Pinnacle player

Chapter 1118

Chapter 1118
Today's luck was bad, nothing good came out, not to mention [Key of Elementary Secret Realm (Bronze Key)], there was only one yellow outfit.

Level 58 yellow leather pants, +80 agility, +80 constitution, +80 intelligence, +80 spirit.

Yun Xiaohan had occasionally used leather armor with this attribute before, but at that time he felt that the attributes did not match well. Being wise can increase the power of magic spells, and pet occupations need charm. Leather armor occupations that require intelligence are the rarest, so they are not very easy to sell. If there are few people who want them, even if they can be sold, because there is no Several people bid in the auction house, and the price is generally relatively low, and it is even more useless to keep it for yourself, so it is quite tasteless.

But now that there is Charlie John, the gunner, leather armor with such attributes is no longer so useless, and it can be used directly by Charlie John.

In addition to the bad drop, the leveling efficiency is also relatively low. Yun Xiaohan plans to try the task chain task in Ivas City tomorrow. Although he doesn't know how many links he can do, it should be better than spawning monsters.

After returning to Ivas City to collect the crystals, Yun Xiaohan went to Bastia City.

On March 3, Yun Xiaohan conferred two vacant lands on the left and right sides of the city of Bastia to Garibaldi and Morris as fiefs. Now nearly 7 days have passed, and the two fiefs have finally been completed.

The newly built fiefdoms are just miniature villages with a population of only 100, and they have to grow slowly.

Garibaldi named his village Aristo, which is located on the left side of the city of Bastia; Morris named his village Palau, located on the right side of the city of Bastia.

In order not to affect the expansion of the city of Bastia, these two villages are some distance away from the city of Bastia. Although there are no high-threatening wild animals, land transportation is still inconvenient because there is no road construction. , It’s okay for players to run around, but it’s not worthwhile for merchants to buy goods. After deducting shipping costs and wasted time, there is not much profit.

Fortunately, these two new villages were built on open land along the coast, and they could still go by sea if they couldn’t go by land. But after they were built at the wharf, larger medium-sized ships couldn’t move forward. Only small boats could dock. You don't need a lot of supplies, a small boat is enough.

Under normal circumstances, non-direct fiefdoms can only see key data such as population, military strength, and taxation, which are only approximate values. For example, for a population of 172, what Yun Xiaohan sees is between 100-250, which is neither accurate. Nor detailed.

However, Garibaldi is a follower of Yun Xiaohan, and Morris can be regarded as barely. The relationship between the two parties is closer, and the sense of belonging to Yun Xiaohan is also higher, so Yun Xiaohan can see more and more detailed fiefs data.

Of course, these data are not very useful at present, but as the fief expands, it will become more and more useful.

But no matter how close the relationship is, Yun Xiaohan can't directly interfere with the vassal's fief affairs, at most he can only give suggestions to him. The closer the relationship between the two parties, the higher the possibility of accepting suggestions.

The better the vassals' fiefs develop, the more troops they can send in wartime. In addition, they will hand over [-]% of their net income to Yun Xiaohan, and Yun Xiaohan also needs to give [-]% of his territory's net income. The income goes to Liya.

Since the [-]% of the net income paid by Yun Xiaohan already includes the income paid by the vassals, Garibaldi and Morris do not need to pay taxes to Liya, so they have no intersection with Liya, which means "My vassal's vassal, not my vassal" is reflected in the economy, Garibaldi and Morris have no obligation to Liya, they only recognize Yun Xiaohan.

And if Garibaldi and Morris have powerful vassals in the future, they also don't need to recognize Yun Xiaohan.However, Yun Xiaohan can ask Garibaldi or Morris to transfer their vassals to him, but the consent of the vassals must be obtained, and Yun Xiaohan must also give them enough compensation, otherwise Yun Xiaohan's reputation will drop sharply , the intimacy and loyalty of vassals to him will also decrease, and may even lead to defection.

In addition, there is another mode of "sending ministers", that is, Yun Xiaohan lends his vassals to vassals who have fiefs under him. These temporarily loaned vassals will obey the orders of the vassals on the ground, but the ownership is still the same. Owned by Yun Xiaohan.

This "sending minister" model is generally adopted when the lord's vassals have a lot of surplus, or when the field vassals have management or military deficiencies. Yun Xiaohan is now an official in his three territories The arrangements are not yet full, and Garibaldi and Morris are very capable and have no obvious shortcomings. Naturally, there is no need to "send ministers" to them.

Unlike player territories, territories managed by NPCs themselves cannot enjoy early population growth dividends, but NPCs also have the advantages of NPCs. Their management leadership potential, political and diplomatic potential and other attributes can directly affect their own direct-controlled fiefs Yes, so the population growth will not be much lower than that of players, and even if the management leadership potential is strong, the population growth efficiency will be higher than that of player territories.

Although players do not have these attributes, they can also achieve the same effect by learning corresponding skills, obtaining some special buffs or special abilities, or using certain props or strange objects in the middle and late stages, so it is not a disadvantage.

Yun Xiaohan didn't get these things now, mainly because the time didn't come. Let him be counted as a pervert. The number of lord players who got the territory in the entire first server at this time has not exceeded a hundred. The largest territory is a small village. While enjoying the demographic dividend, I don’t know how long it will take if the population exceeds 5, let alone 5 people ([-] people, the demographic dividend will completely disappear), there is no need for these.

Yun Xiaohan originally had a high starting point, and he has gained a large number of powerful talents, so he can develop so fast. It is good that the official does not restrict him. It is impossible to deliberately advance some settings in the game in order to match his own development speed. .

After the two new territories were built, the city of Bastia served as the regional capital, and two new tasks appeared in its interior hall, requiring Yun Xiaohan to build two roads, one connecting the city of Bastia and Aristu, and one Connects the city of Bastia and Palau.

There was a task of building a road connecting the city of Bastia and the village of Ajaccio before, but the cost was too high, and the tribes and wild monsters on the road could not be solved, so it was never built.

The cost of these two new road-building missions is not so high. First, the road is not far away. Second, it is not difficult to build roads on flat ground. Finally, there are no tribes on the road and only a few wild monsters. Players in the territory can easily solve it. These wild monsters can be repaired.

There are three road construction standards for this road construction:

The first gear is 100 gold, which is to build a simple road that horses can pass quickly. Strange.

The second gear is 300 gold. Most vehicles on this road can walk, but large trucks with particularly high loads still cannot. One aspect is that the width is not enough, and the road is not strong enough. In addition, wild monsters around the road will only appear occasionally.

The third gear is 500 gold, all cars can go, and there will be no more wild monsters around the road.

The city of Bastia can reach these two new villages by sea, so the need for land routes is not very urgent. From a more economical point of view, it is enough to build a low-grade road, and there is no need to build it too well, after all These two villages are still very small.And it doesn't matter if you build low-level ones first, you can continue to upgrade in the future.

However, one step in place also has the advantage of one step in place, that is, saving money.The cost of upgrading is more than that in one step. It costs 250 gold to upgrade from the first gear to the second gear, instead of 200 gold for the price difference, and 300 gold for upgrading from the second gear to the third gear, not the 200 gold for the price difference.Another point is that with the increase in labor, the road repair fee will also increase, and the sooner it is repaired, the better.

What's more, Yun Xiaohan now has nothing but money, so he naturally chose the highest gear.

Once he pays the money, Yun Xiaohan doesn't need to take care of the following things. The NPC officials in Bastia City will do things themselves. They will organize NPC workers to repair roads and issue various related tasks to players, such as Expel wild monsters, provide raw materials for road construction, and provide food, etc. These NPC officials will take care of everything, and the task rewards are divided into two parts, one part is money, which will be deducted from 500 gold, and the other part will be given to territory contribution.

The stronger the ability of the NPC officials, the better things will be done, and the road will be repaired in a shorter time with less expenditure. However, the saved money will not be returned to the territory's account, but will be distributed to these NPC officials. bonus.And if the official NPC's ability is insufficient, resulting in a lot of waste, it is likely that Yun Xiaohan will need additional investment.

The owner of the city of Bastia is Morris. His management and leadership potential is 8 stars, which is very high. Building a road is a very simple job for him. He will definitely be able to arrange it properly, and there will be no shortage of money. , and additional investment is required.

There is an announcement wall and a task wall outside the interior hall, and there is an NPC next to it, where players can watch the territory announcement and receive territory tasks.

After dealing with the road construction, Yun Xiaohan teleported to the city of Ajaccio.



Since the effect of [Bronze Building Hand] has ended, Yun Xiaohan also used up the second [Bronze Building Hand], and opened the fifth building again to speed up the development of Ajaccio City.However, this [Bronze Building Hand] will not start timing from now, but will start timing from when the 40th batch of buildings starts to be built.

Next, Yun Xiaohan used the 【Primary Elemental Secret Realm Key (Bronze Key)】to enter the Primary Elemental Secret Realm space again.

Last time was the first time to enter the element secret realm, Yun Xiaohan spent a lot of time exploring and testing, this time there is no need, so the efficiency is much higher.

Not only did he get a lot more elemental materials, but he also got three skills. Because Yun Xiaohan only found air-type elemental creatures to fight, all he lost were air-type skills, namely: [Lightning Chain], [Loud Thunder], [Qi Blade Attachment].

[Lightning Chain] is a low-end version of [Chain Lightning]. The first-level [Lightning Chain] can only bounce twice, and each bounce loses 15% damage, while the normal [Chain Lightning] can bounce 7 times. Effect chain lightning] is as many as 14 times, and the bounce damage reduction is much lower.Yun Xiaohan has already experienced powerful chain lightning, so naturally he doesn't like [Lightning chain], let alone learning [Powerful chain lightning] does not need [Lightning chain] as a prerequisite.

[Loud Thunder] is somewhat similar to [Lightning Strike], they both summon a bolt of lightning to strike down from the sky, causing damage to a single target. Let the attacked target himself and the targets within a radius of 10 yards enter the state of "ringing in the ears" for 10 seconds.

During the "tinnitus" state, the player's ears will always be buzzing and cannot hear any other sounds. This other sound includes the player's voice, and the text chat will all become "buzzing" within these 10 seconds. After the "tinnitus" state ended, the text within 10 seconds was still unreadable, and it was still "buzzing".

This is a very obscene skill, the casting time is very short, as long as it is chanted for 0.5 seconds, it can interfere with the enemy's command system. You will be hit within the range, and the range is only 40 yards, which is not suitable for Yun Xiaohan.

After all, he is the commander, and he is the enemy's key target. He will definitely encounter the enemy's concentrated fire at a position 40 yards away. It is better to charge directly to create chaos than to interfere with the enemy's command system. Besides, 【Loud Thunder】The range of influence is so small, the enemy can leave the range of influence by walking a few more steps.

This is the difference in positioning. Yun Xiaohan's strength and the role he plays in the team all affect his personal positioning. This kind of work that restricts the enemy's command system does not need him to do it. It is reasonable for the younger brothers to do it. , it is more cost-effective for him to do other things, and the blow to the enemy is greater.

[Air Blade Attachment] is an auxiliary skill for enchanting weapons, which can temporarily add air damage to one's own weapons, which can last for 10 minutes.

Compared with regular enchanting, the biggest advantage of [Air Blade Attachment] is that it does not require consumables, it only needs to consume some mana, which is said to be a no-cost business, and with the improvement of the user's intelligence and skill level, the weapon's Qi The damage enhancement effect of the department will also increase accordingly, unlike enchanting, it will not change after being attached.

However, the strengthening effect of [Air Blade Attachment] conflicts with other elemental enchantments. If there is already an elemental enchantment on the weapon, then the [Air Blade Attachment] will temporarily disable the original elemental enchantment effect and cannot be superimposed. So its usefulness is limited.

(End of this chapter)

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