The black belly is too fierce

Chapter 614 Oops, fooled

Chapter 614 Oops, fooled
But Jun Haocang didn't believe this, his face darkened, and he reminded in a low voice, "Protect her well tomorrow, if she loses a hair, you are the only one to ask."

"But what about you, master!" Hei Xiao was extremely worried when he learned that he was going to Xingping City with General He.

"There are Black Eagles in Xingping City to support them, you just need to protect Su Moliang."

"But Xingping City is too dangerous, Fen Tianjun has already shifted his focus there, and his subordinates are afraid--" When Hei Xiao thought that Jun Haocang was planning to go to Xingping City himself in order to confuse Fen Tianjun, the whole My heart is going up and down.

Besides, there were few soldiers going to Xingping City this time, so how could he not be worried.

"Okay, needless to say." Jun Haocang interrupted with an impatient frown.

Jun Hao Cang too understands Fen Tianjun's temperament, if he doesn't go to Xingping City in person, it will be difficult to dispel Fen Tianjun's wariness.

Moreover, not only did he go, but he also went quietly, deliberately doing it mysteriously, so as to deceive that old fox Fen Tianjun.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Jun Haocang and Su Moliang are strikingly similar, no matter what they do, they are cautious and try their best to ensure nothing goes wrong.

But Hei Xiao was still worried, and his expression became tangled, "Master, you left Miss Su in such a rage, she will find out sooner or later."

He lied to her that he would go to Rongming City together, but ended up going to Xingping City himself. According to Su Moliang's temperament, how could he let it go.

Although he could also understand that Emperor Zun hid it from her because he was worried about Su Moliang's danger, but Su Moliang was so smart, it was not easy to hide it from her.

"That's why I asked you to keep an eye on her. If you can't even do this little thing well, you don't have to follow me." Jun Hao's dark and stern warning made Hei Xiao startled, and immediately knelt down and clasped his fists .

"Yes, this subordinate takes orders!" After saying that, he retreated into the darkness again.

I don't know if it was because of the blood, Hei Xiao's heart was never at peace.

In the early morning of the next day, the whole army set off from Gengzhou City in a mighty manner.

Emperor Zun, General Yin and General Duan led the team to Rongming City, while General He and General Pan headed to Xingping City.

Seeing everyone getting ready to go, Su Moliang quickly got on his horse.

Seeing that she didn't intend to ride in a chariot with Jun Haocang, Lin Wan'er looked surprised, and immediately asked, "Boss, don't you want to ride in a chariot with Emperor Zun?"

The other members of the blood battle group also stared at her with surprise on their faces.

Usually, the two of them are so bored, how come they don't sit together when they go to war, and they don't even say hello, and they have to ride away on horseback, which is too abnormal.

With a calm expression, Su Moliang replied coldly, "If you want to ride in a chariot, go with Emperor Zun. I'll go first."

After saying that, Su Moliang patted his ass and ran towards the team led by Yin Lanfeng.

Thinking of Jun Haocang's distrust of her and doubts about her relationship with Yin Lanfeng last night, she felt angry.

They have been born and died so many times, without even the most basic trust. Knowing that she is only guilty of Yin Lanfeng, she wants to connect them with that kind of relationship, which is really annoying.

What made her even more angry was that when she lost her temper, Jun Haocang didn't chase her out to coax her, let alone show affection to her, so Su Moliang made up her mind not to forgive him easily this time.

The anger in her heart didn't come out, she didn't want to see Jun Haocang, so she quickly rushed to the front of the team.

Everyone in the blood battle group was stunned.

She doesn't sit with Emperor Zun anymore, how can they be qualified.

"Boss, slow down, wait for us." Jiang Zheng roared helplessly, and also chased after him.

As soon as Su Moliang ran to the front, he saw General Duan galloping from behind the team. While holding the horse, he said loudly to Yin Lanfeng, "General Yin, the Emperor asked us to go first, and he stayed behind to take care of the aftermath. Join us again."

Hearing this, Yin Lanfeng nodded his head heavily, then swung his spear and yelled loudly, "The whole army obeys the order and set off for Rongming City!"

The loud voice resounded through the sky and echoed in the ears of all the soldiers. The magnificent momentum immediately boosted morale and made everyone excited. With a loud roar, Yin Lanfeng followed Yin Lanfeng towards Rongming City.

After walking like this for nearly a day, it was not until night that the Yunlou Army arrived at Rongming City.

Seeing the brightly lit torch on the city gate, Yin Lanfeng raised his arm abruptly and shouted sharply, "Archers, prepare your catapults!"

As the roar fell, the archers rushed to the front in an instant, lined up, knelt down on one knee, and aimed at the gate of Rongming City.

The soldiers in charge of the catapult also pushed the catapult and stood at the designated position, waiting for the general to issue an order at any time.

At this time, the banners are flying, the drums are thundering, the soldiers are approaching the city, the war is imminent, and the night is gradually blooming with murderous spirit, which is so oppressive that people can't breathe.

Hearing the movement below the city, the enemy army also quickly set up bows and arrows on the city gate, only to hear the general on the city gate roar suddenly, and the arrows crossed the city wall like locusts, and shot down densely.

The soldiers were quite afraid of the bows and arrows of the Fentian Army at first, but now, they were wearing chain mail and had no worries. They only felt that they were invincible. They rushed forward ferociously, brandishing swords and long spears, and blocked all the bows and arrows.

After such a burst of shooting, at most 100 people in the Yunlou Army were injured, while the soldiers behind were still going forward to build ladders and continue to climb and attack.

The enemy general at the city gate saw the soldiers in the dark area of ​​Yunlou, who had already been shot by arrows, but their mobility was not affected at all, and they rushed up with high morale. His eyes widened in shock, and his face turned pale. Incredible.

He has fought so many times, and this is the first time he has encountered such a fierce attack.

This group of people was fearless about life and death, they rushed forward recklessly, even if they were hit by countless sharp arrows, nothing happened, and their combat effectiveness was not affected at all.

Would such morale be too terrifying?

However, he didn't know that the reason why these soldiers were so invincible and marched forward bravely was because they wore chain mail.

The chain mail can not only defend against bows and arrows, but also protect the soldiers' bodies by holding the arrows in the iron rings. It also makes the soldiers feel very safe, which invisibly enhances their courage and self-confidence, and they naturally rush forward without fear.

But the enemy lieutenant general who saw this scene began to panic, hurried to the general, and clasped his fists to report, "General, this is too strange, they were hit by arrows, but nothing happened, and they are still attacking desperately!" , We may not be able to resist this momentum for long."

The general looked at the ferocious soldiers below, frowned, his face was so dark that it was about to overflow with ink, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Damn it, we fell for it!"

Seeing such a ferocious attack, he would be stupid if he couldn't react anymore.

What a fake attack, this is simply more violent than a real attack, it is obvious that Yunlou Dark Area is going to take down the entire Rongming City!

(End of this chapter)

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