Pinnacle player

Chapter 1236 Wolf Disaster Mission 14

Chapter 1236 Wolf Disaster Mission 14
There are two main reasons for giving up taking the elderly, weak, women and children out of the village.

The first reason is that the health and defense of the old and weak women and children are relatively low, and they are more prone to casualties.Although they also have a certain combat power, they are extremely limited and still need protection. If traps are not considered, in actual combat, the overall combat power will not be greatly improved, and sometimes it is even a drag.

The second reason is that the wolf carcasses currently in reserve are not easy to deal with. After eating this time, there are still 130 three wolf carcasses left, which can be said to be quite a number. If so many wolf carcasses are left in the village, the wolves are likely to They will enter the village to drag all these wolf carcasses away, and the full-fledged wild wolves will be more difficult to deal with; and if they leave the village with so many wolf carcasses, it will be a huge drag on the team itself, bringing the old and weak women and children out of the village It doesn't make much sense.

Since it is not feasible to take the old, weak, women and children out of the village, the only way to increase manpower is to consider migrants.

From the current point of view, the map of the wolf disaster mission should be a semi-open mission map, and the area should not be too small. Therefore, it is impossible to only have such a village on the mission map. If you can find other villages, you will have a chance to get manpower. After all, it is impossible for the game to design a task that does not give a chance.

But this was just Yun Xiaohan's guess, and he still needed to confirm it, so he directly asked the old village chief if there were other villages around.

This question was on point, and the old village head immediately gave a positive response, saying that there are other villages nearby, and there are quite a few of them, and then told the general location of three of the villages that are closer to the village. Yun Xiaohan, and then Yun Xiaohan can see the locations of these three villages marked on his small map.

Under normal circumstances, the information you want to know has been successfully obtained, and the interactive dialogue can end here.But at this time, Yun Xiaohan had an idea and made a rather bold attempt-he asked the old village chief why he didn't explain these villages when he introduced the situation before. It's too much.

To be honest, if the old village head is the kind of NPC who doesn't have any intelligence and can only respond to specific content, then Yun Xiaohan's attempt will definitely have no effect, but from the consistent game design style of "Choice", Judging from the extremely high difficulty of this bloodline awakening task and the series of interactions with the old village head before, Yun Xiaohan can be sure that the old NPC village head has a certain intelligence, and the intelligence is not too low, so he just Will make such an attempt.And precisely because the old NPC village head has a certain amount of intelligence, Yun Xiaohan's attempt this time is risky and may offend the other party.

Of course, Yun Xiaohan dared to make such an attempt, so he naturally had a certain amount of confidence in his heart. He was not stupid and bold. After all, according to the mission plot, he is the last hope of this village, and he has already greatly improved the situation of this village. , under such circumstances, the old village chief could not, and did not dare to turn against him.That being the case, the worst case scenario is just to reduce some favorability. This risk is completely acceptable to Yun Xiaohan, not to mention that the old village chief had a criminal record before, and he concealed information once, so he also got a compensate.

After being questioned, the old village head fell into silence, and after a while he replied in a difficult tone: "My lord, I'm sorry, we didn't intend to hide it from you. Because other villages consume your time and energy." As the situation in the village improved, the old village chief respected Yun Xiaohan more and more, and his title changed accordingly.

"Then why are you willing to say it now?" Yun Xiaohan continued to ask.

"After all, you didn't take the initiative to ask before, so I, my lord, you are a smart person, you should understand."

"Well, I understand, ignoring and lying are two different things, you guys are doing things reasonably, and I didn't prove my ability before, and we lacked a foundation of trust with each other, so it's not surprising that you did this." Yun Xiaohan said faintly.

"My lord, please calm down. It's all my fault. I'm willing to make amends. As he said that, the old village chief took out something from his arms, handed it to Yun Xiaohan, and introduced, "This is the ancestor of our village. For the treasures that have been passed down, I hope that you, my lord, can ignore the previous suspicions. "

Yun Xiaohan laughed inwardly. This family heirloom is always carried with him. It seems that he has been prepared for it. In other words, it was deliberately arranged by the game system. Only the player who does the task triggers the relevant hidden conditions to get this compensation.

In fact, there are as many as five hidden conditions required to trigger the compensation:
The first condition is that the player cannot abandon the village and go to the city;

The second condition is to feed the villagers and let the village obtain a certain amount of food reserves;
The third condition is that the number of deaths of villagers cannot exceed 20, among which the number of young and strong cannot exceed 10. Once more people die, the villagers' trust in the player will decline;

The fourth condition is that the player should take the initiative to ask the old village chief about other villages;
After fulfilling the above four conditions, there is another condition that is the most difficult to achieve. Players need to question the old village chief and not make mistakes in the follow-up conversation.If the player ignores the question, the old village head will not take the initiative to confess, but will only cover up the past silently; and if the player does not continue to question or show too strong anger in the follow-up conversation, the old village head will not show best compensation.

If the player raises a question without completing the above four conditions, the old village head will not talk to the player, let alone give compensation.

It can be seen that it is very difficult for players to get the best compensation. Yun Xiaohan was able to get the best compensation in the first mission attempt. His excellent ability and experience are the main reasons, but luck is also the main reason. essential, additionally
Of course, Yun Xiaohan didn't know the difficulty at this time, and he was checking the compensation given by the old village head.

[Silver Crown Talisman Fragment (Large)]: Perfect grade Talisman, charm attribute increased by 10%, command range increased by 50%.

Equipped with the skill [Silver Crown Halo (Incomplete)]: Increase the strength of the self and friendly units within the command range by 10%, agility by 10%, and physical fitness by 10%.

This equipment cannot be taken out of the mission space.

[Silver Crown Talisman Fragment (Large)] Although it is only of perfect quality, it can be said to be an artifact in this mission space. After all, the quality of things needs reference objects, and Yun Xiaohan's current level 10 whiteboard equipment In comparison, let alone a perfect yellow outfit, even a green outfit would be fine.

Not to mention that this [Silver Crown Amulet Fragment (Large)] is absolutely superb even if it is taken outside the mission space. None of the three attributes is bad. It's a shame it's available in mission space.

(End of this chapter)

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