Pinnacle player

Chapter 859 NPC Artificial Price Increase

Chapter 859 NPC Artificial Price Increase
There is no need to bring new recruits to the battlefield today, Yun Xiaohan dared to boldly go deep, and the efficiency has been significantly improved.

Halfway through the brush, Bata Mombrunn came to make trouble, but he was the only one Yun Xiaohan was not afraid of at all, and seized the opportunity to beat him seriously.

At 16:00, Yun Xiaohan's experience rose to 48% at level 56.2, with 1886 gold and 19 silver, of which 850 gold was obtained from collecting coins. Yesterday was Sunday, the day when the management routinely handed over the results of collecting coins.

Today's "Choice" really adjusted the NPC labor costs. This adjustment means that the wages of all NPCs will be doubled.

Because the labor force has increased, the construction cost has also doubled, and the price of refined products sold by NPCs has also increased, but the price increase is not as exaggerated as doubling, and most of them have increased by 30%-50%. For example, in the store The medicines and cooking products sold all have this increase.

In addition, the prices of raw materials such as ore have also risen, but the increase is also not very high.

The only price that hasn't changed much is the regular commodities that NPCs consume daily, such as food and other supplies. It's good news that how much they used to pay is now how much they pay back.

It can be seen that the salary increase for NPCs this time is mainly aimed at players. Players joked: "We have made it easier to make money, so the system can't see it anymore. We must also make NPCs rich together and let everyone Let’s move towards a moderately prosperous society together.”

The more serious statement is: "Recycling game coins, especially the large amount of surplus game coins in the hands of local tyrants, slows down the rate of inflation, stabilizes the economic system in the game, and thus prolongs the life of the game."

At first glance, the increase in labor costs is very unfavorable to Yun Xiaohan. After all, the salary increase for NPCs is mainly aimed at the lords, and Yun Xiaohan has three territories. His various expenses will increase significantly, and the economic pressure is not small.

But looking at it from another angle, it's different. Yun Xiaohan's three territories are already cities, and a lot of buildings have been built. Except for Ivas City, which is a bit pitted and losing money, the other two cities already have With a good income, Yun Xiaohan's economic pressure is actually not as great as imagined.

At this time, the new territories of other guilds are still poor and empty, with few buildings. They really have to pay for their own pockets to ensure the development of their territories. If you don’t pay a premium, you won’t be able to receive enough game coins, and if the premium is too high, you can’t afford it in your wallet, so it’s a dilemma.

From this point of view, the increase in labor costs is actually beneficial to Yun Xiaohan. Although his financial pressure has increased, the economic pressure of others has also increased. One of the core elements of online games is the comparison between players. , It doesn’t matter if I’m not feeling well, it’s fine if others are not feeling well.And if I'm just a little uncomfortable and others are very uncomfortable, that's obviously in my favor.

So Yun Xiaohan was a little upset when he first saw the artificial price increase notice, and felt that the doubling was too much, but when he figured it out later, he was a little happy to see it happen.

Today is Monday of the new week, and the tavern in the territory has been refreshed again. Yun Xiaohan returned to the territory to check the newly refreshed special NPC.

Among the three territories, the city of Bastia did not spawn new special NPCs, while the cities of Ajaccio and Ivas each spawned an official NPC.

Telb: 6-star management leadership potential, 4-star political and diplomatic potential, 4-star personal combat potential, half-star command potential for both army and navy.The city of Ivas is refreshed.

Basso: 5-star management leadership potential, half-star political and diplomatic potential, 7-star personal combat potential, 3-star army and navy command potential, talent is [intermediate magic attack command]: can command mage troops to perform spells in wartime Covers attacks and increases spell power by 20%.The city of Ajaccio is refreshed.

Basso is a human mage. He once served in the Imperial mage group for 20 years and has now retired. He has quite powerful magic power, has outstanding personal combat power, and has rich experience in commanding the mage group.However, he is just a well-behaved commander, and he doesn't have much potential to tap, and don't expect him to have flashes of inspiration.

Terb has nothing to say, a managerial official with a certain personal combat ability, and Basso is more worthy of attention.

Compared with the previous quasi-dragon warlock Parolo, both of them have 7-star personal combat potential, but it is clear that Parolo has great potential, while Basso has little room for improvement.

However, Parolo does not have much command ability, but his personal combat power is outstanding, while Basso has strong command ability, and also has the talent of [Intermediate Law Attack Command]. Although he is not as abnormal as Napoleon, Napoleon's talent may be for everything Long-range attacks are all effective (spells, divine spells, physical long-range, magic crystal cannon), but it is already very good for Yun Xiaohan.

These two official NPCs are elite templates, and they need to complete recruitment tasks before they can be recruited.

Telbu's recruitment task is relatively simple, just ask Yun Xiaohan to collect 10 materials for him, Yun Xiaohan just yelled on the territory channel and collected them all, and then recruited.The highest individual potential of Telb is 6 stars. If it was before, the recruitment price should be 25 gold, but now the labor has increased, and the recruitment cost is 50 gold.

Basso's recruitment task is a bit more complicated. He first asked for a library in the territory of the lord who recruited him. This requirement has been met by Yun Xiaohan, and then he hopes to read the three designated books. Basso just borrowed them. After the loan is completed, it can be returned to the library.

This task is very troublesome, but among the three books, there are already two in the library of Ajaccio City, and the other one needs to be bought by Yun Xiaohan. If Yun Xiaohan has a relationship with Master Dadanean If it's not good, I don't know where to buy this book, but Yun Xiaohan and Master Dadanean have a good relationship, so after asking, Master Dadanean told Yun Xiaohan where to buy this book .

Spending 4 gold to teleport to the target city, Yun Xiaohan bought the book, and used the territory teleportation skill to teleport it back to the territory.What needs to be mentioned is that the teleportation fee for using the teleportation array has also doubled.

Basso's highest individual potential is 7 stars, and the initial recruitment price should be 50 gold, which will be doubled to 100 gold.

It took 150 gold to complete the recruitment of these two official NPCs. Terb was assigned to Ivas City as an interior adjutant. With the continuous migration of the population, the population growth rate of Ivas City dropped to 2% after the population exceeded 1. , and the population growth rate will decrease as the population continues to increase, so it is necessary to arrange another interior adjutant to support the population growth rate.

Basso was appointed as the Chief Guard of Bastia City.

(End of this chapter)

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