Pinnacle player

Chapter 851 Appreciation of Territory Contribution

Chapter 851 Appreciation of Territory Contribution

Not long after teaching the skills, the smuggling trade ended. Yun Xiaohan gave the 45 gold from the silver mine to the Do'Urden family, and then returned to the territory. After selling many materials, Yun Xiaohan settled the account.

This time, there are 5 more private soldiers who can carry goods than last time, and there are 5 more [Moonstone Shining Sticks], so the money earned is also a lot more. The profit last time was 75 gold, this time It is 110 gold.In addition, Yun Xiaohan also obtained 10 low-light vision badges and 5 skill books. These 5 skill books are still stealth or sensitive warfare, but the quality is better than last time. Three D-, Two books of E+, the three better skills are at the same level as [Lock Throat] and [Paralyzing Sting].

Yun Xiaohan thought about it, and pawned 10 dim vision badges and 5 smuggled skill books. Now the pawn shop has just appeared, and he still needs to lead the rhythm. Only the most sought-after items are hung in the pawn shop. Territory players will pawn the good things they own in exchange for these items.

After looking at the time, it was only 18:10, and Yun Xiaohan went to Gloya City to do a task, and chatted on the territory channel by the way, to see everyone's feedback on the pawn shop.

The players in the territory are still very surprised by the appearance of the pawn shop. They all reflect that it is much more convenient to have a pawn shop, and basically have a very positive view of it. The only thing that makes everyone feel a little depressed is the issue of the contribution value of the territory.

Previously, the territory contribution value can only be used to obtain the priority to use the territory facilities or purchase items. Except for the hotel and the dismantling hall, other expenses are not necessary. In addition, the territory contribution cannot be traded, so although the previous territory contribution has been obtained Players' recognition, but the value is not particularly high. Many people spend their territorial contributions at will. For example, when competing for the priority of hotel beds, although they will not bid maliciously, irrational premiums are very common, so many Territory contributions are wasted.

But now, as soon as the pawn shop came out, the value of the territory's contribution skyrocketed immediately, but everyone suddenly found that they had no other channels to obtain a large amount of territory's contribution except for the pawned items.Although you can get territory contributions by doing territory tasks, the efficiency is not fast enough. There are many people who want good things, but when you see the items you want, you can’t exchange them because of insufficient territory contributions, and then you have to worry about being robbed by others , What a torment.

Although the contribution of the territory cannot be traded, it is impossible to truly quantify it, but when playing Thunderclaw Kobold King, players will subconsciously use the game currency to roughly evaluate the value of the contribution of the territory. At that time, everyone including Yun Xiao Including Han, they basically believed that 1000 territory contributions were only equivalent to 1 gold. After all, there were too few uses for territory contributions at that time.

Later, with the upgrade of the dismantling hall, and the fact that gold coins are getting easier to play, the quantified proportion of territory contribution in the players' minds has increased, but it has only risen to 500 territory contribution equivalent to 1 gold, and it can wait until the pawn shop appears. Yun Xiaohan lost another batch of skills and rhythm, and everyone's valuation of the territory's contribution was completely overturned.

Although it is not very reasonable, the current players will subconsciously use the market price of the item to convert the contribution of the territory. For example, the contribution required for the exchange of [Lock Throat] is 5000 points, and this skill is put on the market. It was sold for 25 gold, so in the eyes of many people, 1 gold is only equivalent to 200 contribution points.

In fact, if gold coins can be used to buy contributions, many people are willing to directly buy territory contributions at a ratio of 200:1, and some of the smarter ones have even begun to exploit loopholes.

Don't forget, Yun Xiaohan gave 7 territorial executives the right to distribute territorial contributions in order to let others collect coins for him. Through these people, it is equivalent to purchasing territorial contributions in different directions.

However, exploiting this loophole is not easy. First of all, executive officers can only issue territory contributions related to the affairs they are responsible for, and territory contributions can only be issued in the form of territory task emails, and they cannot freely distribute contributions to other players. They need to first Set up a territory task related to your own rights, and then you can distribute contributions based on this task.

Take collecting coins as an example. They must first issue a territory task that someone else will trade for them at least 10 gold. If other players don’t want to contribute to the territory, it’s fine. According to the process, they need to click on the territory mission, and then send a mission email to send the money through the menu option in the mission.

After the executive officer receives the email and confirms that the task is completed, the executive officer can send the corresponding contribution to the player who sells coins by replying to the territory task email. Contributions must be made according to the task content, neither less nor more.

And the content of the territorial tasks issued by the executive officer, the list of completers, and the completion status must be kept on file, and Yun Xiaohan and the player officials with supervisory powers can all check it, so that it is difficult to make fake accounts. .For example, if you want to give more money in exchange for contributions, and then ask the executive officer to refund part of the money, it will not work. The accounts do not match, and Yun Xiaohan advances the executive officer to issue territorial contributions and bank transfers based on the performance of the currency collection. Proportionately more advances will be made. If the money is less, the executive officer will not get much contribution.

However, because they did not expect such a large increase in the contribution of the territory, several executive officers are still issuing the contribution of the exclusive territory according to the ratio of 1000:1 before. The salary is also the exclusive territory contribution of the territory where you work, while the pawn shop can only use the general contribution, so after the player gets the contribution, he has to exchange it for the general territory contribution at a ratio of 500:1.

In this way, these more active players took advantage of the loopholes. Fortunately, in order to restrict the players in the territory from selling a large number of coins, Yun Xiaohan deliberately set an upper limit for the territory contribution that each player can get from selling coins every week. If you continue to sell coins beyond this upper limit, you will not be able to obtain territorial contributions, so as not to be robbed of too many territorial contributions by these smart people at once.


(End of this chapter)

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