Pinnacle player

Chapter 1187 Summary of the Snowman BOSS Battle

Chapter 1187 Summary of the Snowman BOSS Battle
This time the BOSS battle, due to Yun Xiaohan's secret care, the Viscount of Corsica naturally took advantage of it, even though the number of people is not as large as the three giants of Xueman, but the Viscount of Corsica is counted among the players after the BOSS battle. The team's total combat contribution ranks first.

The statistics of the total combat contribution are not made by the game, but by some of the data controllers themselves. They asked each other, collected a lot of experience data, roughly calculated the average amount of experience gained by each team player, and then compared them to draw conclusions , and post it to the forum.Because experience acquisition is directly linked to the team's combat contribution, whichever team has the highest increase in per capita experience will naturally have the highest team contribution.

However, since the experience data of this statistic is collected by the players themselves, it is not very accurate, and it can only be said to have a certain reference value.

At this time, in the territory channel, the Corsican Viscounty players who participated in the BOSS battle are reporting their gains.

The first is experience. The per capita experience increase of this boss battle is almost 9%. It only took 2 hours to fight 9% of the experience of the current level. This is definitely a big profit.And if you really count, the time to fight the BOSS is less than 2 hours. After all, the Viscount of Corsica arrived about 30 minutes after the BOSS appeared. The real battle time is only about an hour and a half. very high.

The second is the drop. The drop still depends on luck. At present, there are 8 people who have gotten the drop, three skills, and five pieces of equipment.

The skills are [Heroic Charge], [Entangling], and [Group Treant Summoning]. The first two skills do not need to be introduced, but the player version of [Group Treant Summoning] has been weakened a lot. You can only summon five Treants at a time. And the number cannot be accumulated, but even so, this is a very powerful skill.

The five pieces of equipment are three pieces of yellow perfect-level equipment, two pieces of orange epic equipment, not to mention the yellow equipment, one of the two pieces of epic equipment is a cloth armor hand, and the other is a magic short bow. Although the equipment is not very good in the epic equipment, it is still at the middle level.

Especially the orange short bow, the weapon can improve the player the most, and the value is also high. The lucky one who got this short bow is an uneducated master, the guy with the rare skill - [magic trapping] , he must have used this short bow himself, and it is estimated that the efficiency of leveling will be greatly improved.

The Cloth Armored Hand is a priest outfit. Not to mention the healing effect, it also comes with a healing skill. Although it does not improve the player's strength as much as the short bow, it is still very effective in the right hands. easy to use.

The player who got the Cloth Armor is a shaman who mainly takes the elemental route. Since his healing ability is average, although this equipment can be used, the effect will not be very good, so he plans to sell it for money or exchange it.

Hearing that this player wanted to make a move again, Sunset Gaoxuan, Give You Pure Milk, Dumpling Invincible and others rushed to talk to him. After all, this is an epic outfit, unless they can come up with very satisfactory conditions , otherwise it will be difficult to win in a short time.

Eight pieces of drop, this probability is actually quite high, and it is also possible that some people get the drop, but this possibility is relatively low, after all, what game are you playing without showing off, you are lucky to get the drop There is no need to share it with everyone, so it is unlikely to hide it.

Besides the quality of the drops, the quality of the skills is a little bit worse, probably because Yun Xiaohan persisted for more than two hours, and except for those few rare skills, most of the skills in Yun Xiaohan's belt are not the kind that have an extremely high drop rate. Low skill, so it's not surprising that it didn't explode very well.But it is also possible that a good skill was released, but it did not fall into the hands of the players of the Viscounty of Corsica.

Compared with skills, the quality of equipment is much better. After all, two pieces of epic equipment have been released, and the three pieces of yellow equipment are also small best.

Generally speaking, playing the boss this time is very profitable. It is not a waste of time to fight this wave. The experience alone is completely worth the ticket price. Players can only beat 3% to 5% of the level by practicing for two hours during the 9th period. Experience, and now hit [-]%, which is equivalent to about four hours.

What's more, many players use the [-]th time period to fight the boss, because playing special BOSS can get full experience regardless of the time period, so these players who spend the [-]th time period to fight the BOSS will make more money.

As for the drop, because there are still too few people who get the drop compared to the players who participated in the battle, it can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

The team that ranks second in total battle contribution is a little bit unexpected. It is the Empty Spirit Hall. The more than 700 treemen they forcibly replaced in front of them played a key role.

Don't look at the Kongling Temple, which suffered a lot at the beginning, but there are many guilds behind, and the competition is too fierce. Everyone should not even try to fight the boss and kill the tree people. Every tree person has several times the players staring at the siege, grab Not one of them was easy, so the more than 700 treants killed at once became the bulk of the combat contribution.

This result surprised the Kongling Temple very much. At the beginning, Wuliang Fengsha felt that he had just made a good choice, but he did not expect it to be the best choice.

Corresponding to this is the Doomsday Roaring Guild. They saw that the total combat contribution of the Empty Spirit Hall ranked second, so they naturally regretted it.

But this kind of thinking is completely an afterthought, it's useless, it just adds to the trouble. At that time, no one could be sure whether those tree people would be counted in the battle contribution, so it was obviously unfair to blame Leisure and Suifeng.

But human nature is like this, even if he knows it's not his fault, he still has to find someone to take the blame, otherwise he can't let Blood Roar take the blame.As the commander in chief of the guild, Leisurely Suifeng has to bear the blame if he doesn't.Fortunately, the blood roaring brain is still sober, and the blame is on the blame, and it will not shake the position of commander-in-chief just because of such an incident.

As for Xueman's Big Three, this boss battle didn't yield much. They didn't even enter the top ten in the team contribution list calculated by the players. I'm very sorry for my status as the Big Three.

But there is no way, the Dragon Yin guild and the Speed ​​guild are both very attractive, and they were targeted by other guilds, and the boss didn't cooperate. Yin and the others just ignored them once, and then deliberately stayed away from them later, which is difficult to deal with.

The Ruilan Legion of the Storm Temple is in panic because of recent troubles. The minds of the high-level leaders in the meeting are all confused, and everyone from the president Baofeng Ruilan is a little absent-minded, resulting in fewer people gathering and slower speed. He was the latest to arrive at the boss among the top ten guilds, and he was more than a little late, so naturally he couldn't compete with other guilds.

This shows how much a stable internal environment has an impact on a guild. In online game guilds, in many cases, external enemies cannot defeat cross-guilds. What can overwhelm a guild is often internal disputes.

(End of this chapter)

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