The black belly is too fierce

Chapter 868 I Can't Understand Fen Tianjun's Mind

Chapter 868 I Can't Understand Fen Tianjun's Mind

But Jun Yueye didn't believe it, and scolded in a cold voice, "Absurd! Even if Fen Tianjun possesses pupil skills, why would he deliberately plant the crime of killing the eldest princess on you?"

Su Moliang replied, "Because he wanted to drive a wedge between Jun Haocang and me, and forced me to find him."

"Hehe, this is really the most ridiculous excuse this king has ever heard. If he wants to use you to threaten Cang'er, why would he drive a wedge between you and Cang'er? You must know that once you turn against each other, it will be meaningless for him to kidnap you How could Cang'er save an enemy who killed her sister!" Jun Yueye sneered twice, and retorted angrily, completely disbelieving what Su Moliang said.

Su Moliang was helpless, and patiently explained, "The last time he said he hijacked me was not to threaten Jun Haocang."

"Okay, tell me, what is he doing for?" Jun Yueye raised her eyebrows and stared at her with a sarcasm on her face.

Su Moliang was suddenly choked up by his words.

She has never been able to figure out what Fen Tianjun is thinking. Last time in Xiyu City, she tried her best, but she couldn't get him out of his words. With such a sinister and cunning person, where is she going to find out what he is up to? .

Jun Yueye saw that Su Moliang was rendered speechless by what he had said, so she snorted coldly and reminded, "Hmph, all of this is just your speculation. Now you have said so much, there is no evidence, and you can't explain it. The reason, so you cannot be cleared of your crime."

"My lord, the eldest princess is dead, which is an irreversible fact. I believe you don't want to kill a good person by mistake, causing another tragedy, and let the murderer go unpunished. So please give me some time, I will find evidence as soon as possible, and find out the truth." Murderer, don't let the eldest princess die in vain! If I really can't find evidence, then it's not too late for you to kill us! What do you think?" Su Moliang discussed with Jun Yueye calmly.

When Jun Yueye heard the words, she stared at her with an angry face, and remained silent without expressing her opinion.Now that Jun Qingran's death has irritated him, how could he be willing to just let Su Moliang go!

Seeing this, Yuxu Tianzun couldn't help but said, "If King Pingxiang can't trust her, he should trust this old man. If she is really a murderer, this old man will never interfere in your grievances. If she is not a murderer, then you have to go through it first." This old man can move her!"

Jun Yueye was so angry that his breath was stagnant, and his face was quite ugly. Yu Zhengfeng's words were obviously forcing him to give Su Moliang time to find evidence.

With the old man standing in front of him, he couldn't move Su Moliang at all, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll give you time to find evidence! If you can't prove your innocence, don't blame me for being rude!"

Su Moliang also heaved a sigh of relief when he let go, and quickly ordered Jiang Zheng to help Lin Wan'er up, and then looked at Yuxu Tianzun, "Tianzun, where is Haocang? Does he know about this?"

The only thing she was worried about was Jun Haocang's reaction when he heard about this.

His sister died, and the suspect turned out to be the woman he loved deeply.

Such a blow is undoubtedly huge, and Su Moliang can't imagine what he will do when he hears such news.

Yu Zhengfeng comforted, "Di Zun is not in the palace tonight, my younger brother has sent someone to notify you just now, and he will be back soon. Don't worry, Cang'er will definitely believe you."

Although it was a comforting word, Su Moliang's heart was still fluttering, but he pretended to be calm and said gratefully, "I have to thank Tianzun today."

"Haha, what did the elder sister say? It's just a little effort for the younger brother. You don't have to take it to heart." Yu Zhengfeng smiled and waved his hands.

Su Moliang was not polite to him, and nodded slightly, "Tianzun, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to Yunlou Palace first."

"Okay, you've been tossing around all night, go back and rest quickly." Yu Zhengfeng nodded quickly, and sent her, Lin Wan'er and others out of Mingxiang Palace.

Back at Yunlou Palace, Lin Wan'er, who was supported by Jiang Zheng, fell to her knees in front of Su Moliang, and slapped herself severely, "Master, it's all my fault! It's all my fault, and I've hurt the master."

Seeing her blaming herself, Su Moliang walked over distressedly, wanting to help her up, "Don't do this, get up quickly!"

Lin Wan'er shook her head and refused, "No, I have committed a serious crime, I beg the master to punish me."

Su Moliang sighed helplessly, "Stop talking stupid things, how can you be blamed for this incident! Strictly speaking, you are also a victim. People, without an antidote, they will go mad and die! So how do you want me to have the heart to punish you? Besides, Feng Moxie's strength, even I can't resist, let alone you. If he wants to attack you, how do you guard against it? Got it?"

"Speaking of which, I've got you in trouble! Whether it's the empress or Feng Moxie, their target has always been me, not you. They couldn't attack me directly, so they picked your idea because you are me. The closest person by your side. If you hadn't been with me back then, you wouldn't have suffered so much because of me, so it's not your fault, but mine!" Su Moliang saw Lin Wan'er was sad and blamed herself The appearance, the heart can not help but pull up, welling up with pain.

Su Moliang's relatives and friends are not many, Lin Wan'er and the brothers of the bloody battle group are her only relatives in this world.

Although their strength is not strong, the heart that is loyal to her and selflessly dedicated to her cannot be bought with any amount of money in this world.

Lin Wan'er is innocent and kind by nature, and has a straightforward personality. If she is looked down upon by others or bullied, Lin Wan'er will be angrier than her.

These years, thanks to Lin Wan'er's diligent and careful care by her side, Su Moliang has always remembered these kindnesses, so how could she be blamed!

Lin Wan'er didn't expect that Su Moliang not only didn't blame her, but also blamed herself, and retorted sadly, "I have never regretted being with master! Master, you are my savior. If there is no master, I have long since died in the Lin family, and it is impossible for me to roam the rivers and lakes like I am now, and live a wanton and unrestrained life, I am very grateful every day, I have met the master in this life, how could I feel that the master has troubled me!"

"Since you didn't blame me, why are you still kneeling? Are you trying to make me feel uncomfortable?" Su Moliang asked angrily.

Hearing this, Jiang Zheng quickly pulled Lin Wan'er up, and comforted him, "Okay, we are all one family, the master is worried that you are too late, so why would he blame you? The murderer who killed the eldest princess must be blamed." .”

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

At this moment, a brother from the bloody battle group suddenly ran outside and reported to Su Moliang, "Master, the palace maid outside came to spread the word that Emperor Zun has returned!"

Lin Wan'er's eyes widened in shock when she heard this, and she looked at Su Moliang worriedly, "Master, will Emperor Zun find out about the death of the eldest princess, will he take his anger out on you?"

(End of this chapter)

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