Say good divorce, don't be cowardly

Chapter 1360 A surprise for you

Chapter 1360 A Surprise for You

After the exam, Shu Le can really relax.

So I also chatted with Zhou Yanlin without any burden. To be honest, the two may be about the same age, so they have a tacit understanding and can chat quite well. They can chat about everything.

The two ordered milk tea and snacks.

The afternoon sun shines through the glass, reflecting on their bodies, very warm.

Shu Le's smile appeared even brighter in the sunshine, like a blooming flower.

Seeing this, Zhou Yanlin could not help but smile.

After eating, Shu Le felt a little full, so he planned to take a walk, which Zhou Yanlin couldn't wish for.

"Lele, I'll take you to a place." Zhou Yanlin suddenly stopped in his tracks, and then said mysteriously.

He became more familiar with Shu Le, and his address changed from Shu Le to Le Le.

The two are like childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts.

Hearing his words, Shu Le also stopped, and then looked at him expectantly, "Where are you going?"

Because he is the elder brother of Aunt Bai Lan's family, Shu Le trusts Zhou Yanlin in his heart.

And he also gives people a very clean and comfortable feeling. Although his face is usually a little dark and he feels very restrained, when he faces himself, he will smile, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Zhou Yanlin pretended, "Come on, it's near here, you're done with the exam, let you relax."

Shu Le nodded and checked the time. It was still early anyway, so the two walked to the bus station.

Just sat for five stops and got off.

After getting out of the car, Shu Le became stunned.

This is the largest playground in Jiangcheng, and it has just opened.

Shu Le had heard about it before, but because he had to go to class and he was a graduate class, so he didn't have time to come.

Xiaobao also pestered her mother to come every day, but she was rejected.

She always said that she would come after she finished the exam. Unexpectedly, brother Yanlin knew her thoughts so well and came as soon as she finished the exam.

Seeing Shu Le's surprised look, Zhou Yanlin smiled slightly, and then said warmly, "How is it? Surprised? It's not long since it opened, and I heard it's very interesting."

Zhou Yanlin had already been here with his classmates before. After all, the roommates in the dormitory are the best at eating, drinking and having fun.

The playground is really big, and there are many things to play in it, such as big adventure, ferris wheel, pirate ship
Zhou Yanlin and his classmates have played almost all of them, so this time he can be Shu Le's tour guide.

"Well, it looks very good, I can't wait to try it." Shu Le said happily, that little face was full of joy.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started." The two rushed into the playground.

To be honest, Shu Le hasn't been this happy for a long time, and both of them had a great time.

If it was Shu Lelai, she would not dare to play such projects as big adventure and jumping machine.

But because Zhou Yanlin was by her side, she dared to play.

Basically, many projects have been played.

In the end, both of them were tired, so they rested for a while, Zhou Yanlin took a look at the sky, and then sent her home.

"Brother Yanlin, thank you, today's itinerary is really surprising and exciting." Shu Le said gratefully.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, this can be regarded as a graduation gift for you." Zhou Yanlin said with a smile.

When Shu Le returned home, Shu Pan didn't ask anything when he saw it, because he knew that his daughter was well-mannered.

Shu Le secretly hoped that he could be admitted to the same school as Zhou Yanlin.

(End of this chapter)

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