Pinnacle player

Chapter 817 Preparations Before the Team Dungeon

Chapter 817 Preparations Before the Team Dungeon
The entrance of the copy of "Suppressing Lan Duofei" is not far from Xueman City, only two or three minutes away, Yun Xiaohan and other 3 people arrived at the entrance soon.

The dungeon in this area does not have any difficulty, and the number of entries per day is the same, which is twice. Unlike the world dungeon, the viscount can enter 3 times a day, and the viscount and below can only enter once.

Before entering the dungeon, Yun Xiaohan still needs to explain something.

Although the teambook of 18 people is not very big, it is still much larger than the small booklet of 6 people. The rules will naturally be different if there are more people.

For example, in the selection of personnel, a 6-person team will have higher requirements for the personal strength of the personnel, while a multi-person team will not have such a high requirement for personal strength. On the contrary, the strength is not bad, and obedient players are preferred.

This is because the masters are generally a little arrogant, feel that they are strong, and will choose to play freely when encountering unexpected situations. The problem of free play is not a big problem when the team is small, but when there are too many people, the situation will be chaotic. Yes, so a team doesn't need so many freelancers.

In fact, in a team of 18 people, three to four people have the right to play freely, and it will be overwhelming, and any more will cause chaos.

For example, if a monster suddenly goes OT, only these three people can control the monster. If only one person in the team controls the monster, it is easy to wake up the monster just after being controlled. Instead, no one is doing their own work, and all kinds of skills are effective, and people run around, making it difficult to clean up the situation, and a lot of skills will be wasted.

Therefore, the vast majority of people in a team should stick to their positions and roles, even if they are attacked by monsters, they must stand still, or respond and move according to the pre-determined plan, waiting for those who have the right to play freely Come to support, not to solve unexpected problems by yourself.

Anyone who has participated in a large-scale raid knows that the most feared thing in a battle is not a strong boss, but a chaotic scene. The player's psychological quality is not good enough. When the scene is chaotic, they don't know what to do. The group is gone.

For example, a BOSS suddenly lost control of its hatred and gave up the T position to chase a mage. It doesn't matter if the boss is killed, anyway, it can be pulled up again, and the situation is still stable.

But this mage player felt that he was well-operated and quick-responsive, so he dodged away with a displacement skill, and then the boss followed him away. As a result, the provocation of the T position was emptied.Next, the mage player ran around with the boss, and then a group of people chased after him, and then some people were constantly affected by the range skills of the boss. If they were injured, they had to increase blood, and some people would try to control the boss. With mobs, the order of hatred is completely messed up, and the scene is also messed up. The next [-]% will be the end of group destruction.

Therefore, obedience is more important than strength in team dungeons, and there is no need for too many experts in the team, unless the players leading the team have high prestige and can suppress the people in the team and make them obedient, then you can bring more high-level players .

Needless to say, Yun Xiaohan's prestige, the so-called shadow of a famous tree, needless to say the 14 members of the Lingqiong Pavilion, even the three healing foreign aids have no objection to accepting Yun Xiaohan's command .

But even so, Yun Xiaohan still wants to say some ugly things first, there are no rules and no rules, if you don't establish the rules first, you won't have to fight later.

Yun Xiaohan first determined the candidates for the response personnel, that is, the players who have the right to play freely, namely Fuyiyin Downtown, Blood Sacrifice, and Brother Fajiu. Gefajiu is one of the two attacking paladins, and his strength is stronger than the other. Stronger, he can be regarded as the second T in the team, if something goes wrong, he can take the lead, and Yun Xiaohan himself can obviously play freely, so it is considered 4 people.

Then Yun Xiaohan set the control sequence again, which is to number the players with long-term control ability, Yun Xiaohan calls the number and the target monster, and asks them to use the control skills. There will be no chaos, and skills will not be wasted.

In fact, if the boss is very difficult to fight and requires three teams to take turns, Yun Xiaohan has to make more detailed arrangements, but he hasn't seen the elf dragon Landofey yet, and he doesn't have any information, so naturally there is no need to do this up.

For example, under Yun Xiaohan's arrangement, if Yun Xiaohan doesn't shout out, the healer in the first team can't heal the bloodless players in the second team, even if he is about to die, he can't add blood to him. Seems a bit rigid, but is a powerful measure to control aggro and guarantee emergency measures.

Of course, this method has high requirements for the command, which is not necessary for ordinary teams, and this work is often carried out by the overall command or the treatment team command in the rear. They will comprehensively consider MP consumption and skill retention. The situation, the overall situation of the team to make on-the-spot command.If everything needs to be done by the chief conductor in the team, then he must be too busy.

Although the battle command is very important, it is not decisive. Many people don't have enough understanding of the high-end raider team dungeon. They often think that the most important thing is that there are many high-level players, good equipment, and excellent response to the battle.

In fact, this is not the case. In the case of a short-term team without considering team training, the preparations before the raid team instance and the post-battle summary are actually more important than the actual battle. If you must rank it, the style of play must be ranked first The first is battle analysis, data collection, and material preparation. This is complementary to the style of play, and the third is the selection. If these three things are done well, even if you can't win for a while, you will be able to win sooner or later. .

This is equivalent to a temple in a war. If the strategy cannot be determined, and the intelligence is not grasped at all, no matter how high the tactical level is, it will not be able to win.

In this case, it is enough to have a few core team members, and others can be selected slowly. Even if one or two people fail to meet the standard, as long as they are obedient and not stupid, they can be brought in a few more times. Bring it up, and the equipment problem is not difficult to solve.

Of course, it's a different matter if it's a low-end group that doesn't have all the members in the group. Here, we're considering a high-end group that doesn't lack manpower or resources.

Yun Xiaohan spent about 3 minutes talking about the rules. The players in the team are all high-level players, all of whom are experienced and receptive, and Yun Xiaohan's prestige and past record are enough to suppress their little thoughts. At least there won't be any major problems before Yun Xiaohan makes a major mistake, and although some minor problems are inevitable, they can still be suppressed by Yun Xiaohan's wrist and command ability.

(End of this chapter)

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