Chapter 469

Zhu Biao kept thinking about the situation of Japan in this era, combined with the information sent by Tang Ding, he could draw many conclusions, and the Song and Yuan Dynasties originally left a lot of relevant records about Japan.

In the Song and Yuan dynasties, foreign trade developed very well, and there was information exchange naturally when there was trade, and the deliberate cultural invasion of Japan in later generations also made Zhu Biao passively accept a lot of knowledge about Japan.

Due to Japan's special system of virtual monarchs in ancient times, the status of the Japanese royal family was rarely impacted. The so-called "heroes" in Japan competed for the position of the shogun. Therefore, the Japanese royal family is known as the eternal line. In the final analysis, it is because of them Just a mascot, not a unified monarch.

In essence, the so-called emperor (Japanese king) is the same as their three artifacts, but only as a symbolic meaning. Naturally, there are reasons for the formation of such a peculiar system.

Zhu Biao believes that the most important reason is that due to natural conditions, mountains and rivers are separated and fragmented, and it is inevitable to form a loose political structure.

Nobles, large temples, and shrines occupy economically beneficial territories, and stipulate that those who reclaim the cultivated land will permanently own the cultivated land. This made the pioneers later combine into interest groups and annex manors by force, and gradually became the source of power for samurai in various places, forming Japanese characteristics. landlord class.

The object of allegiance of the samurai is not the emperor, but the aristocratic daimyo who gave them privileges and land.

Such a system will naturally dissatisfy the imperial family and civil servants. They are naturally yearning for power, so they began to exert their strength. In the late Kamakura period, because Emperor Gosaga abolished the elders and established the younger, two princes came to the throne successively, which made the imperial family divided into Jiming and Yuan. Dajue Temple has two families.

The fight for the throne was fierce. Under the planning and mediation of the Kamakura shogunate, the two sides agreed that the two factions would take turns as the emperor, that is, the two regimes would stand alternately. This also laid a great disaster for the separation of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Measures taken by the growing royal family.

Afterwards, a series of coups followed. Although the Kamakura shogunate of the Hojo clan perished in the end, the hidden dangers he planted for the Japanese royal family broke out. The prince is the crown prince of Emperor Go-Daigo, he is naturally unwilling, he wants to establish his own son.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. It's not that I don't have a son. Why do I have to give it to the son of a relative far away? No normal person would be willing, and it is impossible for Zhu Biao to let Zhu Wenzheng's heir inherit his land.

However, Japan has been sick since ancient times. His generals, daimyo and samurai did not support this decision, and they all urged Emperor Go-Daigo to maintain the tradition.

Such conflicts of power arose again, and the superior emperor still did not hold great power, so he firmly wanted to attack the shogunate and establish the authority of the royal family.

Zhu Biao looked at the decrees sent by Tang Ding. They were all issued after Emperor Go-Daigo came to power. Tang Ding got someone to translate them.

Abolish the old system that dispersed the power of the emperor, such as the administration, regency, and Guanbai, and re-centralize the power taken away by the samurai class in the hands of the emperor.

Then the yuan was changed to "Jianwu", which was the year name used by Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty after he eliminated Wang Mang, and implemented the New Deal, its political significance is self-evident.

It can be clearly seen that he wanted to reorganize the political institutions governed by the emperor and abolish the shogunate. He took care of his own people, such as the royal family, noble daimyo, and temple owners, and redistributed the land that the Kamakura shogunate oppressed and expropriated before.

In fact, there is no problem with this item. When dividing the cake, he didn't know how to distribute more to his own people, and he was not worthy of playing politics, but he was so stupid that he suppressed the power of the samurai at this time, and despised the samurai class politically...

Restrict the land owned by the samurai. In terms of employment, only the public nobles in Kyoto should be reused, and the samurai should be rejected. Moreover, the degree of squeezing small landlords and self-cultivating farmers should be increased to support the nobles.

I have to say that there is something stupid. Although the masters of the royal daimyo temples have a high status in Japanese society, they don't have swords in their hands.

The establishment of a political system must be in line with the economic foundation. It would not work for the emperor to enforce this system when the military power was not in his hands. It did not conform to the actual situation in Japan at that time.

The warriors of various factions and the vast warrior class acted as the main force for the downfall, but not only did they not receive reasonable rewards, but their own class interests were deprived instead, so naturally they would not tolerate it.

The leader of the samurai family, the general Ashikaga Takaji, was very dissatisfied. He rebelled against the rebellion again and launched the Yanyuan Rebellion. The emperor, the emperor of Guangming made him a general who conquered barbarians and established the Muromachi shogunate.

After Emperor Go-Daigo was forced to abdicate, he was restless and fled. He also took the three artifacts that symbolized the Japanese imperial family and retreated to Yamato for restoration.

This became the so-called one-day two emperors' split situation in the south and Beijing. The samurai regime of the Muromachi shogunate became the de facto northern dynasty, while the Japanese southern dynasty had the imperial family as the core, and the clan princes ruled all over the country.

The letter sent by Tang Ding was very thick, probably because he knew that communication was difficult, and he didn't know when the next time he would send another message, so he passed all the news back.

Zhu Biao read it several times. Stones from other mountains can be used to make jade. Japan's special situation also has a lot of reference value. It is wise to read history, learn from the past to know the future, never forget the past, and be a teacher of the future.

Although the national conditions are different, the politics are the same. Zhu Biao likes to be involved in it, imagining how to make a decision if he is in it. These are accumulations. If similar things happen in the future, he should do something.

Liu Jin, who came back from seeing off Chang Mao, hurriedly put on a new cup of tea. Just now, His Royal Highness was so serious that he didn't dare to go forward to disturb him.

"Study ink and moisten hair"

Liu Jin hurriedly responded, and put the hot teacup aside, then picked up the cloud-patterned ink stick in three steps at a time, added a little water to the Azure Panlong Inkstone, and then ground it.

Liu Jin is an expert in this field. He knows how to use less water than too much to grind ink to a moderate thickness. The hand holding the ink is vertical and straight, and circles vertically on the inkstone, neither oblique grinding nor straight pushing, let alone casual When grinding randomly, one must know the severity and moderate speed to grind good ink. There is no better eunuch in the palace than him.

Zhu Biao casually picked up a Zihao pen on the pen stand, dipped his feet in the ink, and then the tip was round and strong, and landed on the special waterproof letter paper, where the target direction of many matters were included.

In fact, Zhu Biao had no plan to settle in Dongying so early, but it didn't matter when the time came. It happened that Korea had also made breakthroughs, and a two-pronged approach was also a solution.

Such a situation is really rare, and even a bit metaphysical. When the early Ming Dynasty became more and more prosperous, there were large-scale civil strife in the surrounding countries. Could it be that God's will really belongs to China?

If the surrounding countries are safe and peaceful, and there are no internal and external troubles, then it is not easy for Ming to intervene in it, let alone take over. At this time, if Daming fights with all its strength, Koryo and Japan can all be determined by a single battle. , It is really not difficult to destroy two small countries.

It’s just that the gain outweighs the loss. The battle line is too far away to rule. What’s more, Daming can’t even digest its own land. To conquer two countries with unprecedentedly sharp social conflicts and extremely difficult people’s livelihood is purely stepping into the quagmire, just to suppress and appease The people of the country need to consume terrifying resources.

However, it is good to insert a few nails into it. In the future, when the national strength of Ming Dynasty is restored, it can be taken down, especially Tang Ding's development path is different from that of Daoyan and Jiang Side.

The two of them took the path of sowing dissension and wooing wealthy families, waiting for Ming Dynasty to take over Goryeo in a legitimate way, while Tang Ding's development was the line of force, occupying the port and recruiting warriors, and then the inside and outside should cooperate to take Japan by force in one fell swoop.

The two routes have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is inevitable that Goryeo will share part of the benefits with the aristocratic family. This is also the basis of cooperation. Zhu Biao cannot break his promise because of a small loss.

At the very least, we must protect them well for decades, and set an example for the forces that will surrender in the future. Buying horse bones with thousands of dollars and exchanging sheepskins for hundreds of miles will eventually be worth the money.

And the biggest advantage is that you can take control of Goryeo with minimal loss. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty can sacrifice less blood, and the people of Goryeo will be appeased. Daming doesn't need to pay much, just to meet the interests of some people. .

Ming soldiers are not afraid of casualties, and Zhu Biao also understands the principle of being kind and not controlling soldiers, but he will never let them sacrifice meaninglessly, use political means to disintegrate the opponent, avoid the use of force, and reduce losses. This is the meaning of politics.

Japan, on the other hand, will undoubtedly go to war no matter what it does. Unlike Goryeo, which has always surrendered to the suzerain, Japan has refused to interact with the Yuan Dynasty since the Yuan Dynasty invaded twice, and has closed itself off to form a whole.

His distorted values ​​and Yelang's arrogant personality make him unwilling to surrender willingly, and Tang Ding's identity is not suitable for breaking into the upper class of the ruling class. After all, his identity is a foreign pirate, just a knife being used.

There is no basis for negotiation, and there is no other choice. The role of Tang Ding is to open up a safe port for Daming, avoid repeating the mistakes of the Yuan Dynasty, and then find out the topographic map of Japan's mountains and rivers, so as to avoid fighting in the dark in the future.

Another thing is to gather wandering warriors as much as possible, and then they can be used as a former army, whether it is a striker or suppressing local people, it is very suitable. Since Ming Dynasty is going to rule Japan, it can't be too vicious.

But someone has to act as a villain, otherwise, how can the existence of a good person be reflected? As we all know, betrayers are always more vicious to their own people, so vicious that it is heinous, because only in this way can they express their loyalty to their masters.


(End of this chapter)

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