Pinnacle player

Chapter 980 [Qi Law Strengthening] and a new copy of the world

Chapter 980 [Qi Law Strengthening (Special)] and a new copy of the world
Yun Xiaohan's vision was too high at this time, and he did not find a suitable skill after scanning around. Just when he was about to leave the pawn shop, he suddenly saw someone pawning a new skill - [Qi Law Strengthening (special skill) )].

[Qi Law Strengthening (Special)]: Rare general skill, Qi system, no rank, learning pre-requisite: have more than 10 Qi system skills, [Lightning Ball], [Wind Speed], [Gentle Wind] , [Lightning Strike], [Lightning Bullet].

Passive, increases the power of air-type spells and air-like spells (including mixed spells or spell-like spells including air-type) by 20%, and has an effect on assisting, healing, summoning and other related air-type spells and spell-like spells, BUFF The effect of similar skills is increased by 10% (directly increased in percentage), and the mana consumption of related spells or spells is reduced by 20%.

This skill cannot be upgraded.

This skill cannot coexist with [Qi Enhancing], if the player has learned [Qi Enhancing], then [Qi Enhancing] will be automatically forgotten.

[Enhancement of Qi] Yun Xiaohan has seen it before, it is just an ordinary sixth-level general skill, related occupations can be learned directly from the skill instructor, the effect of the skill is only to increase the damage of Qi spells by 10%, and reduce the damage of Qi spells by 10% Mana consumption does not work for spells, nor does it work for support, healing, summoning and other related air-type spells, let alone directly enhance the BUFF effect.

The [Qi Law Strengthening (Special)] in front of me is obviously its special or enhanced version, which is much stronger.

However, the skills are strong, and the prerequisites for learning are too high. [Qi Law Strengthening] only needs 5 Qi skills as the prerequisites, and as long as you have [Lightning Ball] and [Wind Speed], it will be fine.

And 【Enhanced Air System (Special)】 needs 10 air system skills, and there are as many as 5 related pre-skills.

Among them, the three skills [Lightning Ball], [Wind Speed], and [Gentle Wind] can be learned directly from the skill instructor, and they are all very simple learning requirements, but [Lightning Strike], [Lightning Lightning] Magic Bomb] These two skills are not so easy to obtain.

[Thunder Light Bomb] Yun Xiaohan has never seen it before, so he is not very clear. [Lightning Strike] He knew very well that as a rare professional skill, only mage players who specialize in the air system, and their camp has a mage evaluation of 3 stars or more, can directly learn [Lightning Strike] from the skill instructor , in addition to spending money and meritorious service, you also need your country's national rank to meet certain requirements.

In fact, this is not bad, [Lightning Strike] is graded according to the learning cost, it can only be regarded as the third grade skill, and the higher grade skills have to be learned with the contribution of the camp.

As for other players who can't learn skills from the skill instructor, they have to rely on fighting.

Yun Xiaohan now has 9 air-type skills, and only one [Lightning Bullet] is enough to learn the prerequisites. Although I don't know what level of skill [Lightning Bullet] is, I think it will not be better than [Lightning Strike] Art] poor.

Since this skill is very useful to him, and the learning requirements are not too bad, Yun Xiaohan decisively decided to take it down.

Because it cannot be upgraded and the learning requirements are too high, the rating of [Qifa Strengthening (Special)] is not high, and only a C-level certificate can be exchanged. Yun Xiaohan does not have a ready-made C-level certificate, so he uses what he currently has. All the exchange vouchers were synthesized upwards (the skills obtained from the smuggling trade were all thrown into the pawn shop by Yun Xiaohan), and after almost all the vouchers in his hand were synthesized, a C-level exchange voucher was assembled, which was exchanged for [Qi Law Strengthening ( special)】.

As for the territory contribution consumed in the synthesis and exchange process, it is nothing to Yun Xiaohan. He is the lord, and there are not many other things. The territory contribution is more.

Yun Xiaohan scanned the pawn shop again, but this time he found nothing that slipped through the net. He returned to Ivas City and continued to do the hiring tasks and the regular tasks of Ivas City.

He didn't go offline until 20:00 to rest. His mercenary level is only about 20% away from F level, and he should be able to upgrade tomorrow.

At 3:10 on March 0th, Yun Xiaohan went online. As soon as he went online, he saw an official announcement about the opening of a new world dungeon. This kind of official announcement is usually one or two sentences, and it cannot be too long. Click to see a more detailed description.

Yun Xiaohan clicked on the announcement to see the specific content:
"The world dungeon of the second stage is already open, the minimum level to enter the dungeon is level 50, and the maximum number of team members is 24.

This dungeon is a global competitive dungeon. Before entering the dungeon, teams of five players with similar strengths (records in duels and hidden points are one of the important reference factors) will be matched together to enter an independent PK space. Instance Qualification" for team PK.

The team PK mode is a five-group melee, the accidental injury mode will be fully activated, and the PK battle will last for 5 minutes. At the end, the two teams with the largest number of remaining players will all be resurrected, and then enter the world copy respectively (non-cooperative mode, each enters an independent copy space).

The team members are composed of players of this server, and the matching opponents will be selected from all servers around the world. In the PK space, players can communicate or shout through the game translation software.

Including the title of honor, players with a title of baron or lower have one chance to enter the instance every day (those who can reach level 50 or above are basically not below the baron), twice for barons, and three times for viscounts.

After more than 2/3 members of the team have accumulated two PK match failures (no need to fail twice in a row), the next time they can pass the "loser mode" to avoid the PK match and directly enter the instance.

After entering the dungeon through the "loser mode", the "failure accumulation times" of all team members will be deducted twice. If there is a player with a negative "failure accumulation times" in the team, the entire team cannot be exempted from the PK match. "Accumulated failure times" can be viewed in the team interface.

Use the "loser mode" to enter the dungeon, and all team members in the team will get a "Weakness BUFF" that increases all attributes by 10% and lasts until the end of the dungeon, and does not conflict with other BUFFs, but the dungeon drop rate and drop quality It will also drop by 10%. "

After reading the announcement, Yun Xiaohan's heart tightened.

Judging from the world dungeon in the first stage, the difficulty of the world dungeon is very high. Of course, the dungeon drop is also matched with the difficulty of the upper dungeon.

The 24-person dungeon has more people than the previous dungeon, which is basically a small group size, and the tacit understanding of the entire team and the requirements for the commander's ability will be greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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