Pinnacle player

Chapter 408 talk on paper

Chapter 408 talk on paper

The troops from the Merchant Alliance came to reinforce them intermittently, and when they were dispersed, it completely turned into a melee.Yun Xiaohan's side is stronger and more numerous, and the battle becomes a harvest. Even Yun Xiaohan couldn't help rushing up to kill a few enemies.

After a while of rushing, the merchant players who rushed over for reinforcements did not dare to come closer. Even the regular NPCs for reinforcements chose to shoot at each other from a distance. Only the soldiers purchased by the players continued to rush up without thinking.

When regular NPCs and soldiers are present, there is a more intuitive comparison. The two sides are very different in appearance. Although they are all standard equipment, the former's equipment is obviously more refined than the latter. It seems It is much stronger.Moreover, the latter only knew how to advance rigidly according to the established route, but the former did not go hard, but regrouped while attacking from a distance.

Yun Xiaohan divided some players and asked Sunset Gao to lead the team to continue to wipe out the enemies. The focus is on those regular NPCs who are trying to reunite. Although the AI ​​of these NPCs is relatively high, there is still a certain gap compared with players. Players are old If you see an enemy approaching from a distance, you will run away, and regular NPCs will more or less fight first, and only run when you find that you have no chance. Moreover, they have no displacement skills and their moving speed is relatively slow, which makes them easy to hunt down.

Of course, if there is a commander with a high AI command, they may run away early.

There is no need to worry about the rear for the time being when the setting sun hangs high to suppress. Yun Xiaohan led the team back to the west gate of the village and began to try to attack the west gate.

If it was normal, Yun Xiaohan would have rushed in immediately, but now he is holding the calling flag, and the AI ​​​​of regular NPCs is relatively high, so he would not dare to take such risks. He can only use stupid methods to shoot at each other, while melee players Take turns stepping forward to block long-range attacks, and then retreat with half blood.

After fighting for a while, due to the small number of enemies in Ximen, the fire damage cannot be done in seconds, and the combat effectiveness of the players under Yun Xiaohan's command is also relatively strong. In addition, the battle situation is not too chaotic, everyone's positions are relatively concentrated, and the priest can provide timely treatment , so the casualties of the players on the empire side were very low, but the NPCs guarding the gate suffered more casualties, but not many.

But if you fight and consume slowly like this, even if the opponent doesn't replenish, it will take at least 5 minutes to grab the Ximen. We still consider the factor that the number of enemies drops to a certain level before they can swarm up and attack.

But at this moment, many NPCs and players suddenly ran towards the west gate. Yun Xiaohan thought it was reinforcements from the east gate, but soon saw someone typing in the coalition chat room and said: "Wow, NPC The army is good, and the village was broken through a few rounds of fire coverage."

Yun Xiaohan immediately realized that these enemies who were running towards Ximen were not here to reinforce Ximen, but were trying to leave from Ximen.The so-called breach of the village is obviously an exaggeration, but the east gate must have been taken down. There are only so many defenders in the village, and they must not be able to defeat the more than 5 coalition NPCs.

However, Yun Xiaohan doesn't have time to think about the battle situation at the east gate now. He needs to make up his mind quickly, whether to block the gate tenaciously, or to give the enemy a way out, so as to reduce the enemy's will to fight.

If you choose the former, the enemy will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry, and it will definitely cause greater casualties to the players under his command; "Wai San Que One".

Obviously, if it can be blocked, it will be more beneficial to the overall battle situation. If these enemies run away, they will go to other villages to help defend.But it is very likely that our side paid a lot of casualties to block the enemy in the village, but most of the enemies were killed by NPC troops.And if you don't block hard, the damage to the players under your command will be much less, and it will be easier for the enemy to go outside the village to kill.

What is beneficial to the overall situation is beneficial to Yun Xiaohan's personal interests. The better the plot is completed, the more rewards he will get after the plot is over, and he can better take care of the interests of the player team under his command if he is not blocked. Time is also a bit tangled.

But Yun Xiaohan's greatest advantage is that he is extremely decisive when making judgments, and he quickly made up his mind - to forcibly surround him.

This is not a real war. In a real war, the main casualties of a defeated army come from cannibalism, stampede, and falling behind after running away. This kind of situation does not exist in the game. If he really makes a way out, he may not be able to get The number of kills will make the enemy run away. There are too many variables in this, and he can't take the risk.

The so-called "surrounding three ques and one" seems reasonable, but reality is reality, and games are games. In the absence of many basic conditions, no matter how good the tactics are, it is difficult to achieve their due effects, and The player's tactical execution is also very questionable.

If you insist on playing "Wai San Que Yi", the most likely result is that the net is broken and the fish run away.No matter how good the tactics look, they must meet the conditions of the battlefield, and they need people to implement them, otherwise they are just talking on paper.

Who are Yun Xiaohan's hands?An ordinary player who has not received any military training and only has the most basic command structure, what can he do to ensure the implementation of such highly detailed tactics?Moreover, he has no idea what choices the player and the NPC will make when escaping. It would be deadly to play high-tech tactics under such circumstances.

It is this clear understanding of one's own strength, as well as rich experience in actual combat command, that allows Yun Xiaohan to always make better choices when making judgments.

Yun Xiaohan did not choose to speak in the chat room, but directly shouted in the team channel: "The east gate was broken by the NPC coalition forces, the enemy will flee from our side, we must go up and block the door.

Although our losses may be relatively large, the gains are not many.But if we can block this enemy army and cooperate with the NPC coalition forces to complete the total annihilation, even if we don't get many kills, it is possible to greatly increase the war evaluation. Sex is very high, I can't guarantee the final harvest, but now, are you willing to take a gamble with me?

Anyone who is willing to gamble, follow me, even if it is blocked by the body, we have to block this door, it is nothing more than losing 3% experience, and those who are not willing to take risks, just stand far away and help us in the rear remote output. "

Yun Xiaohan did not choose to deceive his team. This kind of thing cannot be hidden, there will always be smart people, and for the players, although the death loss of experience is a bit distressing, it is acceptable.On the contrary, it is the most unacceptable for a commander who is always very shrewd to deliberately make a wrong command at a critical moment, or deliberately deceive them.

(End of this chapter)

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