Pinnacle player

Chapter 1029 The 3rd Qualification Battle 3

Chapter 1029 The Third Qualification Battle 3
PS: Two chapters in one.

Facing Yun Xiaohan's active approach, the European team obviously has 24 people, which has an absolute upper hand in terms of numbers, but it is like an enemy.

Yun Xiaohan is too famous, and his [Lonely Charge] has already been picked up.When the commander of the European team saw Yun Xiaohan coming up, he immediately ordered his teammates to stop and spread out their positions, and at the same time, pay attention to maintaining a distance from Yun Xiaohan, so as not to let Yun Xiaohan seize the opportunity to charge too much goals.

There is nothing wrong with this commander's response in essence, and it can even be said to be the safest response plan. As long as the European team spreads out and pays attention to keeping a distance, Yun Yanhan's [Lonely Charge] is very easy. Difficult to rush to people. [Flash Dance] has the action of swinging the shield on the spot, and [Lonely Charge] also has a half-second charge preparation action, and the opponents are all high-level players, it is impossible to stand there stupidly waiting to be charged, and will definitely use displacement Get out of the way. [Lonely Charge] No matter how strong you are, it's useless if you can't charge.

But a response must be viewed in a specific situation, not only the opponent's next move, but also the overall situation.Although the commander's response was correct, it restricted their own side. They did not dare to get too close to Yun Xiaohan, and at least they had to keep a distance of more than 30 yards to prevent being rushed by a sudden charge.

Moreover, Yun Xiaohan's previous thunder spears had a huge deterrent effect, so they had to pay attention to avoiding thunder spears.So he only dared to attack Yun Xiaohan with long-range skills from a distance, intending to consume Yun Xiaohan to death.

But Yun Xiaohan himself is also very clear that [Lonely Charge] is very difficult to hit when the enemy is prepared, so he will not use [Lonely Charge], but deliberately use [Lonely Charge] Charge】Keep it in hand, as a deterrent to contain the enemy.His dual defense is too high, and there are many defensive methods, and there is a blood sacrifice hanging far behind to help him increase blood, and the enemy cannot be beaten at all.

In fact, the European team still has a choice at this time, which is to spread the team apart and bypass Yun Xiaohan.No matter how strong Yun Xiaohan is, he is still alone. No matter how powerful his [Lonely Charge] is, there is still a CD time. If you hand it over, it will be gone. As long as you disperse and bypass him, Yun Xiaohan can only rush to a few people at most, and stop him. Just the next team.

But at this time, the correctness of Yun Xiaohan's previous decision can be reflected.According to the current situation, the European team can steadily get a place for promotion, so they are unwilling and do not want to take the risk of bypassing Yun Xiaohan, in case they are killed by Yun Xiaohan, or force Yun Xiaohan Xiao Han's team turned around and besieged the dispersed European team, and the eliminated team might be the European team.

For the commander of the European team, Shayun Xiaohan can't explode the equipment, at most it's a reputation, and there is no real benefit.In addition, their team is made up of several guilds, and it is still a matter of which one is responsible for killing Yun Xiaohan, and seeing how tough Yun Xiaohan is, whether he can be killed is still a matter of opinion.

And the situation is different now, you are one group against one group, even if two groups fight one group, you can still blow a wave if you win, but now Yun Xiaohan has made it clear that you are a 24-member team, 24 people Isn't it reasonable to beat a person and win?There may be a lot of exposure, but there is nothing to brag about.

His current command position is not easy to come by. Several guilds fought for a long time before he won the command position by relying on the strength of the guild and the past record, but this so-called past record is very false, and those online games before The same server has basically never played against each other. It is better to say seniority than record, but seniority is not very reliable.

If the dungeon is played well this time, his position will be stabilized. In the future, if there is any joint action, everyone will think of him first, which will also be of great benefit to his guild. In the future, he can come forward to organize many activities. Therefore, the president of his guild gave a few words of advice and encouragement before entering the book, and he himself valued this opportunity very much.

If he loses the opportunity to advance steadily for a moment of enthusiasm, his command position will probably have to be replaced, and if he really can kill Yun Xiaohan, the video will be captured, and most of the credit will be due to the hands-on player Yes, he certainly won't get much credit as a conductor, and this credit is meaningless to a conductor.

Killing Yun Xiaohan is of no benefit to the commander of the European team, but the team's loss of promotion qualification may affect his next game career. The benefits and risks are completely out of proportion. It is obvious what choice this commander will make .

Although this European team was improvised, it was of high quality. Even though they didn't have a tacit understanding with each other, they attached great importance to cooperation.Although there were a few more combative players who wanted to rush up to compete with Yun Xiaohan, they didn't do so after all.

Of course, this is also related to their first cooperation. This group of people were selected from several guilds from their respective elite players. Also affects their game development.

Only those who are barefoot will mess around. If they are truly ambitious and have a certain status, they will care more about how others perceive them.After all, this group of people can be said to be the strongest group of players in the main city of a certain faction on their server, and there will be many cooperations in the future. The impression of obeying the command, so that no one will take them to play in the future.

In one sentence: "If you treat a game as a game, it is a game; if you regard a game as your life, it is a virtual life. Not to mention love and hatred, but the entanglement of interests is inevitable."

And Yun Xiaohan is too strong, if he is sure to kill Yun Xiaohan, they will go up even if they violate the order, but now none of them are sure, even if they win Yun Xiaohan by numbers, so what? can run.If you don't obey the command and have no results, you will definitely have trouble afterwards.Players who can play to this level are not fools and have no tendency to self-abuse.

What's more important is that they can't guarantee that they can get enough people to accompany them to act together, and they will definitely not be able to fight alone. Even if they connect privately, it will take time, and they will owe favors to others, and there is no guarantee that others will agree. It's not necessarily that they can be killed, and the brain damage is not such a brain damage.

Therefore, none of the players in the European team left the team and took the initiative to step forward.

Then, a surprising scene appeared, Yun Xiaohan restrained the entire European team by himself.Just facing Yun Xiaohan alone, the European team can't advance an inch, and occasionally they are forced to retreat a certain distance (in order to maintain a distance from Yun Xiaohan), it seems that the entire European team is blocked by Yun Xiaohan. Xiao Han was frightened by himself.

Seeing this scene, all kinds of curses continued to come from the Japanese team, and even the players of Yun Xiaohan's team who were chasing them unconsciously slowed down, turning their heads to look at Yun Xiaohan's situation.

Although they are all the players with the highest level in their respective servers, but because of the different servers they are on, there are still differences in strength.

The first server in China is the server with the largest number of servers and the most competitive server, and Necromancer Judgment, Fuyiyin Bustling City, Yixiaozui and others are the most outstanding group of people in the first server in China.

And the server where these Japanese players are located is the first server in the Japanese region under the Asian region. Although there are only 5 such regional servers in Japan, but because of the huge difference in population and propaganda between China and Japan, no matter Both the number of people and the intensity of competition are much lower.

After all, "Choice" was mainly developed by Skyworth, a Chinese company, and Yun Xiaohan, as the spokesperson for China, also played a very good role in promoting it.Because it is the main developer, the China region is a large region at the same level as the Asia region, and the servers in the Japan region are only subordinate regional servers. There are 20 servers in the China region, but the population of China is more than ten times that of Japan. Because the population of Japan has been growing negatively, Without opening up the immigration policy, the population has dropped to just over [-] million. (If you don’t understand this, you can download Japan’s declining birth rate and Japan’s immigration policy on Baidu.)
Therefore, the gap between the first server in Japan and the first server in China is relatively large, and these Japanese players are not the most outstanding group in the first server in Japan. In addition, the psychological imbalance of Japanese players, morale (players' real Morale) was also severely setback, and their blood volume was not at full health, and a lot of attention was distracted by the performance of the European team. Multiple players.

At this point, it can be said that the general trend has been set, and the Japanese team has no possibility of a comeback.

At this time, a more impulsive Japanese player suddenly gave up and ran away, turned around and used the displacement skill to flash behind the chasing Yun Xiaohan team player, and then ran straight towards the European team.

The abnormal behavior of the Japanese player stunned the dragon in the rain who was chasing him, but he quickly reacted and roughly guessed the Japanese player's intentions.

The Japanese player is actually closer to the dragon in the rain after the reverse displacement. The dragon in the rain can actually hit him in a wave, and may even take him away in a wave.

But the dragon in the rain hesitated for a moment, and did not make a move. At this time, Fuyiyin downtown not far from him also shouted: "Don't fight, let him go." The dragon in the rain completely gave up attacking the Japanese player plan.

This impulsive Japanese player recklessly launched a desperate charge against the European team, shouting and cursing loudly during the charge, but because of the language barrier, neither the Chinese players nor the European players could understand, but with that tone, It's definitely not a good thing to know.

The Japanese player's blood volume is less than half, and he is the only one. He is not Yun Xiaohan. Naturally, it is impossible for his desperate charge to achieve any effect. The European team shouted a few times to try to communicate with him , but found that the communication was invalid, and the other party did not stop, so he was not polite, and directly set fire to kill him in seconds.

Influenced by this Japanese player, two other Japanese players also took the same approach. Yun Xiaohan hurriedly shouted to his teammates not to hit these two people, and not to stop the same behavior.

Although this approach has no actual benefit to Yun Xiaohan's team, as a Chinese, there is no reason not to watch the Japanese monkey show, and Yun Xiaohan has been recording the video, and the video material will be processed later. Once again, it can bring another wave of rhythm, and it can also increase the exposure and reputation of him and his territory.

But there will be no Japanese players doing this anymore, but even if there are only three Japanese players doing this, it will have a great psychological impact on both the Japanese team and the European team.If the video spreads, it can even affect many European and Japanese players and hinder their cooperation. Even if they cooperate, they will be very cautious. This is a good thing for the entire Chinese players.

And even if it doesn't have any impact, it can still be used as a joke.

In fact, it’s not necessarily that the Japanese players don’t understand the idea of ​​the European team, but knowing it doesn’t mean they can accept it. After all, the fact is that the European team, as a temporary ally, didn’t make any effort to rescue the ally, or even made any effort. It's so simple, it's like selling teammates.

Moreover, the psychological feeling of being in the game is different from that of watching and thinking calmly. The Japanese team has been under heavy attack from Yun Xiaohan's team. They took the initiative to retreat and were charged with all their strength. They had no time to stand in the position of European players and change positions. Thinking, it is even more impossible to express understanding for the European team's approach.

Maybe they have to wait until they release the dungeon, and after a long time, they can calm down and think slowly.Of course, this possibility is very small. Gamers don't have such high integrity. It is more likely that these Japanese players have shifted all responsibility to the European team in order to shirk their responsibilities.

In fact, there are only three Japanese players who rarely take shots against the European team. Although most Japanese players are also very angry and even hate the European team, they still refrain from making shots. It's not that they don't hate European players, but It's because it doesn't help, and I don't want people to see a joke.

There is nothing to say next. After this incident, the Japanese team had no intention of resisting, and was quickly wiped out. Yun Xiaohan's team and the European team were automatically qualified for promotion.

The European team was also very embarrassed by the temporary allies, so they didn't communicate with Yun Xiaohan's team, and immediately entered the second stage of the world dungeon as soon as they obtained the qualification for entry.

From this qualification battle, it can be seen that it is difficult for this kind of temporary teamwork to be sincere and unanimous. Each team has its own little calculations. This time, only three teams are so troublesome, and the five-team battle will be even more troublesome.

Strength is very important in the qualification battle, but the psychological game is even more important.If these two teams forcibly attack Yun Xiaohan's team as soon as they come up, it's hard to say what the result will be, but how can people be selfless!

(End of this chapter)

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