Pinnacle player

Chapter 1136 The first impression

Chapter 1136 First Impression (semi-theoretical chapter)

Since Xuan Xiao Shengji's point of view seemed more like speculation, let alone the third guild team as competitors, the fourth guild team only supported him with his own guild and the Phoenix Wings guild.

Although there are very few people who support him, Xuan Xiao Shengji still insists on his point of view, and has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of being lenient when predicting the enemy.It seems that this kind of persistence doesn't make much sense. Some people even think that there is no need for Xuan Xiao Shengji to convince others. They are competitors anyway. There is no need to remind them that it is better to let them suffer a big loss, and they can take advantage of the situation to seek more benefits. big benefit.

This kind of thinking cannot be wrong, but the vision is not long-term enough, and it is not good at being a person and doing things.

For players at the level of Xuanxiao Shengji, it is naturally the best to get good things from the boss, but it doesn't matter if you can't get them. What is more important is to get the reputation of the guild and your own reputation. And build his personal image in the minds of others.

Fame and personal image seem to be false, but they are very useful in many cases and are closely related to actual interests.

Just like this time, if Xuan Xiao Shengji didn't say anything, maybe he would suffer less losses and have the opportunity to make greater benefits, but that's all. That's all.Some people even think that he deliberately concealed it and kept it selfish.

And Xuan Xiao Shengji now puts forward his own point of view, which is foresight. Continuing to persist in a situation where most people oppose it shows that his vision is accurate, he is persistent, he does not follow the crowd, and most importantly, he has a public heart.

Once this kind of positive personal image is successfully established, it will be very beneficial to the future development of Xuanxiao Shengji and Xuanxiao Temple. As the backbone, so as to gain the leadership of the team, the benefits are naturally self-evident.

In online games, if you want others to listen to you, you must either completely overwhelm the other party in terms of overall strength, or make people trust you in terms of ability and character. There is nothing. If you want people to listen to you just by talking empty words, it is very difficult. up.

In addition, there is often a view that those who oppose Xuan Xiao Shengji's views are too stupid, even if Xuan Xiao Shengji is wrong, it is always good to be prepared, it is nothing more than separating the treatment staff, no Just let them concentrate like that, and it doesn't take much trouble.No matter how low the probability is, since there is such a possibility, there is no harm in guarding against it. This is the so-called "don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case".

But this kind of view is actually a manifestation of lack of combat experience and actual command experience. It is not that these players are stupid, but that the bystanders do not know the reason for the dispute.

This kind of dispute over tactics is actually not limited to the tactical level. It is more about a fight for the right to speak. Both sides are multi-guild joint teams, and no one agrees with the other. At this time, who can get more words If they have more rights, they can gain more dominance in the alliance. Not only can they take advantage of this joint activity, but they are also more likely to occupy a leading position in future cooperation.

To use a relatively simple analogy, a group of people download the book, and the members of the team do not know each other. At this time, there is a person in the team who speaks clearly about the dungeon tactics, and he also played relatively smoothly in the following dungeon strategy. If six people play the book again, everyone will be more inclined to let him command. Even if someone in the team is actually more capable than this person, but because he has not shown it, everyone is still more willing to trust the person who has proven himself. The power of inertia.

This kind of multi-guild alliance is very similar to this. If there is a guild or a person who has done a good job in this area, everyone is more willing to trust you. The risk of random changes is too great, and trust must be accumulated again. Once an impression is formed, the latecomer will need to spend several times the effort to eliminate the influence of the former, and spend a lot of time and energy to consolidate their position, and at the same time face the challenge of the former, which is not worthwhile.

More importantly, since the former was kicked out by you, he will probably lead the team out of the alliance, and the alliance team will lose part of its strength in vain. situation can be avoided.

This is actually the gap in vision and self-confidence. In the words that I will bite you even if I die: "Some people always regard all competing people as opponents, or even enemies; and I regard the entire joint team from the very beginning. As something in the pocket, there are so few people who are not convinced, it is just a mischievous moment of my future younger brother, I have enough confidence and ability to train and control them."

Xuan Xiao Shengji naturally didn't reach the level of "biting you even if he dies", but this did not prevent him from following the gourd and trying to establish his first impression.

The theory and application of this "first impression" is not only useful in online games, but also has great practical value in daily life. Many marketing textbooks will regard "first impression" as one of the most important opening courses.

The lack of actual command experience is because this view only considers the benefits of spreading out the treatment personnel, but does not consider the disadvantages of spreading out.

Small group command is different from large group command, field command is also quite different from dungeon command, and the previous small-scale online games are completely incomparable with the current "Choice".

In a small group of 24 or 48 people, how many people are in the treatment position, even if they are all separated, it is clear at a glance in a dungeon. The commander in charge of commanding the treatment position can clearly see their skill usage and give instructions.

But now the number of people has increased too much, and the surroundings are full of people, which are separated by countless players of different sizes, and will be affected by various sound and light effects. The commander wants to accurately observe the spread with the naked eye. The action of the last treating staff is an impossible task. In "Choice", players can be blocked, but either you block everyone together, or none of them are blocked, and you don't say that you can only block strangers if you have a choice.

What's more, the number of healers has also increased greatly. A 48-person team generally only has about 10 healers, but now there are hundreds of healers in a guild. How to coordinate these healers is a big project, even if only a part of the elite is selected. Therapists are commanded in groups, and the number of them is far more than 10, which is not easy to do.

Some people will say that each treatment group can be assigned a commander, which is possible, but how to coordinate among these groups, there will be a certain lag in communicating with each other through voice or text, but in any case, this is the most reliable This is the way Xuan Xiao Shengji intends to adopt.

All in all, dispersing the healers in groups will bring a lot of trouble. In contrast, it is much easier to observe and command if the healers stand together. This is another reason why the guild commanders are unwilling to adopt this method. reason.

(End of this chapter)

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