Pinnacle player

Chapter 1015

Chapter 1015
Yun Xiaohan feels a little pity. Although the permanent increase in attributes after conversion will definitely not be included in the calculation cycle, the game will not allow him to exploit such a big loophole, but if he can learn [Magic Energy Forging] now, he will wait 56 If he learns [Strength] at the first level, the permanent increase of his strength attribute will become 154%. If he meets the learning prerequisites for learning [Sub (class) Giant Ancestral Magic Affinity], he can awaken in the second bloodline. Learned [sub (type) giant atavistic magic affinity] before.

Now I can't learn [Magic Body Forging] immediately, so I have to find a way to get other skills that increase the permanent increase of strength attributes.

But Yun Xiaohan is a bit hypocritical, [Shadow Step] and [Magic Energy Forging] two such good skills, plus [Lizard Tooth Bleeding Sword], this is definitely a bumper harvest, and the money is 8.6 gold .

The other three drops are all level 55 blue equipment, which can only be disassembled. Dismantling a level 55 blue equipment costs 50 silver. If Yun Xiaohan consumes the lord's privilege to dismantle it, it is 62.5 silver, and 3 pieces add up to nearly 2 gold. up.

Even if the two skills and [Lizard Tooth Bleeding Sword] are not counted, the total income of the bits and pieces is 10.5 gold, and the level 55 blue additive obtained from the dismantling is not counted, which is not a small amount.

After cleaning the battlefield, Yun Xiaohan let the private soldiers in, and the two fought against a corpse, and brought the corpses of these dark elves back to the Do'Urden family's camp.

At this time, the investigation work of the Do'Urden family has not yet ended. Zaknafein and the second son Dinin are in charge of the investigation work, but the third daughter Verna has not left and is still in the camp.

In fact, not only Werna did not leave, but even Maris, the mistress of the Do'Urden family, had already arrived at the camp. She started rushing here after receiving the news that someone had sneaked into the camp. It wasn't long before she arrived.

When seeing those corpses, both Mistress Marise and Verna were very surprised.

Don't look at them reminding Yun Xiaohan, but in the eyes of Mistress Maris and Verna, it is no problem for Yun Xiaohan's team to protect themselves, but they never thought that Yun Xiaohan's team could kill the lurking dark elves. After all, this is the Underdark region, the home ground of the dark elves. Even if the dark elves can't beat them, it's okay to escape, otherwise they won't start the investigation.They didn't believe that Yun Xiaohan could solve the infiltrator at all, so they planned to solve it by themselves.

But the facts in front of them obviously far exceeded her expectations. After carefully examining the corpses, they found that the 13 corpses in front of them came from two families, including 10 elite soldiers of the dark elves, and three nobles of the dark elves. Also includes a mage and two mage apprentices.

Although 13 people may not seem to be many, but there can't be too many people in the infiltration operation, and a small number of people were directly killed or driven away by the guards of the Do'Urden family during the infiltration process.

Moreover, this ambush was presided over by three dark elf nobles, and Yun Xiaohan's team had more people than them. Whether it was to ensure the safety of the dark elf nobles or to ensure the success rate of the ambush, it was impossible for these infiltrators to keep their hands , must have gathered all the infiltrators together.Therefore, these 13 people are all the infiltrators, which means that the infiltrators have been wiped out.

Getting rid of all the infiltrators is already good news, but the even better news is the three dark elf nobles.

There are not many dark elf nobles in Menzoberranzan City, there are only about 2500 in total, and all of them are the backbone of the family. For any family, the loss of a noble is a huge loss.

Because the number of dark elf nobles is very small, and they are in a city, the dark elf nobles basically know each other, so Verna quickly recognized the three dead nobles. The sixth and tenth families of Menzoberranzan.

The sixth family is the Hennett family, members of the ruling council. The Hennett family and the Do'Urden family have a deep hatred and have been fighting for several years. This time the Do'Urden family raided and wiped out the fourth-ranked family. The Defoe family made the Henett family extremely vigilant.

The tenth family is the Feiblanche family. They were originally the No.11 family. After the Defoe family was destroyed, they were promoted by one rank. They hoped to improve another rank by eliminating the Do'Urden family.

Although the Do'Urden family is very powerful, their act of forcibly destroying the Defoe family has met with hostility from other dark elf families. Currently, they have no allies in Menzoberranzan.

What's more important is the attitude of the Spider Queen. The Do'Urden family's annihilation of the Defoe family was after all a violation of Rose's taboo. Although they were not punished by Rose, it was a bad start after all. .

With this bad example, if other families can destroy the Do'Urden family at this time, as long as they do it skillfully and quickly enough, there is a great possibility that they will not be punished by Rose.

So after the Henett family proposed cooperation, the two families quickly reached a consensus and sneaked into the camp together.

Among the three nobles who died this time, the mage and warrior came from the Henet family, while the assassin came from the Fibranch family.Although the strength of the two families is relatively strong, this loss will still hurt them.

In particular, the death of that mage is likely to cause heartache for the Henett family for a long time. The number of spellcasters among the dark elves is quite small, and spell knowledge needs to be passed on. However, dark elves are generally selfish and cold, and few dark elves are willing to impart knowledge. The success rate is very low, so every caster is very precious.

Because of the relationship between the Defoe family, the Do'Urden family has a lot of enemies in Menzoberranzan, so they are not sure which family made the move. Now that they have the bodies of these three nobles, they can be sure that the two a rival family.

In addition to intelligence, the death of the three dark elf nobles is also excellent news for the Do'Urden family. The enemy's loss is their own gain.Therefore, after confirming the identity of the noble of death, Mistress Maris and Verna were in a very happy mood.

When they were happy, they looked at Yun Xiaohan even more differently. They thought Yun Xiaohan and his team were very strong, but this time they overestimated the strength of Yun Xiaohan's team.

Most dark elves are realistic and cunning.If you have strength but no benefits, they will not deal with you; but if you have strengths but no strength, they will slaughter you as a fat sheep.Only when they have both, they will treat you as an equal trading partner.

Now that Yun Xiaohan's side has proved his strength and helped the Do'Urden family kill the enemy, the Do'Urden family will naturally want to pay back.

(End of this chapter)

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