Pinnacle player

Chapter 1234 Wolf Disaster Mission 12

Chapter 1234 Wolf Disaster Mission 12
PS: Under the modification, the movement speed of two people dragging wolf corpses in Chapter 1237 is only reduced by [-]/[-], not [-]/[-].

Where there is a loss, there is a gain. After sacrificing the speed of advancement, the effect of this response is also immediate. Afterwards, Yun Xiaohan repelled two waves of wolves, one wave was about 100 wild wolves, and the other wave There are about 110 wild wolves.

At the end of the two waves of battle, Yun Xiaohan's side killed nearly seventy wild wolves in total, but he did not suffer any casualties.

Before Yun Xiaohan felt that the effect of the trap was greater, but at that time the trap had not yet undergone actual combat, it was just Yun Xiaohan's guess, but after these two battles, Yun Xiaohan was able to confirm the role of the trap.

Compared with the tripwire, the biggest advantage of the trap is that it can be used repeatedly. It is not said that a wild wolf falls into the trap, and then when the wolf climbs out of the trap, the trap will disappear, and the trap will always exist.

In addition, the trap is relatively large and can trap multiple wild wolves at the same time, but this situation is very rare, and there must be multiple wild wolves stepping on the trap at the same time. The probability of stepping on the same pit is very low.In fact, after Yun Xiaohan fought two battles, there was only one such case, and it was just that two wild wolves stepped on the pit at the same time.

This is also normal. After all, wild wolves are also intelligent. They will step on well-camouflaged pits, but wild wolves will not actively jump into exposed pits. They will actively avoid exposed pits. Therefore, in a battle These traps often only work once.

It is also because of this that although the exposed traps cannot trap wild wolves, they can limit the movement of wild wolves to a certain extent. Yun Xiaohan can also use traps to cover his own flanks or rear, reducing the contact area with wild wolves .

Of course, traps do not recognize people, and Yun Xiaohan has to be careful when commanding, and he has to reserve a certain amount of space, so as not to be careful, the NPC on his side will fall into the trap with one foot, or be killed by a wild man. The wolf crashed into the pit.

In addition, after the battle is over, Yun Xiaohan can command the NPC to repair those traps, because there is no need to dig the pits again, the time spent on repairing the traps is much shorter, and it takes 10 minutes for a young NPC to arrange a new trap , and it only takes 2 minutes to repair an exposed pit.

In addition to camouflaging the trap, this repair work also needs to re-level some small holes dug by the wild wolf when it struggled in the trap, otherwise the wolf may jump out of the trap with force, and there is no way to trap the wolf for as long as 5 seconds .

It should be noted that repairing the trap can only be done after leaving the battle, and there is no way to do it at the same time as the battle.

Yun Xiaohan and NPC Qing Zhuang can arrange 35 traps in just over five minutes. Although the traps are larger and easier to be stepped on by wild wolves, because the traps are arranged in advance, some have to be arranged in all directions. Like tripwires, wait for the wolves to appear and then temporarily arrange them in the direction of the wolves' attack, so the hit rate is even lower, generally only [-]% to [-]%.

However, just as Yun Xiaohan guessed, the time limit for the trap is long, and the wild wolves that fall into the trap can be killed in seconds with a wave of fire. It doesn't even need all the young and strong NPCs to set fire together, as long as some young and strong NPCs gather fire It can be killed in seconds, so a dozen wild wolves can be killed in a short period of time.

A dozen or so wild wolves do not seem to be many, but they accounted for more than [-]% of the attacking wolf pack, and this part of the wild wolves that fell into the trap usually rushed to the front, and the ones who hadn't arrived yet had to wait with Yun Xiaohan and others. People were killed as soon as they came into contact, and there was no need to pay any price, because the wolves had to slow down and detour to avoid the trap, and it would also slow down the attack of the wolves.

And once the attack of the wolves is slowed down, Yun Xiaohan's side will have more time to carry out long-range attacks, so often when the wolves and Yun Xiaohan's side come into full contact, the wolves have already died and nearly twenty of them There are still many wounded wolves.

The design of this mission is quite realistic. Beasts are beasts, and they will not fight to the death. Once they find that they can't take advantage, they will take the initiative to retreat.Yun Xiaohan doesn't know if these wild wolves have similar morale settings, but according to his observation, as long as they fail to gain an advantage and the casualties exceed [-]%, the wolves will definitely run away, and if the situation is not good for the wolves, the time to escape The timing will be further advanced.

For the wolves, the enemy didn't shed much blood, and the wild wolves who lost [-]% to [-]% of their own side undoubtedly suffered a big loss. They didn't need to die much later, and another five to ten wild wolves died. Wolves, the pack of wolves will start to retreat, and then start to run away.

During the wolves' escape, Yun Xiaohan would not be polite, and would command the NPC Qing Zhuang to continue attacking, shooting more wolves to death, and the trap could continue to play a slowing role.

Therefore, although the number of wild wolves killed in these two battles was a little less than that of the first encounter before, the time-consuming was much shorter. The wolves began to retreat after the contact battle did not hit much, and the wolves had not been found yet. It takes a lot of time to retreat to the pit after an attack.

After confirming the huge role of the pits, Yun Xiaohan paid more attention to the arrangement of the traps. Before, traps were set every 150 to 200 yards, but now they are re-arranged every 100 to 150 yards.

Yun Xiaohan's skills and bloodlines are gone now, it is the extra-large physique he chose when building the character, the maximum field of view is 160 yards, and setting traps every 100 to 150 yards is enough to ensure that he can find wolves attacking at the limit distance. Retreat to the nearest sinkhole before making contact with the wolves.

He wasn't worried that the pack of wolves would block them from the direction of the previous pit, because in that case, the pack of wolves in that direction would step on the trap ahead of time, and they would step on more pits, and the situation would be more favorable to him.

Because the two battles were won relatively easily, Yun Xiaohan tried to kill the wolf in the second battle, but the wolf was more cunning, and most of the time he stayed behind to command the wild wolves and did not go forward to fight.

Moreover, the alpha wolf is extremely sensitive to Yun Xiaohan, as soon as Yun Xiaohan tries to get close to the alpha wolf, the alpha wolf will immediately distance himself, without giving him a chance at all.On the contrary, it seems a bit sloppy when approaching the young and strong NPCs. One of the young and strong NPCs has fought a wolf before, allowing Yun Xiaohan to have a rough assessment of the fighting ability of the wolf.

The individual combat power of the alpha wolf is not strong, compared with the young and strong NPCs, it can only be regarded as on par, and the alpha wolf is even slightly worse.Even if the wolf is hungry and the NPC is full, it is not fair, but even if the wolf is full, its individual combat power is at most slightly stronger than the NPC. , the strength is very limited.

(End of this chapter)

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