Pinnacle player

Chapter 804 Disintegration of the Union

Chapter 804 Disintegration of the Union
It was already 19:06 when work was over, Yun Xiaohan ran to continue the task for 50 minutes, and then took a rest.

While he was running tasks and resting, the presidents of the three major guilds held a small meeting.In this meeting, Baofeng Ruilan clearly stated that he did not want to fight anymore. He believed that his side could not do anything to the Viscount of Corsica. Instead, it caused his players to delay a lot of time for leveling and their own development.

In such a short period of 6 days, dozens of people from the Temple of Storms quit because of this. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the total number of guild members, and there are no important people among the quit members, this is not a good sign, and it will Internal complaints are also quite large.

After so many days of confrontation, many people know the whole story of the quarrel between the two sides. After all, even if you can’t ask in the meeting, there are still a lot of articles and videos on the forum that analyze the whole story of the conflict. As long as you are willing to find the reason, you will not be confused. reason.Although the three major guilds can't be said to be unreasonable, they are definitely unreasonable as the party that took the initiative to provoke troubles, and they are also suspected of bullying others.What's more terrible is that the three major guilds are fighting against a territorial group of the other party. With such a large numerical advantage, they still can't win, which makes many members feel that their own side is strong but capable.

There are even some members who feel that the guild managers are incompetent, and they are so embarrassed to fight with such a big advantage, losing several major conflicts.In addition, there was no unity in the club. As soon as the players in the Viscounty of Corsica were beaten, help came immediately, no matter how they were bullied, no one came to help.

Therefore, although there are no major problems in the meeting, the conflicts are only temporarily lurking and may erupt at any time.

On the surface, Speed ​​Mythology is noncommittal to Baofeng Ruilan's statement, but in fact he doesn't want to fight anymore. On the one hand, the situation is indeed not favorable. On the other hand, he has been too busy in reality recently, and his mind is completely out of the game. Maintain it, and then make a smooth transition to hand over the guild to a suitable successor, and come back to play after he finishes this period of work.

Among the three, only Longyin Cangqiong is the main fighter, but his ideas are not as firm as before, but he still tried his best to dissuade Baofeng Ruilan, hoping that he would not give up.

But Baofeng Ruilan shut him up with just a few words.

The first sentence is: "Even if we persevere, how much do you think we have to win this confrontation, now we have nothing to say, and even if we win, what price should we pay? Is it worth it?"

The second sentence is: "You have to understand that we are just a temporary partnership, there is no agreement between us, and there is no affiliation relationship. I am just informing you of my decision now, not asking for your opinion!"

What else can Longyin Cangqiong say?He looked at the extreme speed myth and didn't express his opinion. Knowing that the situation was over, he got angry and left the temporary chat room angrily, saying "You will regret it!"

Although the remaining Baofengruilan and Extreme Speed ​​Mythology didn't take the words of the dragon singing to the sky to heart, but so many people from the three major guilds can't do anything about a territorial group with less than 6000 people, and the menacing three-guild alliance can only maintain It disintegrated after 6 days, and the two of them were somewhat embarrassed, and they didn't expect that Longyin Cangqiong would be so impatient, and it would blow up just like a firecracker.

After a few seconds of silence, Baofeng Ruilan finally said, "How did the dragon chant the sky get into the present?"

"He has money and time, he is still young, and his mind is all on games." Speed ​​Myth replied.

"Have money, money is really good, but this game is not easy to play just because you have money, and the guild management cannot be settled just by having money."

"It's true that the economic system of "Choice" is doing well, but you can't play the game well if you have money. You can only be very rich. At least it can make up for his shortcomings. Besides, didn't he spend money to hire management? They will be in it The ability of that Dragon Singing to the End of the World is pretty good."

"Ha, your mythology is right, it's really good. But no matter how rich he is, can he recruit Yun Xiaohan to help him? Or can he recruit you and me? He can't even recruit the top management."

"Ha, that's true. It's not difficult to make money in this game. A real top manager doesn't necessarily need to work for someone, but you have to admit that if he is willing, his platform is still good."

"How good can it be? Just his temper is enough."

"Hahaha, don't they all come here like this, rich and young, I am number one in the world, I have never been angry or frustrated."

"Myth, in this game, our two guilds may not be able to fight as fiercely as before."

"Ha, the number one enemy of our guild has always been the Creation Guild, not your Storm Temple. Besides, the most fierce battle with our Speed ​​Guild was not your Ruilan Legion, but the dark red of your Storm Temple. Legion, and I heard that you and Baofeng Darkhong have been fighting fiercely for the dominance of the guild recently."

"You are really well-informed, but you don't need to worry about the affairs inside our Storm Temple. As for the Creation Guild, they are in the camp of the Arcane Council this time. three."

"I know that the Genesis Guild already has a large number of legions, which is not much better than your Storm Temple, and it did not choose the strongest camp of the Empire, so it naturally developed very steadily. Competition, otherwise the Creation Guild might already be recognized as the number one guild of the Arcane Council."

"I think so too. The Creation Guild is still very strong. By the way, why did you choose the Empire?"

"I actually wanted to choose the Elven Kingdom, but before the server opened, there were a lot of analysis posts about the Empire. Later, more people were affected by these posts. In the end, the guild voted for the Empire in a collective vote on its own forum."

"Ha, the same, we also chose the empire in this way."

"By the way, why did you ask that suddenly? Do you regret choosing the empire?" Speed ​​Myth asked.

"No, no regrets, the empire is still very good, there are many opportunities, and the two countries will go to war when they come up. The first story battle in the game is the battle of Sardinia, and the empire has fought three story battles so far. Others The camp has only fought two games at most, so the advantage of playing one more battle is still quite large."

"Well, that's right, playing one more story battle can at least give you an extra level."

"If there is no level 1, it will be half level. When our empire launches a battle, the system will also compensate other factions. For example, if we open a plot mission with more experience, maybe our side's plot campaign is not as good as other camps. The faction does plot missions."

(End of this chapter)

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