The black belly is too fierce

Chapter 1240 Tired of being called is an extravagant hope

Chapter 1240 Getting tired is a luxury

Hearing this, Su Moliang's face that was still angry was broken instantly, and he burst out laughing, "You are still jealous of others, and they are almost jealous of you. I am the imperial concubine you are marrying, and my body and heart are given to me. For you, I went from the lower plane to the upper plane after going through untold hardships for you. In order to be with you, I encountered all kinds of difficulties and framed. And you are domineering, strong, jealous, and full of bad temper Even so, I'm still by your side, and I didn't dislike you. Dongfang Yaoyu likes me, but I just treat him as a friend, so it's Dongfang Yaoyu who should be jealous, okay?"

Hearing such a comparison, Jun Haocang calmed down his anger a little bit. Knowing her embarrassment, he could only endure the unhappiness in his heart and said, "It's okay to hide it from him for now, but you have to make it up to me!"

Hearing him let go, Su Moliang was overjoyed, and agreed without thinking, "Okay, what compensation do you want?"

Seeing her answer so simply, Jun Haocang didn't hesitate, he stretched out his hand suddenly, and hugged her horizontally, "I want you!"

After the words fell, without waiting for Su Moliang to refute, he directly hugged her and strode into the room.

Seeing this, Hei Xiao immediately stepped forward and skillfully covered the door for them.

At this time, he realized that his behavior was like that of a prostitute in a brothel. He really didn't know that he was a killer, how could he do such a wretched thing, and he did it so easily.

At this time, Su Moliang, who was carried into the room, knew what Jun Haocang wanted to do, her cheeks flushed with shame, and she struggled anxiously, "Jun Haocang, in broad daylight, you are crazy!"

"You can call Dongfang Yaoyu so affectionately, but you call your husband by his full name, is that plausible?" Jun Haocang frowned.

Su Moliang didn't expect that he was still fussing about titles, so he couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, I won't call you by your full name, I'll call you the King of Jealousy from now on! You're both personable and kind!"

"I think you just need to clean up!" Jun Haocang gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, directly raised his hand, threw her on the couch, and bullied her violently.

Su Moliang was so frightened by his actions that he shrank back, knowing what he was about to face, he repented, "I take back what I just said, you better go, don't come!"

Hearing the words, Jun Haocang's eyes dimmed, he couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed her small mouth, his deep voice was full of demagogic power, "I regretted it as soon as I walked out! What kind of medicine did you give me? I only left for a while, and I missed you like crazy!"

Su Moliang met his affectionate, icy blue eyes shining brightly, his heart seemed to be hit by something, and it started beating.

"You left so resolutely just now, you don't seem to regret it at all!" Su Moliang retorted embarrassingly.

Jun Haocang raised his eyebrows slightly, and a wicked smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, "What? Judging from the tone, it seems that I am very reluctant to leave!"

Thinking of the collapse just now, Su Moliang didn't speak hard this time, staring at him intently, her heart throbbing, couldn't help touching his cheek, and choked up, "Don't say anything in the future, you are also at the critical moment of life and death. If you don’t go down! Because I won’t let you die, absolutely not! As I said, even if you get to the bottom, I will chase you to the underworld and pick you up!”

"You say I'm domineering, and you are domineering. Even if I die, you won't let me go!" Jun Haocang couldn't help but chuckled when he heard this, his heart suddenly felt warm.

Hearing that he was still talking about death, Su Moliang frowned dissatisfiedly, "I said it, you are not allowed to say death, but you still say it! You know that I care about this most, and you deliberately provoke me!"

"Okay, I won't say it, I won't say it!" Jun Haocang surrendered, hugged her suddenly, and rubbed her into his arms, "But don't provoke me in the future, seeing that you care so much about Dongfang Yaoyu , I was so jealous that I went crazy. You are mine! Everything you have is mine, and it can only be mine!"

Hearing his domineering love words, Su Moliang couldn't help but burst into a happy smile, then leaned into his ear, and whispered in a low voice, "I must tell you that no one can take your place in my heart, Don't compare me with some people I have never been interested in, there is no comparison! You are you, the only one in my heart!"

Can the man she loved from the previous life to this life, the man engraved in her memory life after life, be replaced by others?

However, he cares about her caring about Dongfang Yaoyu, but doesn't care about him, doesn't care about his feelings, Su Moliang can understand, it's nothing more than possessiveness.

It's just that Dongfang Yaoyu's situation is critical, and Su Moliang can't just sit back and watch. If Jun Haocang really had an accident with him, of course she is more concerned about Jun Haocang's safety. This is beyond doubt and completely incomparable.

But who told her that the man she loved was a possessive and domineering master, and because he cared too much, he wanted to get more and became even more greedy.

In addition, she is usually not very good at expressing feelings, and she is not very good at saying those sweet words, which makes Jun Haocang feel insecure, sensitive and suspicious, worrying about gains and losses, and always wanting to prove his position in her heart.

In fact, he doesn't need to prove at all, he is her only one, her everything!

Although the domineering Jun Haocang can make her explode with anger every time, but I don't know why, this kind of him can make her love to the bottom of her heart!
Maybe there is no reason for love. If you love him, you love all of him, even his shortcomings.

No matter how angry, how wronged, how sad, but still can't help to forgive his shortcomings.

However, she didn't know that the reason why Jun Haocang was so sensitive was because of his cold illness. He really wanted to take advantage of the last time to spend more time with her, really wanted to spend his limited life to love her more.

Rather than saying that he was angry with Su Moliang, it was better to say that he was angry with himself.

If it wasn't for his cold attack and coma, he wouldn't have left Su Moliang alone in Burning Blood City, wouldn't have let her suffer such a blow, and she wouldn't have come to Fenglin Empire incognito. Not to mention meeting Dongfang Yaoyu.

If he could wake up in time and find her in time, there would be no need for Dongfang Yaoyu to defend his woman, so all of this is his fault!

Thinking that his time was short, he became even more anxious and hated himself even more!
He doesn't want anything but Su Moliang, why is it so difficult! ! !
Thinking of this, Jun Haocang hugged her tightly and whispered her name softly, "Liang'er, Liang'er, Liang'er, Liang'er—"

Su Moliang heard him calling her name over and over again, and asked in surprise, "Why do you keep calling me?"

"I just want to scream, I want to scream for the rest of my life!" He was afraid that he would never have the chance to scream.

"It's still early in my life, I'm afraid you will get tired of calling me, what should I do if you don't want to call me anymore?" Su Mo said with a sneer.

Jun Haocang's heart ached, and there was a layer of mist in his eye sockets. For him, getting tired of it was an extravagant wish!

  Seeing that some readers are complaining about the heroine, I'm sorry, I really can't write the kind of heroine who is ungrateful, selfish, and values ​​sex over friends.For my own love, regardless of the benefactor's life or death, regardless of the feelings of relatives and friends, putting my own happiness above the pain of others, it is too difficult for me, and I can't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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