Pinnacle player

Chapter 970

Chapter 970

Although the straight-line distance between Nasser City and Ivas City is not particularly far, it is blocked by the long Shelu Mountain Range in the middle, so this shortcut is impassable.

The most economical way to travel from Ivas City to Nasser City is by sea, and the voyage is not too long - 14 minutes. (Take the passenger boat provided by the camp)

However, there are still 11 minutes until the next day, and Yun Yanhan is naturally unwilling to waste time on the boat, not to mention that the Silver Pine Forest cannot be in the city of Nasser, and he has to run away when he gets there, so he directly uses teleportation The array teleported to Naxal City.

The teleportation fee from Ivas City to Nassar City is 2 gold, which should have been 1 gold, but the manpower has doubled, and the teleportation array not only needs to be hosted, but also requires maintenance and regular recharging, so the teleportation fee is also high. Followed by doubled.

However, Yun Xiaohan's brain is still very good. He first teleported to the city of Nice, which belonged to Felix Scipio—the young viscount who was rescued by Yun Xiaohan on the battlefield. Seoul City is not far.

Because Yun Xiaohan signed a trade agreement with Felix Scipio and also concluded a covenant. As an ally city, the transmission fee will be halved. It should have been a transmission fee of 1.6 gold, but now it only costs 0.8 gold. 0.5 gold (not a miscalculation, one-time teleportation will save some money, and the cost of two teleportations will be higher than one, even if the final destination is the same place) can be teleported to Nasser City, saving 2 gold.

The city of Nasser is the direct territory of Felix Scipio's father, the Duke of Scipio, but Felix Scipio can't influence his father's thoughts, so Yun Yanhan and Duke Scipio have no He has never been to Nasser City before.

Yun Xiaohan also put a lot of thought into it. In order to find suitable top-level bloodline monsters for leveling, he had to expand the scope of finding monsters again and again. Fortunately, he could still afford the transmission fee.

Nasser city.

Yun Xiaohan, who just finished the teleportation, immediately summoned [Fear Fang], it was impossible for him to teleport with [Fear Fang], and he would have to pay an extra teleportation fee for the mount.

Silver Pine Forest is not very far from Nasser City, it can be reached in 5 or 6 minutes by running, and there is still plenty of time. It just so happened that Yun Xiaohan had never been to Nasser City before, so he planned to take a look at Nasser City.

However, Yun Xiaohan obviously underestimated his own influence, and also forgot that he had just completed a super god live broadcast.As soon as he rode [Fear Fang], he was surrounded by a large group of players.

"Hey, isn't that Yun Xiaohan?"

"Isn't he Xueman's, why did he come to us?"

"Hey man, watching his live broadcast yesterday almost scared me to death."

"Do you want to go up and ask for an autograph?"

"Is there such a function in the game?"

"That mount is so big and cool, I want to have one too."

"Where to get it, it looks like the best."

"The mount of the BOSS in the world dungeon, it's all typed out."

"They are not on the same level as us."

"One level? There are more than ten levels. How many levels are you? Level 32. He is level 51. People start at five-figure damage. If you are not careful, you can hit hundreds of thousands. Your four-digit damage I haven’t typed it out before, kid, go to bed, it’s getting late, stop daydreaming.”

"Is there any super boss or a large copy on our side? How did he come?"

"I didn't see the BOSS announcement, maybe come and do the mission?"

"Follow him and have a look."

A large group of players not only watched, but also followed Yun Xiaohan.The players in Nassar City saw that there were so many people gathered together, and followed them curiously. Seeing that they were following Yun Xiaohan, they also joined the trailing team one after another, and the trailing team was getting bigger and bigger.

Yun Xiaohan didn't pay much attention to it at first, he hadn't been watched once or twice, he was used to it.After all, players also have their own things to do, and they usually find it boring to follow a certain distance on Xueman's side, so they don't follow.

But because of the influence of the live broadcast, there were a lot of people following him this time, and few people left after following him for two or three minutes, and there were still a lot of people close to him or shouting at him. It is impossible to walk through the area), he may have been blocked and unable to move.

It's impossible for Yun Xiaohan to listen to everyone, but he can't ignore everyone. He can only explain that he is here to practice leveling, but few of these people believe him. They all think that he has some special actions and say he wants to follow him. have a look.

Yun Xiaohan really came here to level up, and he is not afraid of them following, but it would be a big trouble if more and more people followed him, so he could only give up visiting Naxal City and set off for Silverpine Forest.

However, after a few minutes, he also had a general understanding of Nassar City.

Nassar City not only has a larger population than Snowrun City, but also has a much larger area than Xueman City, and its buildings are generally higher-end. The number of NPC soldiers in the city is obviously larger and more elite. It can be said that it has certain advantages in all aspects. The advantage, Snowman City is taking advantage of a front-line city.

[Fear Tooth] The speed is very fast, if you really want to move forward at full speed, few players following Yun Xiaohan can keep up, but there is nothing to hide about his leveling action this time, so there is no need to get rid of them.

But Yun Xiaohan can't just do nothing, he is too aware of the player's pissing nature, if he is killed by a monster on the way with him and loses experience, these people will probably blame themselves.Although Yun Xiaohan didn't care about these people's complaints and blame, there was no need to offend people needlessly.

So Yun Xiaohan reminded them again in good faith: "I am going to Silverpine Forest to fight giant monsters at level 52. I will inevitably pass through other high-level monster areas on the way. You can follow me, and I will not go full speed." Go forward, I deliberately throw you away, but you have to be careful, I have to go to the place to level up before 0:00, in order to save time, I will go straight through some strange areas, and I will lose experience if I am killed by wild monsters on the way Don't blame me, I can't protect you."

Hearing what Yun Xiaohan said, and looking at Yun Xiaohan, he did not mean to get rid of them. Some players retreated and did not follow anymore, but some players with strong skepticism still followed Yun Xiaohan Cold back.

The ugly words have already been said, and Yun Xiaohan also turned on the video recording function. No matter how unlucky they are afterwards, they will have evidence to show, so Yun Xiaohan no longer dissuades them and lets them follow.

The team soon came to a level 46 normal level wild monster area, just like Yun Xiaohan said before, he directly chose to cross in a straight line.

(End of this chapter)

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