absurd deduction game.

Chapter 825 Bloody Flower

I can't tell what it feels like, the actor is so disappointed.

Why didn't Yu Xing come to him for revenge?Why not experience deeper despair with him?Just let him go for a while, let him go for a while...

Year after year, he didn't actually come back to find Yu Xing, and he felt a kind of luck in his heart that "if he can't find him here, it's just over", until he revisited the old place near Yu's house as usual, and in the new I saw Yu Xing and Hua Subai outside the exhibition hall.

I didn't expect Yu Xing's sanity to recover to this level.

What's more, Hua Subai, who appeared once and then disappeared, would become Yu Xing's new friend during his absence.

This is the most unacceptable scene for him.

Watching the two talking in the sunlight, the actor stood in the dark, slowly showing a sick smile.

He must die in vain. Complete death is not enough. He has to be tortured over and over again, which is more painful than being in hell!

He hinted to himself that even if he wanted to kill Yu Xing who had become friends with the person he hated the most, he would have to kill Hua Subai first.

But Hua Subai's inspiration is too strong, when he wanted to disappear, the actor couldn't find him, his power was too similar to Hua Subai's.

After searching to no avail, the actor chooses to create a "person" who looks for Hua Subai instead of him.

Perhaps because he was not tall enough, he squeezed a tall body to seal off the possibility of this "person" getting emotions, and then filled it with a piece of his own memory.

The flower seeker, who has no name but only a goal, was born here.


——The above are all the memories of the flower hunter.

In other words, it was the memory that the actor directly stuffed into him.

Rather than saying that he is an independent person, it is better to say that he has the actor's memory, but does not have the actor's way of thinking and emotion.

The flower seeker knew everything about Hua Subai, and everything about Yu Xing, but it didn't mean anything to him, and he didn't have any special thoughts about Yu Xing.

He has no emotions, naturally he will not be entangled, has no morals, and has no fear.

In the beginning, he was most similar to the actor, because all his cognition came from the actor.

Later, the flower hunter experienced many things of his own, and gradually became different from the actor. What remained unchanged was that he always knew what he should do and knew how to be loyal to the Creator.

In the later period of time, he found Hua Subai many times, and the flower seeker cleverly grasped a shortcut - he squatted around Yu Xing more, and after a few years, Hua Subai would not be able to bear it Appear beside Yu Xing, and then he will do it.

That's why... Even Yu Xing felt that Hua Su came and went without a trace, and often came out to harass him for a while and then disappeared.

Because when Hua Subai is hunted down by a flower seeker, he will calmly hide in the sea of ​​people again.

At this moment, Xunhua's heart beat faster, and the cold light of the scissors almost condensed into ice, dripping on the folded clothes.

"Hey, that's not yours." The female boss still looked over, squinting her eyes, "Go back to your own seat."

The flower seeker turned a deaf ear to it, and clenched the cold handle tightly with both hands, and the sharp metal thorns hit the cloth.

"...I'm so annoying." The female boss stood up cursing, and she didn't know how she moved. There was still a distance, but she appeared on the face of the flower seeker in an instant.

Her pale and slender hands directly held the blades of the scissors, and the flower seeker stopped stabbing, and finally gave the female boss a look.

The two of them looked at each other without speaking, and when the female boss noticed that there was no concession in his eyes, the lazy expression finally subsided.

"You want this man dead?"

The flower seeker is gentle and gentle: "Yes."

The female boss was silent for two seconds, and turned her head to look at the rare treasures in the yard, especially the exaggerated tree branches surrounding the table. It was difficult to recognize them as ordinary tourists.

She said, "Personal grievances?"

The flower hunter's tone was exactly the same as before: "Yes."

"Some people say that the villain dies from talking too much." He looked at the female boss calmly, with a completely different kind of ferocity brewing in her eyes, "The more you talk, the easier it is to fail to achieve your goal."

As soon as the words fell, a deep black halo suddenly burst out from the lines on the scissors, the female boss's complexion changed suddenly, and the skin on her hands was burnt by the lines to form some corpse spots.

She let go immediately and took two steps back, the flower hunter's scissors also took the opportunity to dig into the stack of clothes firmly.

The cold light flashed across quickly, and the folded clothes were cut into pieces in an instant, and the red cloth was as thick as blood, and there were many.

At the same time, in the private room on the second floor, Hua Subai, who was confronting the system, was torn apart.

The system feels that its body is not afraid of the shadow being crooked—at least at this moment.

It wasn't the one who killed it, it just predicted that Hua Subai would be killed by the flower seeker once at this time, and took advantage of this good opportunity to utter a wave of cruel words.

What a beautiful thing.


Female boss: "..."

She looked at the flower seeker fearfully, the matter had come to this point, she had tried to stop it, but it was unsuccessful, then...

Shouldn't you shoot her again?

I really didn't expect that there would be such a person in this tour group. Shouldn't this kind of ability be exclusive to ghosts?

The cold wind suddenly became stronger.

The howling cold wind swept some snow fragments blown from nowhere, and her lifeless pupils couldn't help shrinking.

She saw a scene that she will never forget in her entire ghost life.

The bloody fragments that had been scattered on the ground suddenly squirmed.

They began to gather together as if they were alive. The flower seeker watched this scene with cold eyes and did not stop it.

Pieces of cloth were stacked together, forming a raised shape in the chaos, and then, a figure grew out of nowhere in the raised space, quickly growing from the size of a baby to an adult.

The shattered clothes were directly broken into pieces, and became a harmonious red dress, covering the man.

This is the style of Fenglong clothes, with wide robes and big sleeves, the gathered faces are expressionless, and the handsome and gentle faces are a little distorted at this time, and the outer robe shines on the body, and there is a kind of bright divinity.

Female boss pupil earthquake.

The corner of the flower hunter's mouth finally evoked a smile.

This is not a meaningless taunt, but a proof of victory.

"It's really you." Hua Subai slightly raised his head, looking at the flower seeker who was half a head taller than him, not happy or angry.

He raised his hand, and the wide sleeves slid down his arm. On the exposed forearm, the same twisted lines as on the scissors were outlined.

Those lines exuded black air, forming a chain-like confinement, suppressing the surge of his power.

The Flower Seeker is indeed annoying. After all, the actor has painstakingly created something to restrain him, and the suppression of it has covered the level of rules.

"I finally dragged you out of Yu Xing's side." The flower seeker was angry, and the big scissors clicked, "If you hadn't stuck to him from the beginning, I wouldn't have to take the risk of violating the rules."

The fourth day of losing weight.The weight didn't change and was the same as yesterday, so I still lost a total of 3.0 catties.

Do you have plans to go out on Friday?

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