Pinnacle player

Chapter 497 The Completely Distorted Main Storyline

Chapter 497 The Completely Distorted Main Storyline

In other servers, because the Sardinia is not in the hands of the empire, Liya is naturally not a duke, and it is impossible to obtain the highest command over the battlefield of the merchant alliance, and Balgruf's strength is also limited, and the title is not Marquis Dugome High, so Marquis Dugome obtained the highest command over the battlefield of the Merchant Alliance.

Perhaps it was because the situation was so good, or because Liya didn't really get the command of the reinforcements. After the welcome ceremony of the first server ended, there were no specific arrangements for the reinforcements for the time being.

But this is not the case in other servers. After the welcome ceremony, the Marquis Dugome immediately assigned [-] troops to Napoleon's command, and gave him full freedom, and Napoleon also controlled a troupe of mages accompanying the army.

In addition, all players whose titles are below the Viscount of the Court and the Field Baron can temporarily serve under Napoleon's command, just like the original Battle of Sardinia, and participate in the new plot battle with a scale of 1000 people per game.

Napoleon's first goal was none other than the village of Ajaccio in Corsica. It seems that he planned to occupy the village of Ajaccio first, and then use his hometown as a springboard to counterattack Sardinia.

On the first server side, the entire three islands of Sardinia are in the hands of the empire, and Napoleon was squeezed out again, and the whole plot has been completely distorted.

While the empire players on other servers were trying to hug Napoleon's thighs tightly, the players on the first server were completely at a loss, and it was Yun Xiaohan who caused the dramatic deflection of the plot. Is the island a good thing or a bad thing?

Regardless of other things for the time being, the loss of one or even two plot battles is not a small loss for the players.There are not many first-server empire players who realize this now, but sooner or later they will realize this, and Yun Xiaohan will definitely end up with a lot of complaints by then.

Although even if there is a plot battle, Yun Xiaohan can't participate because his title exceeds, and he can't obey the orders of the baron as a viscount, but he still hopes that there will be other plot developments.More importantly, if Napoleon can't make his mark, then he doesn't know where the plot will go. Yun Xiaohan is also uncertain now.

With tangled emotions, Yun Xiaohan went to rest, and several members who asked Yun Xiaohan about this matter also realized that the plot had gone awry because of their close relationship. If one person knows about this kind of thing, everyone else knows It spread quickly throughout the entire territory, and continued to spread outward.It didn't take long to be stabbed on the forum.

Sure enough, as Yun Xiaohan expected, after hearing the news, a group of people appeared immediately and began to incarnate as people's representatives and began to spray Yun Xiaohan wildly. Although some people defended Yun Xiaohan, places like forums are more suitable for spraying Therefore, the remarks attacking Yun Xiaohan still prevailed, and some unidentified first-server eaters were also affected by public opinion, and felt that their own interests were damaged, so they also joined the camp against Yun Xiaohan.

On the other hand, the players on other servers were very interested in the dramatic deflection of the plot because it had nothing to do with them. They were very concerned about this matter, and there were quite a few people who spoke for Yun Xiaohan, and their opinions were more neutral.

Because many people paid attention, the official specially published a live post, and the staff uploaded a lot of pictures, texts and videos, explaining in detail the plot trend of the first server Snowrun City area, and the video of the welcome ceremony that just ended the first server was also uploaded up.

While Yun Xiaohan was still asleep, the fact that the outstanding performance of the game No.1 led to a sharp deflection of the plot of the first server became more and more popular with the help of the official, and attracted more and more people's attention. Soon this post It was also officially translated and posted to the foreign server forum, which immediately attracted a large number of Chinese-speaking over-the-wall parties, who came to the national server forum to carry many hot posts back to the home country forum, and translated them word by word.

(The wall overpass does not refer to the wall set up by the country. There is no wall for foreign servers to enter China, but the official formalities of "Choice". Don't forget that "Choice" uses a virtual helmet, and you can check it when you log in across regions Yes, it is precisely because of the unified standard equipment that cheating can be completely banned.)

Because "Choice" is synchronized globally, the welcome scene of Snowman City happened on all servers. Napoleon's status in the western world should have been higher, and the sensation caused was even greater.There are even a large number of French players posting petitions on the forum asking the official to open the task of treason without loss, and they want to defect to the empire from other countries.

Of course, this kind of request cannot be approved. Treason is allowed by the system, but it needs to do a series of difficult tasks, and be hunted down by NPCs in the country. At the same time, you have to pay a considerable price, such as getting It is impossible to keep the extra national skill slots for .

But even so, there have been a large number of convening posts in French forums calling for players to collectively switch servers. Fortunately, European servers are not distributed by country, but are divided by Europe as a whole. Players from different countries can be in the same server. In the server, "Choice" officially developed an extremely advanced built-in translation software for this purpose. Although the language translation is not yet in place, there is no problem in communicating through text.

Considering the number of people on one server of "Choice", one server in one country is a complete waste of server resources, so it is more reasonable for European players to be active in the European server at the same time.

But it is also obvious that the official has long been prepared for the change of player camp selection caused by famous historical figures, but this is not surprising. They dared to make Napoleon an NPC, so they were not prepared?They are not fools.

The appearance of Garibaldi also aroused heated discussions among Italian players. Yun Xiaohan accepted Garibaldi as a follower in the Sardinian battle video, which also caused protests from a large number of Italian players, but it was a foreign server after all. There is also no conclusive evidence to prove that this Garibaldi is the first of the three founders of Italy (the specific attributes of Garibaldi cannot be seen in the video), so the protest ended in vain when the officials ignored it.

But no matter what, the impact of a famous European historical figure is huge. In the Chinese area, because most players are not familiar with these historical figures, the impact is relatively small, but in the European area, it will cause a huge impact. A sensation would even cause players from a certain country to switch sides on a large scale.

Therefore, the plot change of the first server in China caused several times more reactions in the forums in the European region than in the forums in the Chinese region. There are more players who pay attention to the progress of the plot, and there are even many foreign server players who plan to form a group to go to the first server in China Turn on the trumpet for a closer look.

The registration of "Choice" requires a real-name certificate, but the global account is universal, but it is a bit troublesome to activate different regions, you have to fill out a series of electronic forms, and you have to pay a lot of cross-region fees, and this cross-region The fee is not a one-time fee, but a long-term lease. As long as the character is kept in the foreign server, the fee must be paid all the time, and the higher the level of the character, the higher the fee, but if there is not enough level, you cannot participate in some plots .

I have to admit that the official "Choice" is really good at making money.

(End of this chapter)

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