Pinnacle player

Chapter 1166 The Determinant Factor of Boss Survival

Chapter 1166 The Determinant Factor of Boss Survival

Yun Xiaohan stopped and killed these players, but once the players found the BOSS, they would report the coordinates, and others would follow. The BOSS is big, so it is unlikely to continue playing hide-and-seek.

However, there are still relatively few players rushing over at the first time. The high-level trolls' life recovery speed and defense ability are there.

Playing until 7:50, Yun Xiaohan didn't feel too much pressure. The high-level troll's movement speed is 15, which is quite satisfactory. The boss can't get rid of the player, but it's not easy for the player to catch up with the boss.

At this time, the grand guild of the empire gradually began to enter the arena.In fact, many guilds have already rushed to the coordinates of the BOSS announcement, but there are too many of them, and their actions are not as flexible as scattered players, and it is impossible for the commander to bring so many people to the BOSS. If you miss a few times, you will be scolded and hurt your prestige. Therefore, you need to confirm the exact location of the boss before setting off, which delays a lot of time.

Once he can't silence his players, Yun Xiaohan will not be able to get rid of the players' entanglement. He began to put more energy on killing people. Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many guilds entering the field at this time, kill more people first. Besides.

The troll's information is not a secret. The official has released relevant information. Although the information is quite brief, it still mentions the main characteristics of the troll-strong regeneration ability, high dual defense, weak fire resistance, and weak acid resistance.However, the characteristic of rapid recovery when the blood volume drops below 10% is definitely not there. This is the special ability of the high-level troll boss played by Yun Xiaohan.

If you want to fight high-level troll bosses, it is best to find players who have more acid and fire skills. Acid skills are relatively rare, let alone acid-based players, but fire is the most powerful. The common element types are easier for players to find.

But no matter how easy it is to find, there can't be too many fire-type players. Counting those players with only one or two fire-type skills is less than one-tenth of the total number of players.No way, there are too many types in "Choice", pure physics and summoning types are not included. Although the fire type skill is one of the most powerful output types, its proportion is still too low.

Even if fire-type skills and acid-type skills can cause 50% more damage against high-level troll bosses, it is still only a small head in terms of overall damage to the player, and the increased damage is far from the damage reduced by troll characteristics Far.

If it is said that the blood volume of those terrain-type giant bosses began to drop significantly when facing 2000 players, but now the high-level troll bosses don’t feel too much pressure when facing 2000 players, even if they stand still and hit the players , as long as several blood recovery skills are used in turn, the blood volume can be maintained.

What's more, Yun Xiaohan is not a fool, it is impossible to stand still as a live target, he will continue to move and attack, players need to follow the movement or avoid the BOSS, so more players need to participate in the attack to make the BOSS HP going down.

With confidence in his mind, Yun Xiaohan was more open-minded when fighting. He broke through when there were many people, and killed with all his strength when there were few people. Apart from deliberately pretending to follow the rules of hatred, he was extremely proactive in fighting, Spend more time killing enemies than moving.

With Yun Xiaohan's initiative, the player's casualties will increase. Fortunately, the high-level troll's lethality is not as good as the previous mountain giant and desert giant, and his movement speed of 15 also makes his breakout and pulling actions take more time. , the improvement in killing efficiency is not too great.

In the past two days, the related videos of special domain-level bosses are almost rotten. As long as the players of the first server like to hang out in the forum, there is no one who has not watched it.Players who have watched the video will naturally compare the high-level troll boss in front of them with the giant boss in the video. This comparison shows that this high-level troll boss is more difficult to deal with than the previous ones. The blood returns too fast, I feel like I can't move!
Considering that the BOSS only exists for 3 hours, it is really hard to say whether you can win this BOSS. For a while, some guild leaders began to regret it. If you can’t win the BOSS within the limited time, the experience you can get will be If it shrinks, it will be a bit of a loss to spend [-] hours of precious leveling time to fight the boss.

But people shouted all the time, didn't practice to participate in guild activities, the time of the members was wasted, at this time they suddenly said no to fight, everyone disbanded and went to their own work, it was purely dead, this is not a joke If you want to play, you will be sprayed like a dog, and there may be many people who quit the membership.Therefore, these guild leaders are also riding a tiger at this time, and they have to fight if they don't fight.

These guilds are like gamblers who have lost their eyes. Isn't this boss hard to beat with fewer people, so call more people to come.Various guilds began to connect with each other, and soon established a temporary chat room, and most of the senior guilds in Nancy City were pulled in.

These guild leaders are not stupid, knowing that they will lose money if they can't kill the boss.Therefore, after a brief discussion, everyone quickly reached a tacit agreement that competition is still possible, but it must be put on the bright side, and killing the boss should be the first priority, and it is forbidden to tear down each other. Anyone who makes a move will be boycotted and even expelled by the rest of the participating guilds.

After these guilds reached a consensus, the situation did not improve immediately. After all, this was just to stop the internal strife, and did not form a unified command. Yun Xiaohan could still involve the player group by moving, thus forming a local advantage.

However, the reduction in internal friction makes combat personnel more abundant. Although you will not lose anything if you are killed by players of the same camp, and the durability of equipment is not as much as if you are killed by a boss, you will not be able to participate in the battle within 15 minutes.

Although there is no one in the center to command, but there are too many players and the place cannot stand, the players will naturally spread out to cover a larger area, forcing the BOSS to spend more time breaking out and pulling, and during its movement cause more damage to it.

In addition, the cessation of internal strife also means that the "accidental casualties" of the guilds have been significantly reduced. Although accidental injury is still inevitable, it is much easier than intentional injury. Players can focus more on the boss, rather than like As before, it was necessary to keep looking around to guard against "cold arrows", and the output efficiency has naturally improved a lot.

But whether it is for the players to spread out naturally or to focus more on the boss, it will take a process, and it cannot be done overnight.

Yun Xiaohan was in the game and couldn't see the communication in the chat room, so it was naturally impossible to react immediately.But as time went by, he still felt the pressure gradually increasing, like a pair of ropes getting tighter and tighter, but this pair of ropes was tied around his waist instead of around his neck. It's not fatal, but if it continues like this, Yun Xiaohan's result will still not be very good, and it is very likely that he won't last for three hours.

Maybe some people don't understand why the weaker terrain-type giant boss can last for 2 hours and 40 minutes, or even longer, while the stronger high-level troll boss can only last for so long.

In fact, this is easy to explain. The decisive factor for how long the boss played by Yun Xiaohan can survive is not actually him, but the player.

In the previous BOSS performances, the players have never been united, and there have been many frontal fights.No matter how good the talk is on the surface, there will be constant small moves.

As the saying goes, "the hearts of the people are not enough". When there is more time left, the players always want to take the fruits of victory, or at least take more. They have a lot of energy to tear each other down. , Even some people or guilds don't want to fight among themselves, just want to fight the boss with all their strength, other people and guilds will feel that they want to sneak away, and they will join forces to attack these people and clear them out first, which is very helpless.

Until the time is running out, for example, when there is only the last hour or half an hour, the players will get nervous and start to work together for their own interests. This is why Yun Xiaohan can always drag the time to the last half an hour The root cause lies.

It’s actually very lucky for Tria City to play the cave giant boss for three hours. On the one hand, the number of players in Tria City is the least among the main cities of the eight major players in the empire, and the average combat power of the players is also low; The terrain was so favorable to Yun Xiaohan that the players couldn't spread out at all, and the cave giant boss could dig holes and run around, which took a huge advantage.

Later, I changed to another cave and played the role of cave giant and failed to survive for three hours, which also proved this point.

Therefore, interests and pressure are the key to determining whether players can cooperate with each other. The strong boss played by Yun Xiaohan will only force players to cooperate more closely.

Of course, Yun Xiaohan also took advantage of the information lead. If the player knows that the later the boss dies, the worse the skills will be. It is impossible to let Yun Xiaohan delay like this.If you know that the boss is played by the player, it will be even worse, and you will go all out when you come up.

From this point of view, although Yun Xiaohan played the BOSS alone, without the BOSS played by other players to share the pressure, he suffered a lot of losses, but compared to the advantages he took, he still made a profit. Earn a lot.

If you think about it, even if there are other players sharing the pressure, with Yun Xiaohan's killing energy purity, the gap between the boss played by others and the boss played by him is too big, and he will still be the player's number one target.

Not to mention anything else, Yun Xiaohan's forum title is the unique "Emperor". The official has also publicly explained it. It is no secret that his killing energy purity exceeds 95%. According to the mechanism of the mode, smart people will immediately deduce his identity based on the boss's rank.

As No.1 in the game, are the skills dropped by the boss played by Yun Xiaohan comparable to the skills dropped by the boss played by other players?Obviously not!
Even some extremely rational players will object, thinking that the skills of game No.1 are not necessarily much better, and Yun Xiaohan may not use his good skills to play the role-playing mode.But "the name of a person, the shadow of a tree", after all, there are very few such rational people. Most people still believe in fame and have a fluke mentality. They are more willing to hit the No.1 game and try their luck.

What's more, Yun Xiaohan is still the most critical T position, and has even formed a monopoly on various records of the world dungeon. Affected by this, many people feel that Yun Xiaohan's dropped skills are likely to allow a T position player to directly enter A step, and the T position directly determines the upper limit of the dungeon team, which is more attractive to those guilds and teams.

Therefore, at most, some small groups and small guilds do not come because they feel that they cannot compete. Other larger guilds or groups will come if they think they can compete. These groups and guilds are the main force to kill the boss. Although the pressure that Xiao Han has to face can be reduced, it will not be too much, and it is completely inferior to the benefits that information leadership can bring.

By 8:18, Yun Xiaohan's blood volume had slowly dropped to about 84%, and the speed of blood volume decline was still accelerating, and at this moment, the players from the northern kingdom finally arrived nearby.

It took nearly 1 hour and 20 minutes to arrive, not because the efficiency of the players in the Northland was too low, but because the distance was long and the road was not easy to walk.

Northland players must gather in Tines, then teleport to Slatersburg, and then cross the Rhine from Slatersburg or take a ferry. It takes a lot of time to swim or take a ferry. Moreover, just a few people used to deliver food, and they had to wait for other players on their side to cross the river, which naturally took a lot of time. (For swimmers with swimming skills, the swimming skills should not be low, and those who don’t have to take a boat)
During this process, there are also Warlock players who directly use the [Summon Teammate] skill to pull people over, saving the part of crossing the river, but the cooldown time of [Summon Teammate] is also 5 minutes, and there are not so many Warlock players, so the time saved is relatively limited.

The empire didn't know that the city of Tines could also see the BOSS's announcement, so it was naturally impossible to arrange for someone to intercept it on the Rhine River, otherwise the Northland side might really have a drink.

Of course, the empire is in a hurry to grab the boss. If you really want to know in advance, it is very likely that no one will come to intercept it. The players don't have such a strong dedication.

At this time, we can see the strategic value of Slatersburg. If Slatersburg is in the hands of the empire, even if the Northland side can see the announcement of the boss, there is no way to pass Slatersburg. There is no way at all. Let's fight for this BOSS.

The players from the North Kingdom did not rush to the boss coordinates immediately after passing the Rhine River. They need to open the resurrection point on the south side of the Rhine River first, otherwise they will have to be resurrected in Strasbourg after death, and cross the Rhine River again.

This new resurrection point is also within the sphere of influence of Strasbourg. Although it is only a small area, as long as it crosses the Rhine River, it will save major troubles.

The south side of the Rhine River is regarded as the imperial territory by Northland players by default, and Northland players are unlikely to run here if they have nothing to do. Therefore, only a few Northland players who like cross-border PK have opened this resurrection point, and most Northland players have not opened it.Players from the Northern Kingdom who are too weak can't drive it, and they were killed by imperial players on the way. Now it's no problem to drive with a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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