Pinnacle player

Chapter 870 Origin of the Silfa Business Alliance

Chapter 870 Origin of the Silfa Business Alliance
Next, Liya introduced the current war situation and the surrounding situation of the Gloya area to Yun Xiaohan.

Of course, there are too many introductions to this situation. It would be too late for Liya to talk about it one by one, at least for a few hours, so Liya just started here. In essence, the game opened a temporary intelligence system to Yun Xiaohan. Yun Xiaohan can use the intelligence system to view some information that Liya has mastered on the virtual map.

The information that can be queried is relatively comprehensive. Although there are only estimated figures in most places, as a data controller, Yun Xiaohan can already draw a picture of the situation in his mind.

In order to save the defeat and face, the Merchant Alliance once again mobilized a large number of troops. The first phase reached 5 troops, and there are 10 follow-up troops. Counting the previous loss of 5, the total is 20.

20 may not seem like much, but this is a hastily concentrated force, and most of them are from the Masset area.

Marset City is a player's main city of the Merchant Alliance. As the front line of the Merchant Alliance and the Empire, the size and status of the Marset region is comparable to that of Snowman City.

Here we need to introduce the political system of the commercial alliance. Although Spain is alluded to, it is only similar in terrain and some key NPC personnel. The commercial alliance political system in the game is completely different from the imperial political system, and it is not a centralized political system.

The area under the current control of the business alliance - the Silfa Peninsula was a melee zone in the early days. A large number of independent lords conquered each other on this land, but because the strength of these lords was not much different, they did not appear like the Empire and the Northland. A relatively powerful super lord cannot establish a country.

This kind of frequent mutual conquest made the livelihood of the people in each territory withered and financial difficulties. In order to alleviate the economic difficulties, they began to form offensive and defensive alliances, and the earliest commercial alliances appeared.

The main purpose of the establishment of the business alliance in the early stage was joint mutual protection and mutual trade.Later, the purpose of protecting commerce, such as suppressing piracy, combating plunder, and canceling unreasonable toll taxes, was gradually added.

At the beginning, not many cities joined the business alliance, but because of economic benefits, more and more cities chose to join, and the purpose of the alliance gradually changed to expand commercial power, monopolize commercial interests, and suppress commercial competition from outside the alliance.

Later, due to the continuous expansion of the military threat of the empire and the Northland, the commercial alliance began to vigorously develop the navy, and evolved from a purely economic alliance to an economic-political-military alliance.

Due to the increase of external and internal pressure, it was difficult for the small lords to continue to maintain. In the end, all the cities on the entire Silfa Peninsula joined the business alliance, and the Silfa Peninsula reached an alternative unity.

Therefore, not all new commercial aristocrats in the commercial alliance, there are also a large number of old-school military aristocrats. Of course, the old-school here is only relative. The old-school military aristocrats in the commercial alliance are also in business, but they have different focuses.

The business alliance is a parliamentary system like the Austrian law parliament, but because of the strong business atmosphere and the existence of a large number of parliamentarians who put profits first, the business alliance lacks control compared to the Austrian law parliament.Coupled with the serious confrontation between the emerging business aristocracy and the old-school military aristocracy, the administrative efficiency of the commercial alliance is even lower.

Moreover, as a business association, the business alliance does not have as many standing troops as the empire, and they recruit troops more in the form of mercenaries.Therefore, it can be said that the military confrontation between the business alliance and the empire is inherently disadvantaged.

In fact, due to the long-term conflicts with the empire, the Marset area is already dominated by military aristocrats, and a small number of commercial aristocrats have migrated to other areas. There is a certain gap between regions, but their military strength must exceed other regions.

For a long time, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance has given more economic assistance to the Masset region than military assistance. There are even a group of business nobles in the Chamber of Commerce who feel that as long as the empire is not allowed to enter, they are not so concerned about the war between the two countries. .

That's why the Merchant Alliance seemed so passive and slow to respond in the previous series of battles. It was said that the two countries fought a war, but in fact it was just a local war.

In fact, just looking at the support from the rear, the merchant alliance on the first server supported more. The empire on the first server only sent 3 reinforcements to the southern theater (other servers did not win the Sardinian collar, and supported 8 people), while the merchant alliance Not only did they provide a lot of free economic aid, but they also added 5 people.

But having said that, not all the members of the Merchant Alliance are fools. There are also some very shrewd business nobles. They are well aware of the importance of the Masset area. The Masset area is located on the passage between the Silva Peninsula and the mainland, which is equivalent to The throat of the French Peninsula, the geographical location is extremely important.

Although the Pyrenees is behind the Masset area, it is not easy to cross the mountains, but once the mountains are crossed, the hinterland of the Merchant Alliance is completely open to the enemy, and once the Masset area is lost However, the Pyrenees Mountains have also become an obstacle to the merchant alliance, and the merchant alliance has lost the possibility of moving eastward from land.

Therefore, there are still many smart people in the business alliance who propose to increase reinforcements to the Marset area, but no matter whether this reinforcement proposal can be passed, according to the efficiency of the business alliance council, it is impossible to realize it in the short term. And this is Yun Xiaohan's opportunity.

When Yun Xiaohan checked the information, he discovered a very important piece of information. Due to the heavy defeat in the Sardinian battle, the fleet directly under the Chamber of Commerce Alliance lost a large number of warships and transport ships. The maritime military power in the area and nearby areas is far inferior to that of Sardinia.

Of course, this kind of inferiority is only temporary. The shipbuilding capability of the Merchant Alliance is still much stronger than that of Sardinia, but shipbuilding takes time, and a large number of ships cannot be changed in the short term.

Although there is no shortage of ships in other areas of the business alliance, on the one hand, they have to go around half of the peninsula to reach the Marset area. On the other hand, other business alliance nobles may not be willing to hand over their ships to the parliament. After all, they also need Escorting ships and carrying out maritime trade, when they finished wrangling with the parliament and negotiated an exchange of benefits, the day lily was cold, so the distant water could not save the nearby fire.

In other words, at this time, the Sardinia has absolute command over the sea, and Yun Xiaohan even doubts whether the Merchant Alliance would dare to go to sea to fight the Sardinia's navy.

(End of this chapter)

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