Pinnacle player

Chapter 1147 The Reason For Forbearance

Chapter 1147 The Reason For Forbearance

It is precisely because [Group Thorn of Plants] looks more powerful that Yun Xiaohan waited until now to use it.Generally speaking, the skills of the boss are released in several stages. Yun Xiaohan did this to give the player the illusion that the boss is using the skills step by step.

After starting to use [Group Thorn of Plants], Yun Xiaohan's killing efficiency has been greatly improved. After being used by Yun Xiaohan twice like this [Group Thorn of Plants], many players dare not do what they did before When people are crowded together, they will consciously distance themselves from other players.What's more interesting is that many people became frightened birds. As soon as they saw the boss start singing, they didn't care whether the boss was attacking their own position or not, and used their displacement skills to dodge directly.

In fact, it is the organized players who can really pose a threat to Yun Xiaohan. Those players who have not joined the team or just joined the small team first think about saving themselves, and even after losing blood, they can't find anyone to help them Reply, so I didn't dare to get too close to the boss, and the damage to Yun Xiaohan was very limited.

And those players who have a team are relatively well-equipped, with more BUFFs, a lot of healing, and many teammates who are more courageous, and have fewer worries. I don't think my luck is so good, but for the honor of the guild, or the guild compensation afterwards.

Guild honor seems to be a vain thing, but many players care about it. Even if they can't get any practical benefits, they will feel proud if the team is strong, and they can even use it as a sign to brag about. some.

It's like some soldiers are also afraid of death, but in actual combat, all comrades rush, and they rush as soon as their brains get hot. This is the driving force of the collective.The same is true in the game. A player who usually has a cautious fighting style and rarely dies during leveling may take the lead in charging the boss because of the order of the commander in the team. It is not that they are not afraid of death, but that they will not To think so much, and at the same time, I don't want to lose face in front of others, and even feel that this kind of sacrifice is a very honorable thing to some extent.

So we often see some self-destruction parties or death squads in some large-scale team battles. It is very likely that their usual fighting style is completely different. It is not so much a kind of courage as it is a strong "desire to express". mischief.

Of course, players without a team will also have a desire to express themselves, but most people still prefer to express themselves in front of familiar people. Pretending to be aggressive in front of strangers and acting aggressive in front of acquaintances are obviously two different feelings.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan's number one enemy is still the large player teams organized by those guilds. They may really rush up and fight desperately at the request of the commander. The guild feels that there are still rules to follow in the actions of the boss, and also considers that if you fight too hard, the follow-up team will pick up peaches, so they are still adopting a more stable style of play.

But if you let them know that the BOSS is played by the player, they will know that the conventional BOSS tactics are difficult to use, and it is also difficult for the follow-up player team to take advantage of the BOSS played by the player. There is no need to stop playing, and it has become their first choice to play as high as possible in combat contribution.

Anyway, these combat contributions will not be erased due to the death of the player. After the resurrection, they will run over. Although the special king-rank boss played by Yun Xiaohan will also get the "Death Breath" BUFF, but only for 15 minutes, and With the "Death Breath" BUFF, you can't attack or use skills, and you still get the experience and drops of killing the boss. As long as it's not so coincidental, they don't happen to be there when the boss dies.

Of course, players who are present and have combat contributions will definitely be able to get experience points, but it depends on luck to drop this thing. Only a very small number of players who can really get the BOSS drop have higher combat contributions, and luck is relatively low. Good Ottey.

Once the player team wants to go all out, there will be a large number of players rushing towards Yun Xiaohan regardless of sacrifice. Yun Xiaohan has so many attack methods. Except for [Tyrant Strike], the cooldown time of other range skills is not short. Moreover, even [Tyrant Blast] has a cooldown time of 10 seconds. There is no way to clean up the crowd of players who are constantly rushing up. The people will only surround more and more, and the more they surround, the denser they will be killed.

And now many players will take a break when outputting, and the player commander has been reminding him all the time. This is to control the hatred, and he is afraid that the output of hatred will exceed the T position all the time, and the boss will be attracted.But if it's a player playing as a BOSS, the hatred rules are naturally meaningless, and no one will continue to control the hatred.

At this time, Yun Xiaohan's blood volume will drop much faster than before, maybe twice as fast, or even faster. Naturally, this kind of situation is not what he wants to face.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan can only choose to endure for the time being, and he has not used [Group Thorn of Plants] until now, and he still has three skills that he has not used, namely: [Gentle Wind], [Heroic Charge], [Life] Breath secret language].

[Gentle Wind] and [Words of Life Breath] can both restore blood, which is why Yun Xiaohan dared to temporarily keep the means and sit back and watch the blood volume drop.As for [Heroic Charge], it can be used to forcibly break through, and it can also clear a small group of people by the way.

[Heroic Charge] is the same as [Lonely Charge], it can directly cross over obstacles that are lower than 3/4 of the user's height, or directly break through obstacles with lower hardness, but the two skills have different requirements for the hardness of obstacles The difference is that the former cannot break through obstacles with a hardness of more than 300, while the latter cannot break through obstacles with a hardness of more than 500.

In addition, [Heroic Charge] does not have a damage bonus to the charge distance, and the charge speed is slower than [Lonely Charge].

But with Yun Xiaohan's height and attributes at this time, he can cross all players, and the damage bonus without the charge distance will not affect him in seconds.

However, Yun Xiaohan is facing too many enemies at this time, and [Group Thorn of Plants] can at most reduce his pressure a little bit and kill more players. It is impossible to fundamentally change the unfavorable situation in front of him, even With the increase of players and the shrinking of the space for activities, the situation became more and more unfavorable to Yun Hanhan.

Yun Xiaohan's blood volume quickly dropped to about 65%, and he planned to start using those two blood recovery skills when his blood volume dropped below 60%.At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the player group, and then Yun Xiaohan heard someone shouting loudly: "The little boys from the Elven Kingdom have come to grab the boss, and some brothers have already exchanged fire with them at the outskirts of the forest. "

(End of this chapter)

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