Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1012 The Song of the Toad

Chapter 1012 The Song of the Toad

Hearing the whole process of the establishment of "DA" from the three of them, Albert was not too surprised. Both Harry and Hermione were influenced by him, and they were much more mature than in the original book. In addition, Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic successfully gave Everyone is full of hatred, presumably "DA" can play a greater role in teaching more students who are good at defense against the dark arts.

The only thing that surprised Albert was the importance Hermione attached to the "Guide to Self-Defense".

To be honest, "Guide to Self-Defense" is the original manuscript written by Albert, and he re-edited the manuscript after he made further progress in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Now Isobel is still helping to sort out, and the "Guide to Self-Defense" is actually based on Isobel's suggestion. It was modified from those discarded manuscripts. In Isobel's original words: watch.

"The Wizard Card Club is going to be suspended?"

Hearing Albert's words, Lee Jordan was full of confusion.Although I had expected this day to come, I didn't expect it to come so early. It's been less than a month since school started!
"Anyway, the game has ended smoothly."

Albert didn't care about the suspension of the Wizarding Card Club at all. Anyway, it's all the toad's fault. If you want to complain, go to Umbridge.

Yes, it was all Umbridge's fault.

Albert was slowly helping Umbridge to get enough of the hatred. He was actually very curious when Hogwarts students would not be able to bear Umbridge's oppression, and would completely erupt in silence.

"I thought you would tamper with Toad's memory." Fred and George were somewhat different, they knew that Albert would not mind playing tricks on Umbridge.

"You really think Toad will give in easily?"

"You mean..."

"Umbridge is a typical example of I can bully you." Albert sneered, "As a person standing at the top of the law, no matter what you say is right, you can find a bunch of excuses if you want to trouble you, so When dealing with these people, don't reason with them, but use your own strengths, and our strengths are..."

"What is it?" All three of them widened their eyes.

"Our fists are harder than Umbridge, so this is for us to explain." Albert turned the pages of the book and said calmly, "When she is unreasonable, we can use our fists to make her act according to our principles." .”

The three looked at each other, feeling that this statement was very novel. Umbridge was undoubtedly not a person willing to reason, but they were not to be bullied either.

"You can't do too much tampering with memory, otherwise it's easy to leave holes." Albert continued to flip through the books in his hand.

The task of "Reading Maniac" is almost completed.

To be honest, he doesn't expect much from this task reward now.

The books I have read in these years are obviously more than the rewards of reading the maniac itself, but after all, it took seven years. If I don't get the mission rewards, I will always feel a huge loss.

"What do you think we should do," grunted George.

"Toad is simply too idle, so he has the time and energy to trouble everyone." Albert looked at Tom who came over and sat on the book, stretched out his hand and scratched Fat Cat's chin, and said to the three , "You can find something for her to do to keep her busy."

The trio who liked to make trouble looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Dumbledore is still in school, and some things are not easy to do too much.

"By the way, what about the stronghold on the DA side?"

George remembered the problems encountered at the party. He felt that the Room of Requirement was a good place for the party, but he needed to discuss it with Albert in advance. It was their common secret base.

"Then find an opportunity to disclose the news about the Room of Requirement to Potter."

"is it okay?"

There were some differences among the three of them, but Albert actually agreed.

"We're graduating anyway." Albert stared at the yawning Tom and said nonchalantly, "I guess we won't have much chance to use the Room of Requirement in the future."

"I thought you'd find them another place." Fred knew Albert was still using the Room of Requirement.

"I can't find a more suitable place than the Room of Requirement at the moment."

Albert picked Tom up from the book and put it back into its cat litter, stretched out his hand and grabbed his cheek, sat back on the chair, and continued to read the contents of the book.

The three really don't know what to do if the Room of Response is not opened to DA members.

After entering October, the temperature around Hogwarts dropped sharply, and most wizards were forced to put on thick cloaks.

However, no one knows what is hidden under their cloaks.

Ever since Fred and George started making trouble for Umbridge, that guy's temper became more and more violent, and his methods became more and more fierce. He wanted to suppress all the commotion in the school, but there were more and more pranks against her.

Umbridge's mood was as gloomy as the sky, and the fake smile on his face could no longer be maintained.

There's no way, the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is often tampered with, and when it's even more extreme, some people even throw stink bombs into the classroom, making the students in the entire classroom jump.

She once angrily declared that she would expel those students who played pranks, but until now, Umbridge still has not investigated who was behind the trick.

Umbridge, who was about to let the students read the book aloud, had a new surprise when the blackboard behind him suddenly screamed, yelling over and over again: "Umbridge go eat shit."

Such vulgar remarks made the students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom laugh.

What angered Umbridge the most was that she couldn't stop the voice, making the whole room think she was a piece of shit.

Today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class has completely become the most hated class by Hogwarts students.Some bad rumors about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the Ministry of Magic even spread quietly among the students.

Now everyone knows that the Ministry of Magic sent Toad to do everything possible to prevent everyone from learning defensive spells, because the Minister of Magic, Fudge, thought that Dumbledore was using students to form a secret army to use against the Ministry of Magic.

Is there really such an army in the school?

It's just hilarious!

Of course, some students believed that Umbridge prevented everyone from learning defensive spells because she didn't know anything at all. Naturally, there was nothing to teach everyone, so they could only teach everyone to read from books.

They even produced favorable evidence. Many students asked Toad about the knowledge points in "Magic Defense Theory", but she really didn't know anything.

As a result, "Umbridge was never a professor, but a waste." The saying spread quickly in the school, and some people even publicly provoked Umbridge, hanging a picture of her enchanted in the hall, and repeating :I, Umbridge, the Pink Toad, am a piece of shit.

This matter made Umbridge very angry. Not only did she not find the culprit, but no professor was willing to help.

Similar pranks appeared one after another. The wooden doors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office and the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom were written on with paint that was hard to fade: I, Umbridge, the pink toad, am a waste.

Peeves even made this into a song, and hummed it all day long in the school. Now the pictures of Umbridge that appear are not shouted, but hummed, so that everyone can hum a few words casually :
...is trash.

(End of this chapter)

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