The black belly is too fierce

Chapter 2088 Isn't this hitting them in the face!

Chapter 2088 Isn't this hitting them in the face!
However, Patriarch Gongsun knew that the reason why the other party was so generous was that, firstly, their Situ family had powerful alchemists, and there was no shortage of precious pills; The demeanor of everyone at home.

Therefore, if they were willing to compensate for the pill, his Gongsun family naturally had no reason not to.

After all, high-quality pills are expensive. If Gongsun Yaori was seriously injured, it would cost a lot to treat him.

If it's not serious, it's really just a skin trauma, and there's no harm in taking more pills to nourish the body.

Thinking of this, the Gongsun family did not continue to refuse, and readily responded, "Then thank you, Patriarch Situ."

Patriarch Situ nodded with a smile, and then told Situ Yingyan, "Their servants don't know, go and help choose some pills and medicinal materials that can help treat arm injuries, and remember to choose the best ones, don't treat Gongsun Gongzi badly. "

Situ Yingyan took the order, blessed herself slightly, turned around and retreated.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Jingji glanced at Su Moliang sideways.

Su Moliang stood beside him in a regular manner without any reaction.

"You said—this—" Gongsun Jingji didn't expect her to be so calm, and couldn't help asking.

Su Moliang only gave him a reassuring look, and said in a low voice, "Don't be impatient, my lord."

She saw everything that happened just now, and she already knew it in her heart.

Seeing that she had plans of her own, Gongsun Jingji felt relieved, continued to drink and eat, and watched the ensuing battle.

It's just that most of the people who came to the stage later were the strengths of early and mid-stage emperor spiritual masters, but their fighting power was still not to be underestimated. Several large-scale battles even broke out, causing quite a commotion and thunderous applause. So exciting.

In this way, everyone watched the competition, ate, drank, talked and laughed, and it was lively until late at night.

Until the end of the dinner, everyone still had something to say and was reluctant to part.

But Ning Shizi had important business to do, so it was inconvenient to stay for a long time, after watching the discussion, he planned to leave.

The head of Patriarch Situ was still waiting for Ning Shizi to select talents, but who knew that he was about to get up and leave the table without saying a word, he was anxious immediately, and immediately asked with a smile, "My lord, although our Yanqing City is not as good as Ningdu , but the younger generation still has great potential, more training will definitely help the prince, don't the prince want to choose a few to keep by his side?"

Hearing this, Ning Shizi paused and nodded slightly, as if he accepted his suggestion.

Immediately, he threw an olive branch at Su Moliang, "I'll give you another chance, are you sure you don't want to come and serve me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

Everyone didn't expect that Ning Shizi didn't choose anyone, but just picked a maid. They were all shocked and puzzled. They didn't understand how attractive that ugly monster with pockmarked face was.
Of course, Su Moliang, who was the person involved, was also a little surprised. He lowered his head in embarrassment, and declined, "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't dare to make trouble for you."

Seeing that she insisted on this, Ning Shizi couldn't force him, so he took out a token and threw it to Gongsun Jingji, "You are very discerning, and you think you are a smart person. If you come to Ningdu in the future, you can come to me."

Seeing this scene, all the other guests present were startled, staring at Gongsun Jingji dumbfounded, and did not relax for a long time.

Ning Shizi personally gave the sign, expressing his willingness to accept Gongsun Jingji as an errand by his side. What a face and honor this is. What kind of virtue and ability does Gongsun Jingji have!
You must know that he is just the most inconspicuous bastard of the Gongsun family, at most he can play the piano and drink tea, neither his strength nor talent can stand on the stage. Ning Shizi's favor, isn't this a slap in the face of other geniuses?

Therefore, Patriarch Situ was a bit embarrassed at the moment, but due to the power of the son, he had to hold back his grievances, and asked as much as possible, "My son, since you have accepted Gongsun Jingji, look at my sharp cold—"

"Your son has outstanding strength. He will inherit the Situ family and become the head of the family in the future. It is not easy for this son to compete with the Situ family." Although Shizi Ning's words were tactful, his cold tone made it impossible to refute.

Patriarch Situ doesn't know, this is the meaning that Shizi Ning didn't look down on Situ Ruihan.

After all, everyone knows that in this world where the strong are respected, no status is as important as strength.

What's more, if Situ Ruihan became the son's right-hand man, wouldn't his status be lower than that of a patriarch?
Isn't this a clear rejection of him!

Thinking of this, Patriarch Situ's face turned pale and pale, very ugly.

The elders of several other families, seeing that such a powerful junior as Situ Ruihan couldn't catch Ning Shizi's eyes, all of them swallowed back the words that rolled down their throats.

Just thinking that tonight, their children have worked so hard and exhausted their energy to learn for so long, but they didn't get anything.

Of course, the most irritating thing was that Ning Shizi didn't choose anyone, but chose a lowly and miserable maid.

In the end, because of this maid, she opened the back door to Gongsun Jingji and gave him a token, which is downright absurd.

Everyone in the world said that Ning Shizi acted recklessly, arrogant and withdrawn, and moody. They didn't realize it before, but seeing him today, it really is.

It's no wonder that the governor's other heirs don't have a good relationship with him. People like him who act according to their mood are naturally not easy to get along with.

"If there is nothing to do, I will take a step first." Ning Shizi glanced at the guests present, and seeing no one spoke, he turned and left the banquet, leaving a group of people waiting to sit on the seats and stare blankly, so angry speechless.

Immediately, everyone's dissatisfied and resentful eyes fell on Gongsun Jingji, making him a target of public criticism.

At this time, Gongsun Jingji himself was a little confused.

He knew that Mr. Gongsun wanted him to win Shizi Ning's favor, but he never had any hope, and he never thought that he would be the only one who was given a token in the audience, not even the top genius in Yanqing City. This honor.

Facing such a situation, facing so many pairs of jealous eyes, even he who was calm for a while was a little at a loss.

Seeing that the son left, it was useless, the head of the Situ family decisively winked at the people behind him, "Let's go!"

Right now, although he has lost the ladder that can lead to the sky, he still has a piece of fat that is about to come to his mouth.

No matter what, always grab one end!


  Dear friends, Happy New Year's Eve. I was too busy with work a while ago, so I haven't taken care of you all. I'm really sorry.As the saying goes, companionship is the longest confession of love, brother thank you for your company all the time, love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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