Pinnacle player

Chapter 802 Under the Abacus of the Three Great Guilds

Chapter 802 Under the Abacus of the Three Great Guilds
And even without this territory, because Yun Xiaohan's rules are quite good, many people have already tasted the sweetness of this elite player platform created by Yun Xiaohan.The advantages of buying and selling items, mutual assistance in missions, leveling up dungeons and finding groups are not comparable to other guilds. Coupled with the success of several story battles and a series of victories, many players in the Viscountdom of Corsica are very Paying attention to the current big team has also produced a certain sense of collective honor and belonging, so the two sides are completely different in terms of enthusiasm for confrontation.

Therefore, although today is the sixth day of the confrontation between the two sides, the Ruilan Legion of the Temple of the Storm has already planned to cease fighting. In the opinion of the head of the Ruilan Legion, Storm Ruilan, the Viscount of Corsica is just a scabies disease , if he can take the lead in the internal competition of the Temple of Storms, thereby integrating the power of the Temple of Storms, and transfer most of the personnel of Temple of Storms to Snowrun City, then it is impossible for the Viscount of Corsica to fight against himself.

The so-called foreign affairs must first settle down, rather than slowing down the speed of development because of this meaningless confrontation, it is better to stop the war as soon as possible, develop steadily and shift the main energy to the internal dominance of the Temple of Storms.

Although the speed guild did not want to stop the war as much as the temple of the storm, but because the speed guild leader, speed myth, was busy with real affairs, the energy and time invested in the game were gradually declining, and many things were dealt with unwillingly.

In the past, Speedy Mythology had already led the members to attack everywhere, but now he can only arrange things and let the executives lead the team to complete.Because he didn't lead the team himself, he invested less money, and the executives didn't have as much prestige as he did, so the effect was not ideal.

Although the Extreme Speed ​​Guild is also an old-fashioned guild, it is not a multi-legion model. In the past online games, they often gained the upper hand in confrontation with other guilds. There are two main reasons. and the core play a key role.

This is the case with online game guilds. The team leader's ability often plays a decisive role. After all, a virtual team in a virtual society is originally a mess, so the influence of the team leader's leadership ability and personality charm is magnified.

Success is also Xiao He, failure is also Xiao He, for a guild like Speed ​​Guild, the soul character suddenly fails, and the entire guild will run sluggishly, so the speed guild has been unable to use its strength for this period of time, and I don't want to fight later.

After all, Longyin Guild is a new guild. Although the president of Longyin Cangqiong is very rich, due to lack of experience and ability, the guild has expanded too fast, and its control over the guild is seriously insufficient.Longyin Cangqiong himself really wanted to fight, but the people below thought differently from him. Even Longyin Tianya, as the second in command, didn't pay special attention to the organization, it was just that he didn't follow his will.

Tonight's large-scale maritime robbery seems to be an all-out attack by the three major guilds, but the only one that really wants to fight is Dragonsong Cangqiong. idea.

They hoped to hurt the Viscount of Corsica, and let Yun Xiaohan throw the mouse, and then find a way to find a decent truce.

This unexpected large-scale maritime robbery was relatively successful. Although Yun Xiaohan immediately organized people to raid the sea after receiving the news, due to lack of preparation and a large number of enemies, the Viscount of Corsica The loss of the collar is still relatively large. There have been many cases where goods have been robbed, sailors have been killed, and ships have been destroyed.

It is better if the goods are robbed, it is nothing more than a direct economic loss. It is more distressing to kill a sailor who has been trained for a period of time. Sailors can be resurrected, but the resurrection costs a lot of money, and what is more terrible is that the sailor's level will drop.It is even more annoying if the ship is destroyed, and the repair cost is second. The key is that repairing the ship takes time, and you can't run away when repairing the ship. It is relatively rare to have two ships like Yun Xiaohan. On the one hand, ship maintenance costs money On the other hand, the price of buying a ship is not low, and this hidden economic loss is relatively large.

Because there were many pirates, it took Yun Xiaohan and his people more than an hour to sweep away most of the pirates, but at this time, many players from the Viscount of Corsica had already been robbed.It's not easy for a pirate ship to chase a merchant ship, but it's much easier for several ships to chase and intercept them together. The players in the Viscount of Corsica who got involved for a while are also very nervous.

Yun Xiaohan saw that it was almost clear, and he didn't bother to sweep the tail, and directly called people to gather in the territory, ready to take revenge.

Although there were not many people who were actually robbed, there were not many players in the Viscount of Corsica who did not go to Haimao. Even Yun Xiaohan had to go to Haimao just to do daily tasks, so everyone felt the same way.Therefore, Yun Xiaohan's call immediately received a large number of players' responses.

Yun Xiaohan quickly organized more than 1300 people, and people continued to respond, Yun Xiaohan didn't want to waste time, he decided to let Fengyin continue to organize follow-up personnel, and came to find them in groups after the group was completed. Own.He himself set off with 1300 people and went straight to the dark leather scout strange area.

The three major guilds also thought that the Viscounty of Corsica might retaliate, but they didn't expect Yun Xiaohan's revenge to come so quickly, and they didn't expect Yun Xiaohan to choose the dark skin scout strange area.After all, Yun Xiaohan didn't do anything at all when he seized the dark leather scout area, he just came to harass him.There are several strange areas occupied by the three major guilds during this period, but the dark skin scout strange area is the largest and most populated strange area, so they will not give priority to the Viscount of Corsica if they want to come to Corsica. Those who attack the dark leather scout area, even if they really want to attack the dark skin scout area, they have to wait in the back row.

But I didn't expect Yun Xiaohan to do the opposite, and hit the dark skin scout strange area when he came up.

This time, it was replaced by the Viscount of Corsica, who had mental calculations and no intentions, organized and unorganized, and had a greater advantage in numbers and levels. Soon the dark leather scout area was occupied by the Viscount of Corsica, and a large number The players in the Viscounty of Corsica scattered out to mop up and guard the corpses, and even the nearest resurrection point was completely blocked.

The dark leather scouts had the most people in the strange area, and they were all middle- and upper-level players, the backbone of the three major guilds. Once they were swept away, the guild immediately turned upside down, scolding and complaining.Faced with this situation, the only thing the three major guilds can do is to organize people to fight back.

But now this time is the [-]th or [-]th time period for most players in the Viscounty of Corsica, but it is still the [-]th time period for many office worker players in the three major guilds. Next, it is obviously not easy to suddenly let them come here to help the guild fight at this time. There are not many people responding, and the organization efficiency is also very low.

(End of this chapter)

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