it under the pressure of other battles."

"Let's talk about business! How to deal with these?" Tony Stark has been debugging something over there, and he will come to ask everyone.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} He asked what to do with the three 'court minions', he didn't know about it, he said he was asking everyone, but his caramel-colored big The person watching was Ivan.

Everyone also turned their attention to Ivan faintly, as if Ivan became the backbone at this time.

After all, if it was a normal monster, how would they choose to deal with it.

But through a brief understanding of various aspects, they know that this is not a simple alien, and it may involve the whole universe!

This is indeed the case. The three court minions, except for the golden python, are all gods and monsters bound to the main law of the universe.

Ivan glanced at it and said flatly, "These three guys, it's fine for me to take care of them all."

Great! Nick Fury said so in his heart!

How dangerous is this thing? Everyone knows it!

Put them in jail? Even if the alloy is added to a thickness of 100 layers, I am afraid it will not be able to close!

You must know that winning these three high-level monsters does not depend on the unity of human beings at all!

It is entirely dependent on the few perverted powerhouses on the earth, the core heroes Wanda, Qin Grey and the like!

Human weapons don't work at all! If these monsters want to kill ordinary people, it is simply a matter of thinking! Dangerous!

So although Nick Fury wanted to study these three "gods and monsters", but he was powerless, he didn't dare.

Which scientist would dare to study this thing? What if 'One Rampage' took over the Aegis base?

When Ivan Jones is not here, how many people will die?

Unless Ivan Ken acts as a bodyguard for S.H.I.E.L.D., supervising and protecting them for research 24 hours a day.

But Nick Fury glanced at Ivan...at the man who was hanging in front of him...

Then he felt that his idea was like a daydream, how could this be possible!

If it is an ordinary scientific talent, or an ordinary superpower, you can use both favor and power on your own side, and try to dig up to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this one in front of me! Really can only think about it in my heart!

Under the hands of Ivan Jones, the newly established Hero Association alone has more superpowers than the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. plus the Avengers!

In terms of organization, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s combat power scale is likely to be 'completely exploded'.

Speaking of which, both the government and Aegis initially launched an investigation into the Hero Association.

Although the Hero Association claims to take money to do things, as long as you give money, S.H.I.E.L.D. can hire heroes to perform tasks. This is a good thing for S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has some dangerous tasks to perform all over the world. These tasks are generally done by agents, and the efficiency is not high.

And there are countless agents killed and injured in missions every year, and medical care is a huge expense. Adding some money to this medical fee to hire someone else's superpower to perform the mission, wouldn't it be good to be efficient and risk-free?

But having said that, from the perspective of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Hero Association appears to have hundreds of superpowers out of thin air. Isn't it necessary to check the origins of these members?

However, they couldn't find out. The members of the Jones Hero Association were very secretive about their origins, and Ivan didn't tell Nick Fury.

Moreover, Fury found that big data can not be adjusted!

Magneto and his group appeared out of thin air without a nationality, and they did not belong to any country.

Later, Nick Fury heard some rumors that he thought were extremely unreliable, saying that these people were brought over by Ivan Jones from another world.

There are also some rumors that these heroes were created by Ivan plucking a single hair! More than 100 heroes have been transformed!

Hearing that, Nick Fury was dumbfounded.

But no matter what, it doesn't matter. Later, as soon as Ivan came out, the US government gave Magneto and his group 'citizenship', and indirectly recognized this heroic organization for hire.

After that, Nick Fury gradually gave up this energy-consuming and fruitless investigation, thinking about taking the Magneto group as the superhumans that Ivan dug from the alien planet.

He thinks this is the most likely possibility.


"Jones, about the escaped alien, are you sure you can get it back?" Fury asked.

"I didn't stare at it, so if it was hiding, it would take some time to find it."

Ivan answered truthfully. After all, he only marked the Court of Life before the war. In Ivan's eyes, the Head of Order was just an insignificant scoundrel, so he didn't care.

And even the life court, it has to be said that it almost let it run away.

Because the life court found that the mark was found very quickly, and the portal of the court opened very far. According to the standard, if Ivan pursued the life court through normal means, the universe is so big, it is impossible to catch up so quickly. life court.

Previously, the reason why Ivan directly arrived at the Gavan star where the Court of Life was located so quickly was because of the golden portal opened by the court... Ivan caught a glimpse of the scene.

Even if he only saw it for a second, Ivan also followed directly with a portal.

But after all, the scene wasn't detailed enough, and Ivan's door was opened a little off.

"Understood, that golden head, it's like a bomb was buried among us."

Fury said: "Everyone has to beware, we don't know this yet..."

"Don't worry." Ivan smiled slightly, "That head of order, with a very speculative personality, came to trouble me? He wouldn't do such a dangerous thing."

"You mean... it doesn't dare to come?"

"Especially after their leader, the Court of Life, was killed by me."

Ivan said lightly: "So there is no need to be afraid, what should be afraid... it's right."

"That's right!" There was a huge roar from the sky at this time!

The eldest of the gods group, the heaviest, is holding a golden head in his hand and is descending from the sky!

"what is that?"

Everyone was startled, picked up their weapons and aimed at the tall mecha man in the sky!

"It's an alien! Everyone is ready!"

"Stop! Stop!" Ivan waved his hand, "Don't be nervous, this person."

After speaking, the heaviest one threw the golden head down, boom! It smashed a big hole in the street below.

You have to hurry up and hide from others, or you will have to be crushed to death.

"Ivan, this 'Order' that is about to escape, I have captured it for you!"

The heaviest said coldly, "What about the Court of Life? It's time for him to **** strongest power."

"It's over." Ivan said simply: "I killed it."

As soon as these words came out, the heaviest person's face wriggled.

Speaking of which, its face is a fuzzy black shadow, and its wriggling means that its expression is changing.

However, this expression, except for the members of the Tenjin group, is incomprehensible to others.

Now the expression represented by the wriggling of its face is surprise.

——It's too terrifying. In the face of an existence like the Court of Life, I don't even have the courage to take action... Ivan Jones actually...

——Give a guy like that to...

——Ivan Jones...how powerful is he?

——Damn! It's really bad news, since then, no one can check and balance Ivan in the future.

——Am I going to listen to his dictates all the time?

The heaviest looked sad.

——The Court of Life is too unsatisfactory! My future is bleak! I will always be 'under one person'!

"Why didn't he speak?" Everyone began to get nervous. "Mr. Jones, are you sure you understand it?"

"Will it really not attack us?"

When the heaviest person does not speak, the sense of oppression is too strong, not only because of its huge size, but also because of its inherent 'imposing'.

"The heaviest, that..."

Ivan looked at the giant mecha man in the sky: "Why do I feel the emotion of 'disappointment' from you? I already won, shouldn't you be happy?"

——I can't be happy!

The heaviest thought so, and said, "I'm really disappointed because I'm one step late."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} It swallowed its emotions and said coldly: "I hate that I couldn't screw off the head of the Life Court!"

Ivan was stunned: "Oh... so it is..."

"Yes... er... I have to go back."

The heaviest one perfectly suppressed the disappointment!

It turned around... Putting on a 'pain mask' on its face, it slowly left...

"Hey, Ivan...We...meet...again." The Head of Order interjected timidly at this time.

"Yeah." Ivan glanced at the order. "It's just that when we meet again, I see you helping the Court of Life, launching an attack on our earth, and wanting to slaughter all mankind."

This understatement made the Head of Order tense!

He suddenly remembered the tragic death of the two laws of 'love and hate'!

"Then now, it's time for us to settle accounts." Ivan showed a terrifying smile in the eyes of Order!

"Then...that, wait a minute! It's not like that...I...I...I don't want to! I just have to obey..."

"Three seconds."

Ivan interrupted: "Give me a reason not to kill you."

"Four seconds? I can't speak so fast!"

"One." Ivan began to count.

"I... I, I, I!"


"I released the water, and I didn't kill a single one, that is, zero casualties among the heroes of the earth who fought against me!"

The Head of Order spoke this sentence with 'quick speed' in 1 second!

Ivan was stunned for a moment, remembering that Wanda, Jessica Jones, Little Cora and others who had fought with the Head of Order before... were indeed harmless.

Wanda's flesh and blood, facing an opponent of the level of Order, it is very difficult to be harmless.

But she wasn't hurt... What does that mean?

Although I also let the Phoenix girl Qin Ge Lei protect them, but Qin Ge Lei's power is pure destruction and violence, without the slightest 'protection' attribute...

That is to say...

Good guy! It turned out that when the head of order hadn't lost, he left a way out for himself! Just paddling without hurting anyone!

"Okay, good reason."

Ivan looked at the head of the order, and said lightly: "Congratulations, you survived."

As the saying goes, "You vote for me with peach in return." If you, "Head of Order", can avoid hurting my friends when you have the advantage, I will be able to open a door for you.

Even if you do this not because of kindness, but because you want to leave a way out for yourself, it doesn't matter, at least you did it, and as a result, my friends were not hurt, that's enough.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The joy of the head of order comes from the heart! It just got really freaked out!

It was afraid that Ivan would change his words and added hastily: "I will repay you with everything in the future! You will not regret letting me live today! Your great kindness..."

"Alright, alright."

Ivan waved his hand and interrupted with a smile, he was in a good mood!

"The court is dead, so I will give amnesty to the world. Since you and the Head of Chaos are a pair, it will also be spared."


"Wait a minute! Mr. Jones!"

The Black Falcon finally couldn't help but ask: "Listen to what you mean, have you seen these aliens before?"

Ivan nodded, indicating that he had some dealings with the Head of Order when he was traveling in the universe.

"So that's the case, so do you also know about that life court?"

"Life Court, I saw it for the first time today, but I said it's over, it's dead."

"Jones, I'm quite curious about these high-level cosmic creatures." Fury said, "Can you tell me in detail when you have time? You don't need to come to S.H.I.E.L.D., I can go to your house."

"No time." Ivan refused decisively.

"It's paid!"

"Tell me about a cosmic creature, one hundred million dollars."

"never mind..."


"Anyway, order and chaos, you two will be under my control from now on."

Ivan said, waved one hand, and opened a portal to the 'dark blue dimension'.

Immediately, a psychic frenzy erupted, throwing both heads directly into the door.

"Damn it, Stark, have you seen it? That's called Hyun!" Rhodes widened his eyes and patted Tony who was beside him.

"I saw it," Tony said. "But where were they teleported to?"

"It's just the space of other planes." Ivan said lightly, "Beyond the scope of science."

"Okay, what about that one over there?"

Tony said, 'pointing' his hand to the extraordinarily strong golden python bound by a mechanical device a hundred meters away.

"This... This little snake caused a lot of casualties, right?"

Ivan glanced at the golden python, and then at Tony.

Because it was Tony and the army who were fighting this giant python to the death.

"The death toll is high," Tony said.

"I saw with my own eyes that its tail slapped our brothers who were standing closely together into flesh!" a soldier said.

Ivan nodded, indicating that he understood.

I thought to myself that if the scales of this golden python were harder than Zhenjin, I wonder if I could take it off and make several sets of battle armors!

So with a thought, he also introduced the dark blue dimension to it.

"Okay, now it's here."

Ivan looked at the middleman: "What's your background? You have a face, when I went to the Palace of Balance, I never saw you."

The middleman was expressionless and remained silent for 4 seconds.


He suddenly laughed!

"You can't possibly know any of its weaknesses from me."

Ivan was stunned, what do you mean? Said suddenly...

But I saw the middleman smiling evilly: "Stop acting, acting should be enough. You can treat them all as fools, but don't try to get me."


The middleman smiled lightly: "You've been scaring me, haven't you?"

Ivan: "???"

"You said that the Court of Life is dead, is this a lie to me? Hahaha! You want to intimidate me and draw out the weakness of the court from me, right?"

The middleman's smile grew wilder: "How can the Court of Life die? How can it fail? It's invincible! Ha! Ivan Jones! You must have used some sorcery to temporarily trap you out of reach. The Court of Life~www.readwn.com~ and then you came to me, trying to get information from my mouth on how to defeat the Lord of the Court, right?"

Ivan: "..."

The middleman saw that Ivan didn't speak, and was even more proud: "I guessed it right, by the way, I was created by the court, even if you kill me, when the court comes, it will have a way to reshape me, ha Haha! So if you're going to use death as a threat in exchange for information, haha...it's just..."

Ivan silently took out the 'balance power'.

"Do you recognize this?"

"Hahaha, of course I...haha...ha...ha..."

The middleman smiled, as if he realized something, and suddenly stopped laughing.

"Forgive your life, Canglan Creator God! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just talked nonsense!"


The pronunciation is down! The middle man in front of him instantly turned to ashes and dispersed with the wind.


The people present stared blankly at this scene and couldn't help shuddering!

What? A powerful creature of this level... is it gone?

This is simply mind erasure!

Others held their breath subconsciously, hoping that Ivan's ability was a good control ability! Don't accidentally deviate from your abilities... and erase them who are standing on the side!


Ivan silently took the golden light armor back to the space gem.

The middleman's reaction before his death made Ivan almost certain of what he was holding. Perhaps it was the power of balance that could make a person a manager of the universe!

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