1627 Rise of the South China Sea

Chapter 230 Demographics and Land Policy

Chapter 230 Demographics and Land Policy

Will there be xenophobia among the naturalized people under the rule of the time-traveling group?The answer to this question is undoubtedly yes.The aborigines in the Shengli Port area are only a small number of fishermen, at most the Li and Miao mountain people in the inland area. Although these people accounted for the vast majority of the naturalized people in the early days, as time went by, foreign Immigrants are constantly pouring in, and the structure of residents in the Shengli Port area is also constantly changing. The number of locals is gradually weakening, and the migrant population is slowly beginning to become the main body of naturalized people. The main theme of regional population changes.

How much impact this demographic trend will have on the people, the executive committee can't make a hasty conclusion yet, but it is certain that there will be many conflicts between old and new forces in the future - similar incidents occurred as early as a few months ago It has already begun to appear, and the most serious one is the case of fighting in the farm commune.The large-scale armed fight that killed several people was the most serious civil security case so far, and it was caused by the conflict between the old and the new naturalized people.

Although the Executive Committee responded and dealt with the incident very quickly, and because of this, it launched the construction of grassroots civil affairs institutions and gradually began to train naturalized civilian cadres, but everyone knew very well that these institutional measures could not completely eliminate civilized civil affairs. This contradiction.In fact, according to the statistics of the military and police departments, in the existing public security cases, the proportion of the two parties involved in the case is more than [-]% of the naturalized people of different batches. main internal contradictions.

According to the more mature sociological viewpoints of later generations, xenophobia is a manifestation of the inferiority of human nature, and those who hold this concept are often disadvantaged groups in the region. Ignorance, ignorance and prejudice have caused such social phenomena.If the executive committee wants to alleviate or eradicate the various social contradictions caused by it, it must first guide public opinion, and gradually change this social phenomenon by improving the education level of the naturalized people.

But it is easier said than done. The phenomenon of xenophobia is still widespread in the 21st century and it is difficult to eradicate it, let alone the present in the [-]th century.Among the naturalized people currently recruited by the Traveling Group, most of them are poor people, more than [-]% of them have not received formal cultural education, and less than [-]% of them can really read and write.Although this situation has something to do with the ignorant policy adopted by the feudal dynasty for thousands of years, another reason is that most of the early immigrants who went to Victory Port came for their livelihood, and their families could not afford to support scholars.And the current prestige and reputation of the Traveling Group is far from being able to attract talents from all over the world to join them. There are even very few down-and-out literati, and a considerable number of people can even be directly classified as "ignorant". Quality is still at a relatively low level.

On the other hand, when these immigrants came to Shengli Port, they often brought a large group of people with their families, and there were even large clan-based families who moved in as a whole.After these immigrants entered the naturalization system, they often still regard the family clan as the social relationship they depend on, and the most obvious consequence of the existence of this dependency relationship is that they form groups based on the clan as a unit and are separated from the existing civil administration system. In many cases, this has become the source of civil security incidents.

And the next large-scale immigration of North Vietnamese immigrants will bring a new wave of grouping. After these people who have left their homes arrive in a completely unfamiliar new environment, grouping together to protect their own interests is almost an inevitable choice for them.The problem that will arise at that time is not only the xenophobia between old and new immigrants, but I am afraid that new contradictions will arise because of this, such as regional discrimination.

Regional discrimination is nothing new to the Traumatized people. In later generations, this kind of social discrimination caused by regional cultural differences exists between provinces within a country, between cities within a province, and even within a smaller area. Phenomenon.And it will cause trouble for the crossing group, no less than the early immigrant xenophobia.The most troublesome thing for the Executive Committee is that this hurdle cannot be circumvented, and as the number of immigrants continues to increase, this situation may become more and more serious.

After Tao Donglai explained the key points, everyone in the room fell into deep thought.If such a factor of social instability cannot be properly resolved, it will plant a time bomb for the future immigration work, and there may be big troubles at some point.

Qiu Yuan was the first to speak: "Since these problems also exist in future generations, existence is reasonable. If we want to prevent these phenomena, we will definitely not be able to do so. It is better to think of ways to alleviate possible conflicts. .”

Maliko said: "If according to Mr. Tao, tens of thousands of Vietnamese immigrants will move to Sanya in the next year, then the number of Vietnamese naturalized people may reach seven or eight times that of other naturalized people. If the population ratio suddenly increases to such a large size, it is almost impossible to avoid problems.”

Tao Donglai keenly grasped the hidden meaning of Maliko's words: "You mean, the key is to keep the naturalized population structure in Sanya in balance?"

Zhang Guang asked in a daze: "It is said that tens of thousands of Vietnamese are going to move in, and immigrants from other places are coming slowly, so how can we maintain a balanced population structure?"

"Stupid!" Zhao Xiaoruo glared at Zhang Guang bitterly, "To maintain the balance of the population structure in Sanya, just limit the number of Vietnamese immigrants entering this area!"

"What about the extra immigrants?" Zhang Guang still didn't understand what these people were talking about.

"The extra immigrants can be resettled to other places in Hainan Island, and the no-man's land can be developed in the form of colonization." At this time, Tao Donglai has formed a relatively clear idea: "Yinggehai, Shilu, just The population needed for the development and construction of these two places is at least tens of thousands, and now there is a large coastal plain on the west coast of Hainan Island that can be used for large-scale agricultural development. .”

"Vietnamese immigrants assigned to these places to establish settlements can be screened in a planned way, and concentrated in one place as much as possible according to their origin, so that there will be no problems such as xenophobia or regional discrimination in the initial stage of resettlement." Maiko also lost no time ground added.

"As long as the social stability of Sanya's core area is guaranteed, the peripheral colonization and development areas can be used as secondary units to slowly solve practical problems." Qiu Yuan also hurriedly offered suggestions.

Everyone said one sentence to another, and gradually perfected this concept, and seemed to have seen the dawn of solving the problem unconsciously.However, Zhang Guang still poured a basin of cold water on everyone at this time: "The development of the Black Earth Port a few months ago, and now the planning of the Iron Furnace Port has already made everyone up and down very busy. , if tens of thousands of people colonize Hainan Island, it may not be as simple as talking about it!”

One sentence brought everyone back to reality immediately from the state of excitement. Indeed, considering the current comprehensive strength of the Travel Group, it is extremely difficult to achieve large-scale colonization and development on Hainan Island.The consumption of materials to open up a colonization point is too great. If only the number of North Vietnamese immigrants is counted, the number of 2000 people moving in each month in the future will be enough to support a colonization point of the same size as the Black Earth Port. However, it is a pity that crossing The group currently does not have enough capacity to plan and build new settlement points at a rate of one per month.

The colonization point that the Crossing Group intends to build is not a village-style settlement that will survive and die on its own. Instead, it will use the Black Earth Port as a model to establish a comprehensive civil administration organization that will bring local social security under the management of the military, and in the short-term The ability to realize self-hematopoiesis.The material consumption for building this kind of colonization point is not a small amount. Under the current population base and production scale, it is indeed difficult to achieve the goal of continuously establishing colonization points.

Tao Donglai was also speechless for a moment. He really only saw the benefits brought by this plan just now, and temporarily ignored the difficulties that may arise in the process.The executive committee has always dreamed of developing the western region of Hainan Island as soon as possible, but it is indeed difficult to realize it, and it cannot be achieved overnight. Now it seems that this daydream may have to be done for a while.

After temporarily skipping this topic, Tao Donglai turned his attention back to the work of the Yazhou Office, and listened to the work reports of everyone in the Yazhou Office.

It has been more than four months since the establishment of the Cliff Office in May. During the four months, the Cliff Office has transported nearly 2000 immigrants to Shengli Port through various channels, and purchased dozens of tons of various materials. Reached export trade agreements several times and earned a lot of silver for the foreign trade department.

In addition, the various types of intelligence collection and civil affairs and military monitoring work done by the Yazhou Office in Yazhou are also very effective. It is precisely because of the existence of the Yazhou Office that the Executive Committee can focus on its own development. Instead of always guarding against possible military attacks from Yazhou.But after this period of operation, the role that the Cliff Office can play has actually begun to become weaker and weaker. This situation is caused by many reasons.

First of all, the business relationship between the two places has gradually stabilized. As the two agents designated by the Executive Committee, "Furuifeng" and "Anfuhang" will regularly send ships to Shengli Port for trade every month, and cross the group The two commercial firms will do their best to help purchase the materials needed here—anyway, they only need to pass one hand, and they can earn Haihan people's circulation coupons.As a result, the function of the Cliff Office in terms of commerce and trade has gradually weakened. More often than not, it plays a role of collecting accounts, and settles the outstanding payment with the two commercial banks on a regular basis.

Secondly, the strength of the local Ming army in Yazhou has already been clearly felt, and there is no suspense.The shortage of guards stationed there is very serious, and their combat effectiveness is extremely unbearable. In the report, Mu Xiabai and Feng Annan believed that even the militiamen who had only received military training for one month in Shengli Harbor could defeat double the number of Yazhou garrison troops. .And the only Yazhou naval army that can really pose a slight threat to Shengli Port has already placed Luo Shengdong, a rebellious boy, in it. , the news has already reached Victory Port.

As for the possibility of attacking Yazhou by force in the future, the views of the two members of the military and police department are also very consistent: there is no need to take down Yazhou. Evacuated.At that time, there will probably only be three types of people left in the city: officials, official servants, and serious criminals who cannot be released. Occupying this place will not benefit the Traveling Group at all. On the contrary, it may anger the Ming Dynasty officials. It's really superfluous.

Not to mention the immigration, which has now evolved from the initial recruitment of immigrants by dental agencies to coaxing and deceiving, to the automatic migration of the population.If Yahang wants to organize immigrants now, it must go to Danzhou in the north, Wanzhou or even Wenchang in the northeast.Moreover, Luo Shengdong was not the only one who came to the Cliff Office recently to inquire about the land price of Shengli Port. Some rich people in the local area had already become interested in Shengli Port.Of course, the purpose of these people's purchase of land is not necessarily to move to Shengli Port, but as long as this trend starts to appear, it is only a matter of time before the gradual decline of Yazhou City.Because anyone who has been to Shengli Port can realize that the development prospect of that place is far better than that of Yazhou City, which has been stagnant for hundreds of years. The commercial and trade center in the southern part of Hainan Island will be gradually transferred from Yazhou to this emerging port town.

At present, the biggest reason that hinders the middle and upper classes in Yazhou from relocating to Shengli Port is generally believed to be the land policy currently implemented by the Executive Committee.The members of the Executive Committee have extensive knowledge from later generations. They are very clear that the root cause of social unrest is the large concentration of resources and wealth. In the period of feudal society with relatively low productivity, this concentration mainly manifested on land resources.If the problem of land ownership is not resolved, large-scale land will continue to be concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, and social turmoil will not be quelled. The solution to this problem by the Executive Committee is public land ownership.

The benefits of this policy are obvious, but the disadvantages are also obvious-when the control area of ​​the crossing group expands from the land of no man to the land of the man, there will inevitably be a huge conflict of interest.Of course, there are ways to resolve this conflict peacefully. At the beginning of time travel, some people thought that they could just buy with money, but after all, this is only a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause. China is so big that it is impossible to buy it all. No matter how rich the time travel group is, they can't be so willful.

At present, the countermeasure formulated by the executive committee is to directly skip the owned land, first occupy and develop a large number of unowned lands on Hainan Island, and then gradually try to annex various large and small lands after accumulating a certain strength. small landowners.Of course, it is difficult to predict how many bloody incidents will occur during this merger process.

The reason why the Time Travel Group was able to implement this set of land policies in the early days was that apart from the fact that Shengli Port was sparsely populated and had no landlords, one of the reasons was that the early naturalized people were poor and poor people.These people do not have or have lost their own land. Although they still have a great desire to own land, under the civil affairs structure of the crossing group, their desire for land can be satisfied in another way. .

Every naturalized citizen can obtain a certain area of ​​land use rights at a relatively low price after reaching a certain labor level, and the term of this use right is as long as several decades. The Ministry of Agriculture only needs to pay a small amount of grain tax. It is much cheaper to obtain land use rights than to buy land. The grain tax collected by the Ministry of Agriculture is much lighter than the burden of paying grain by the Ming government. It can be said that it reduces the common people’s access to land. cost.Moreover, the naturalized people with slightly older qualifications know that the average yield of the grain grown by the Traveling Group is much higher than their common sense in the past, and the converted income is much more cost-effective than buying land for farming.

The wealthy people in Yazhou obviously will not be satisfied with such a land system, they need more land as the means of production to generate wealth, but the Executive Committee obviously will not let other landlords appear in the area under its rule—— Even foreign firms that came to Shengli Port to invest in development only obtained the right to use the land, not the ownership.It is precisely the existence of this conflict of interest that many upper-middle-class people in Yazhou who intend to develop in Shengli Port still hold a wait-and-see attitude and have not taken actual actions for a long time.

After listening to everyone's analysis, Tao Donglai nodded and said: "The land issue is indeed a thorny issue in our future external expansion process. It involves the foundation of our country in the future. The policy cannot be easily changed, but we can find ways to ease the conflict. , to resolve, not necessarily by means of force. To a certain extent, this depends on your preaching in Yazhou, explaining our land policy to these people. The key is to fully explain the benefits they can get, and let them You know what kind of return you can get after investing in real estate in Victory Port. Ma, you used to be engaged in investment promotion, and this aspect is your strong point!"

Maliko smiled and said, "Boss Tao has a good memory! Investment can be recruited, but the executive committee must give me a clearer policy before I can promote it. The land in Shengli Port cannot be bought directly, so everyone spends How to operate after the money takes the right to use, what can be done and what can’t be done, the executive committee had better draw the line first, so as to avoid problems in subsequent operations.”

Tao Donglai nodded and said: "After I go back, I will call a meeting to discuss this matter, and I will get you a charter as soon as possible. As for the scale of publicity, you can control it yourself, as long as you don't stir up conflicts between us and the local government. contradictions."

(End of this chapter)

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