Pinnacle player

Chapter 1011 The Coming Dark Raid 7

Chapter 1011 The Coming Dark Raid 7
After using [Whisper of Life Breath], the skill user and his allies cannot see the appearance of the invisible target, but only a hazy misty figure, whose appearance is invisible, such as ID, blood bar, etc. I can't even see it anymore.

Although you can't see all the specific data and signs, it doesn't mean that players can't get any information through the green mist. Since it's a vitality detection skill, the green mist represents the vitality of the target. The stronger the target, the darker the color of the mist, and this vitality is directly linked to the upper limit of the target's HP, not to the target's current HP.

Although it is impossible to accurately judge the strength of the target through the green mist, there is a general reference, and the [Word of Life Breath] is not only effective for invisible targets, but also effective for all life forms, including friendly forces. A mist.

But [Words of Life Breath] is not a panacea. Inanimate targets cannot be detected, such as undead and zombies. In addition, if the target has the ability to shield or hide its own vitality, it will also not be detected.

Yun Xiaohan didn't know whether the dark elf warrior of this elite template possessed such skills, so he was somewhat uneasy.

The result made Yun Xiaohan very satisfied, neither the ordinary dark elves nor the remaining two elite template dark elves could escape the detection of [Words of Life Breath].

In this way, Yun Xiaohan can feel relieved, and he can save the [De Kelun's Reminiscence] that he originally planned to use. Although the strength of these dark elves is quite strong and their level is higher, after all, the NPC template is there. , Compared with Garibaldi and others, there is still a big gap. Now that the position is exposed, it is impossible to run away.

With the efforts of Yun Xiaohan and the five official NPCs on his side, the remaining dark elves were killed one after another.From Yun Xiaohan passing through the secret door to the death of all the dark elves, only 23 seconds have passed.

Before Yun Xiaohan came to touch the corpse (the adjutant cannot be picked up automatically in the free story mode), and did not come to check the changes of the "coming dark raid" mission, he found that Parolo and Garibaldi were killing After finishing the enemy, he didn't stop, but continued to chant spells and magic spells.

Yun Xiaohan felt a little baffled at first, but soon he realized - there are enemies!This enemy is also immune to the detection of [Words of Life Breath].

At this time, Yun Xiaohan's calmness and on-the-spot decision were reflected, he immediately rushed to the door of the secret door with a [heroic charge], no matter whether there were enemies or not, it was always right for him to block the secret door first.

[Heroic Charge] is the poor man's version of [Lonely Charge]. Although it is much worse than [Lonely Charge] in all aspects, the attack range is still 10 yards.When Yun Xiaohan rushed to the door of the secret door, he knew he was right, even if he couldn't see the enemy, but the information on the battle information panel clearly told Yun Xiaohan that he had hit an enemy who had been hiding very well , and stuns the enemy for 0.75 seconds.

Yun Xiaohan was shocked at first, and then rejoiced.Don't look at this 0.75 seconds is not long, even because the enemy is still in an invisible state, Yun Xiaohan can't directly see the enemy stunned, and can only understand it through the battle information, but this 0.75 seconds is extremely critical, this short period of time In less than a second, the skills of Parolo and Garibaldi were successfully cast.

Garibaldi's magic was cast a little faster, and the white dazzling light instantly filled the mine pit. In an instant, this small section of the mine pit seemed to be daylight, and the sharp-eyed Yun Xiaohan found himself beside him A rather large white shadow, but before he launched an attack, or even saw the target clearly, this white shadow had already entered the invisible state again.

At this time, Parolo's spell was also released, which was also a stealth detection spell. Although its effect was unknown, it was more effective than Garibaldi's divine spell.

Under Parolo's spell, the enemy finally revealed his true face—a gargoyle. The gargoyle in "Choice" is a kind of puppet, and naturally has no vitality. It is not surprising that Yun Xiaohan's [Words of Life Breath] failed to detect it.

This gargoyle is obviously not an ordinary gargoyle, and ordinary gargoyles do not have the ability to be invisible.Moreover, a normal gargoyle needs to be commanded by its master. Once the master dies, it will lose control. However, this gargoyle can still act independently after the death of its master. It not only knows how to hide itself, but also knows to leave through the secret door.Even if its commander gave the order in advance, the gargoyle didn't run away before, and started running after Garibaldi and Parolo cast spells and magic spells. This obviously shows that it has a certain ability of self-judgment, and it is obvious that it does not have a high AI. It is impossible to do this.

AI is an important parameter to measure the level of puppets, even more important than combat power.In fact, as long as you have a certain degree of autonomy and judgment, you can be considered a high-level gargoyle, and the AI ​​​​of the gargoyle in front of Yun Xiaohan is really quite high, and it also has the ability to be invisible twice, although it is not clear what other gargoyle is. No matter how powerful it is, but it can fly, be invisible, there is no movement when moving and flying, and it has a high AI. Even if this is a gargoyle specially used for reconnaissance, no matter how poor its combat power is, it must be a high-level gargoyle.

There is only one secret door, and this gargoyle is also very big. Compared with Yun Xiaohan, it is only a little shorter, but its width is much wider, and the wings of this gargoyle are still retracted, not counting its wings exhibition.

The secret door is so big, Yun Xiaohan has to squat halfway through the secret door, so as long as he blocks in front of the secret door, it is impossible for the gargoyle to pass even if he can fly. This is probably why the gargoyle did not run before. It's too big, there will be some movement through the secret door, so I plan to muddle through and wait for Yun Xiaohan and others to leave before returning.

But when Garibaldi and Parolo started to cast spells later, the gargoyle probably knew something was going wrong, so he planned to take a fight and forcibly leave through the secret door, but Yun Xiaohan's perfect on-the-spot reaction shattered its last hope.

When the gargoyle appeared, Yun Xiaohan immediately besieged it with five official-type NPCs. Only after this fight did he find that the gargoyle was very powerful, and its combat power was almost equivalent to that of a hero-level NPC, but it was only the weakest level. Compared to hero-level NPCs.

Of course, it is unfair to compare puppets with human NPCs. After all, puppets are not real creatures, and their basic attributes such as durability, attack and defense are higher than human NPCs, so they should appear stronger when fighting, but in fact puppets The number of skills of the AI ​​cannot be compared with that of a human NPC, and the AI ​​​​is definitely much lower than that of a hero NPC, and it is even less likely to have command and management capabilities.

In other words, this gargoyle is equivalent to a quasi-hero NPC with only combat capabilities.

(End of this chapter)

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