Pinnacle player

Chapter 881

Chapter 881
While Garibaldi and Morris commanded the street fighting, follow-up troops also landed one after another.

Liya has already communicated with Nelson about supporting 1000 Thunderstorm Legionnaires to Yun Xiaohan. They should have waited for the complete capture of Cassis City before allowing these 1000 people to land, but because there was no threat at sea, Cassis The battle in the city went very smoothly again, so Nelson didn't delay at all, and directly let the 1000 soldiers of the Thunderstorm Legion go ashore and temporarily put them under Yun Xiaohan's command.

When the 4000 soldiers landed, the overall situation in the city had been decided. Yun Xiaohan didn't send these 4000 people to participate in the battle, but seized the time to start moving the supplies in the city. In order to save time and speed up the transportation, Yun Xiaohan asked Nelson to dispatch some more The troops help move things.

Nelson also has a share of these supplies, and Yun Xiaohan will take his share later if he continues to plunder, so Nelson will naturally not refuse this kind of request for mutual benefit.

However, in order to guard against possible sea threats, Nelson was still very cautious to leave enough people on board, and sent some fast boats to guard the periphery.However, the reconstruction speed of the Thunderstorm Legion is very fast. There are 6000 people dispatched with Nelson this time. After removing the 1000 people who supported Yun Xiaohan and the 3000 people who had to stay on the ship, 2000 people can still be allocated to help move goods.

These 2000 people plus the 4000 people who are moving materials will make 6000 people. Although the transportation capacity of 6000 people is not small, there are still a lot of materials in a trading city, and it still takes a lot of time to move them.

And at this moment, Yun Xiaohan triggered a different choice:

One: Use the current capacity for handling.

Two: Use force to force the people in the city to assist in the transportation.

Three: Decide on your own course of action.

The first option seems to be stable, but it actually has huge problems, and the most fundamental problem of capacity cannot be solved at all.

If we use the 6000 people in front of us to move the goods, and the battle officially starts at 20:00, it is estimated that only a small part of the supplies will be moved. If Yun Xiaohan leads the team away by then, there will only be 2000 people left, and some will move , Some people may say, let the 2000 people move slowly, anyway, after the battle is over, they will definitely be moved.

The game "Choice" is very realistic. This kind of reality does not refer to the realism of the game screen, but the high degree of simulation in various game details. Careful players can easily be fooled here and overlook the huge problem.

In this looting, the most critical transportation link is not the land transportation link, but the sea transportation link.The actual capacity of the fleet is actually limited. Although there are many ships coming this time, the fleet must first leave most of the warships to ensure the control of Cassis City and guarantee the command of the sea; secondly, the returning fleet must also have A certain number of battleships are accompanied by transport ships.

Therefore, in the actual shipping link, it is impossible for the fleet to leave a ship after loading the goods on one ship, so safety cannot be guaranteed at all, and it is necessary to wait for the transport fleet to be fully loaded before dispatching a wave. Slower, the later the transport fleet can only start, the less effective use of capacity will be.

Don't forget, there are still a lot of materials to be moved to Cassis City in the follow-up looting operation. The materials in front have not been loaded on the ship, where to put the materials in the back, no matter how many materials Yun Xiaohan looted , It has to be shipped back to Sardinia, and it doesn't matter to him no matter how much goods are left in Cassis.

This link is a typical trap link, and if it is in the past online games, this detail definitely does not need to be considered by the player.

But in "Choice", it is different. The details need to be carefully considered by the player.And in this operation, Yun Xiaohan is the supreme commander, and even Nelson has to listen to him, so although he is not really in charge of commanding the shipping link, he needs to consider the overall plan as detailed as possible and take the initiative to carry out the operation. intervene.

And it is this consideration of details that is a comprehensive test of the player's mind, way of doing things, management experience, etc. In comparison, the player's personal strength is no longer so important.

The transportation capacity of 2000 people is not enough, so why does Yun Xiaohan leave some troops to help carry it?
Regardless of how many troops will be left to help carry them, and whether the remaining transportation capacity will be sufficient, this idea of ​​dividing troops is fundamentally problematic.

First of all, Yun Xiaohan has fewer troops, so he has much less confidence in attacking the towns of the business alliance. He doesn't dare to attack some difficult targets, and he can't grab anything. What are you moving?

Secondly, after all, this is in the hinterland of the enemy camp. If there are fewer soldiers, it will be more difficult to gain an advantage, and the losses in the battle will increase. Kill, if Yun Xiaohan dies, he will lose level 5, and if a soldier dies, he will have to pay five times the resurrection fee, that is a blood loss.

In the end, the successful looting of the town also requires transporting supplies back to Cassis City. Even if they don’t transport them back to Cassis City, Nelson’s fleet will send a transport fleet to find a stop nearby, but the transportation capacity is also indispensable. To transport valuable materials also requires a small part of troops.

Therefore, the more troops Yun Xiaohan has in his hands, the better. The more troops he has, the greater the results of the battle, and the more supplies he can get, the heartbroken the NPC lords of the business alliance, forcing them to return to the army, so as to achieve this goal. strategic objectives of the action.

In this way, the second option-to use force to force the people in the city to assist in the transportation seems to be a good idea, but in fact this second option still only looks good, and the actual hidden danger is huge.

It is risky to force the people to work. The oppression is too much, and they may resist at any time. Moreover, some prisoners will definitely be captured in this siege battle. These prisoners also need to be guarded by manpower. The 2000 troops are too few. Assist If the number of people working is not large, it can be barely suppressed. If there are too many people, there will probably be a big mess. But if there are not many people but not enough transportation capacity, it is a dilemma.

In Yun Xiaohan's view, the first two choices are not good choices. It can even be said that the game designer deliberately set the player up, pointing at the player to be fooled, so they should not be chosen.

But the game designer did not do everything right. The third option is to remind the players that they can design their own action plans to solve the problem.

Of course, although the game designer gave the third option, it is obviously very difficult for players to design their own plans. Players need to consider all aspects of details, and then make an action plan that is as complete as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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