Pinnacle player

Chapter 888 Communication between player lords

Chapter 888 Communication between player lords
At present, there are only two guilds in Nantes City, namely the Shiyun Guild and the Zero Guild. The Zero Guild took advantage of Yun Xiaohan's last battle with Yun Xiaohan in the Battle of Slatersburg to take advantage of the territory. A lot of people have accumulated a lot of military exploits, plus the Zero Zero is willing to spend money, and they have obtained a piece of territory with great risk.

However, the Aoyou Guild, which was originally the strongest guild in Nantes City, did not develop smoothly because of the major failure in the Battle of Slatersburg, and the two gangs within them fought too hard, which slowed down their development. The speed caused the guild not to get the territory.In today's Nantes City, the Poetry Rhyme Guild has come from behind, surpassing the more powerful Traveling Guild.

"I thought everyone would meet together this time, so I planned to contact him again during the battle, but I didn't expect him to be away." Zero replied.

"Is it because Yun Xiaohan's title is high? We are all barons, he is a viscount, and the game does not allow him to participate in the battle." Shenmeng Haotian guessed.He is the president of the Godly Dream Guild, a guild from Carter Perry City.

"It's possible. I didn't expect that there are disadvantages if you have a high title. Yun Xiaohan suffered a disadvantage this time." Baofeng Ruilan said.

"We are also at a disadvantage. The 100 players in the same battle space as us all got the legendary degree. We don't even have hair. Moreover, they are in the third battle. We are the first. Compare with them." Speed ​​Myth said.

"Yeah, the territorial soldiers are too weak. I guess they won't be of much use. They won't be good for melee combat." Said Legend Creator. He is the president of the Founding Guild. Two forced young people to come here. When naming, they like to use all kinds of domineering middle school names. After a long time, there is no way to change them.

The founding guild comes from Ambition City. Ambition City is the companion capital of the empire and the player's main city closest to the empire's capital. The empire's capital is not the player's main city.It may be because there are very few unclaimed territories, and the difficulty of acquiring territories is much higher than that of other players' main cities. At present, Ambition City has created a guild and a guild has acquired the territory, and the location of this territory is also quite biased.

"Then what should we do now, take your territorial soldiers out?" Shenmeng Haotian asked.

"I didn't bring them, so I just recruited 25 territorial soldiers, hoping to gain some military exploits when I defend the city." Baofeng Ruilan replied.

"Hey, I'll take it. I have recruited 100 territorial soldiers. Even if some die, it's okay. I can die." Longyin Cangqiong said.

"It's so easy for you to collect game coins? I do have money, but the cost of building buildings in the territory is too high, and the money is not enough!" Zero Zero said.

"It's hard for me to take it too, I'm paying a lot of premium." Longyin Cangqiong replied.

"Nimma, it's people like you messing around, that's why more and more players are reluctant to sell." Shi Yunming was on fire. Before he came to collect the coins, the studio raised the price along the pole, and it was the territory of the Shi Yun Guild. The buildings inside were all shut down, and he was very upset.

"I'm rich, I'm happy, you care about me?" Longyin Cangqiong directly pushed back, not to be outdone.

"I just can't understand you, what's the matter? How about being rich? You can't play games like a brain." Shi Yunming insisted.

"You're stupid, what kind of games do you play poorly? Why don't you just go back and play single player." Longyin Cangqiong also sprayed it.

"Can you not use the map gun? Besides, Shi Yun Mingxin is right. You have raised prices and collected coins indiscriminately, messing up the entire currency price market. We will all suffer losses, and you will also spend more money yourself. It’s not such a waste.” Speed ​​Myth said.

"That's right, the key is to ruin the atmosphere and want to wait for the price to rise. If you want to sell it at the same price as before, how can there be such a good thing, and you don’t even think about how much money you can make now.” Said Legend Creation.

"That's right, Longyin Cangqiong, can you use some brains when playing games?" Xinghui Lieyan was obviously not on Longyin Cangqiong's side.

"I don't need a brain? You are with me, right? I'll let you poor people continue to play, I'll play with my own, and see who has the last laugh!" Long Yin Cangqiong left angrily after speaking.

"Who is this?" Shi Yunming said angrily.

"Secondly young people have a lot of fun and a lot of money. How come you come here! I have seen this kind of person a lot, and in the end I can't find anyone. I just do it!" Said Speed ​​Mythology disdainfully.

"This kind of person is in your Xueman, you have a headache, right? Ruilan, Shinhwa." Xinghui Lieyan asked.

"I've already suffered a loss from this bastard once, but the strength of the Dragon Yin Guild is still very strong. This kid is indeed rich. These days, having money is also a great advantage." Baofeng Ruilan said.

"Fortunately, "Choice" is not one of those krypton gold games. The official has already done a good job. Besides, if you really need money, it's not very convenient for us to do things." Shenmeng Haotian said.

"Don't talk about it, this bastard has 100 territorial soldiers, and his performance will not be too bad. Let's go out and do the mission quickly, otherwise it will be shameful to be compared with him." Speed ​​Myth said.

"Is there anyone interested in cooperating? Go out together to find someone to kill, and the combined forces of several companies will have an advantage." Zero Zero asked.

"Let me go with you, and I will lead the soldiers too, I can't be compared to that guy." Baofeng Ruilan said.

"I think it's better not to lead troops, and not to partner." Extreme Speed ​​Mythology said suddenly.

"Why?" Shenmeng Haotian asked.

"The territorial soldiers are useless at all. When people get together, they can easily become the target of the business alliance. If you can cooperate, so can the players on the opposite side. If you don't kill your people, just kill your soldiers, and you will be in trouble." Speed ​​Myth answer.

"Hiss", Shi Yunming took a deep breath, "It seems so."

"Myth, you reminded me that you can't do this. Don't forget that the players in our battle space are all the 100 players who performed best in the first two battles." Storm Ruilan suddenly Said.

"Ruilan, what do you mean?" Zero Zero asked.

"What I mean is that there are many strong players on both sides. Although we are the president, most of our energy is spent on management. PK can't beat them." Baofeng Ruilan replied.

"Fuck, I don't need to kill you, just kill your pawns. When you meet a player with good maneuverability and strong roaming ability, just wander around and kill your pawns from a distance. Do you have a way?" Created a legend also reacted.

"Come on, don't talk about it, I'm not going out with soldiers, honestly let's get through this part first, and we'll talk about it in the city defense battle." Xinghui Lieyan said.

"I'm going to find other players to see if there is any opportunity for cooperation." Shenmeng Haotian said.

(End of this chapter)

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