Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1072 Prepared

Chapter 1072 Prepared

Albert neither dislikes nor likes Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror office. .

The original timeline of this world has been messed up due to the emergence of Albert, the hacker and time traveler. God knows where it will develop next. Even if Albert himself has the ability to predict, he can't believe too much Foretelling, he prefers to plan ahead and leave more leeway for himself so that he will not be caught off guard by unexpected situations.

If Sirius hadn't died, Dumbledore hadn't died, Amelia Bones, and Scrimgeour hadn't died, would the entire wizarding world have turned upside down?
It's hard to say, maybe the world will be different!

Tom opened his mouth and yawned, lying lazily on the mat, holding a small ball of thread from Hermione's sweater in his arms, staring at the crystal ball on the mat, blinking curiously, just about to stretch out his paw, Then he felt a hand gently stroking the back of its head, making Tom squint his eyes comfortably.

"I found out that you like looking at the starry sky recently?"

Isobel walked into the room, and was gently wiping his fiery long hair with a towel.In fact, using magic can instantly evaporate the water vapor from the hair, but Isobel is still used to drying it with a towel.

Of course, sometimes Isobel also likes to enjoy Albert's care and let him brush his hair.

"I learned astrology from Firenze." Albert raised his hand as if to grasp the stars in the night sky, smiled and took the towel from Isobel's hand to help her dry her hair.

"Then what did you see?" Isobel asked with a smile.

"War!" Albert whispered softly.

"I remember you mentioned this a long time ago." Isobel also looked up at the stars in the night sky, turned his head and asked, "Is Firenze's divination class interesting?"

"It's very special. If you want to learn, I can teach you, although I only know a little bit about it." Albert's astrology has only been upgraded to the third level. easy to use.

No matter whether it is level [-] or level [-], what you see from under this starry sky is the same, that is war.

War is coming.

That being the case, let's save some experience!

Perhaps because of his strength, his panel tasks are becoming more and more difficult to complete, and the accumulated experience will only be used less and less. In the future, there will definitely be times when he needs to use experience, so it is the best choice to reserve some experience for preparation .

"Your half-knowledge is different from others' half-knowledge." Isobel joked with a smile.

"By the way, I have good news for you. Our wedding has been finalized." Albert said suddenly.

"Sometimes I always feel that all this is like a dream." Isobel smiled sweetly, her hand stroked Albert's cheek, and kissed it lightly.

She prefers this kind of life, which is countless times better than the life Isobel originally planned for herself.

This feeling of happiness that is about to overflow is probably the life that countless girls long for!

"Me too." Albert whispered softly, "It's like dreaming."

It's no wonder that countless novels like to play tricks on the protagonist.

If this is a dream, please don't wake up.

"In mid-July, the location was at a certain manor in France, which was regarded as property under Bud's name." Albert took out a few letters and put them in Isobel's hands, "Our Felicia also boiled It’s done, and everything is being done step by step.”

There is no doubt that Albert plans to drink Felicia on their wedding day to spend this wonderful time with Isobel, and to leave them with the best memories in their lives.

After reading the contents of the letter with the help of the light of the wand, Isobel raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I remember you once predicted our wedding..."

She remembered that it was not a good wedding.

"If Rufus Scrimgeour becomes the Minister of Magic, he should agree to my plan. If I can really stop the hatred, I will advance the time by one day." Albert was not worried that Scrimgeour would refuse, he Nails have already been laid for the other party. If Scrimgeour doesn't want to be finished, he must discuss it with someone, and he won't have too many choices.

Albert is willing to help the other party and get what he wants from the other party.As for whether Scrimgeour would die in the end, that was not his concern.

Yes, in Albert's heart, he still subconsciously believed that Scrimgeour would become a minister. Even if Amelia Bones could be reminded and protected by the Order of the Phoenix, the probability of her surviving was still slim.

This has something to do with the character of Amelia Bones, and it has something to do with Voldemort's desire to kill the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

The Bones family has a deep hatred for Voldemort and the Death Eaters. If he were Voldemort, he would never allow a sworn enemy to become the Minister of Magic to trouble him.

"You can always find a solution to the problem." Isobel put away the letter, looked at the yawning Tom, and murmured softly.

"All right!"

Albert put down the towel, took a deep breath, and sniffed the familiar scent. He raised his hand and shook it gently to evaporate the last trace of moisture from his hair.

"I will send invitations to them. Do you think they will be willing to come to this wedding?" Isobel turned to look at Albert and asked softly.

"Well, maybe, after all, they are good friends."

Albert doesn't care much about this issue, he prefers to enjoy the time when the two are together.

At this moment, a gemstone on the bracelet that had been placed on the table suddenly glowed faintly, which was very conspicuous in the dark.

Tom also noticed it and stretched out his claws towards the bracelet, but Albert had already reached out and picked it up earlier.

"what happened?"

Isobel obviously also realized that something had happened.

She remembered that Albert had said that the bracelet was some kind of emergency communication tool.

"Mr. Principal wants to get in touch with me."

Albert looked at the lit gem and easily judged the reason.

"Principal?" Isobel stood up from Albert.

Albert picked up the magic wand on the table, waved it lightly, and summoned a leather bag out of thin air. After opening it, he took out a metal book from inside. He touched it lightly with the wand again, and the metal book flipped quickly, and finally selected the side with Two-way mirror for Dumbledore's photo.

"Good evening, Professor, everyone thought you were missing." Albert looked at the old man in the double-sided mirror and greeted him with a smile.

"Hagrid's matter is really thanks to you." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Hagrid is my friend, and I just reminded him." Albert naturally would not admit that he had let the Aurors down, and changed the subject casually, "Professor, I think you must not just Because of this!"

Albert didn't think that Dumbledore would bother him because of such a trivial matter. The other party must have something to do with Voldemort.

"I may need your help," Dumbledore said gently.

"Help? Now?" Albert raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you are free now, I would like to chat with you alone, just use the double-sided mirror. After all, this thing is very useful." Dumbledore said with a smile, without asking Albert why Will be outside the school, "You don't mind if I borrow a little of your time."

"I'm going to prepare supper for you, you guys talk slowly." Isobel immediately understood, picked up Tom and left the room
"It's an enviable life." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I dare say many people are very envious."

"If you want, you can actually retire early and enjoy life like the LeMays." Albert said with a smile.

"Yeah, I actually think so too." Dumbledore sighed with emotion, he was already very old, "but... don't leave problems and troubles to others."

"They're not that bad." Albert said softly, "Things like heroes and saviors shouldn't exist. Sad times need them."

"I agree with you." Dumbledore nodded, "But sometimes people need them."

"No, people don't need these things, they need to save themselves." Albert was about to end the topic, "What do you want me to divination this time?"

In fact, divination for Dumbledore is not all a bad thing. Every time you participate, the progress of defeating Voldemort will increase slowly.

Dumbledore's expression was a little complicated, and he knew that those words were Albert's attitude towards the whole thing.In fact, Dumbledore agrees with this point of view, but for an old man who has lived for a century, he no longer cares about these things, or he really cares about very few things. Restoring peace is what he wants to accomplish most now.

"I have collected some memories." Dumbledore brought the topic back.

"It's awe-inspiring," Albert said softly.

"Awe?" said Dumbledore, laughing. "I don't think you're afraid of Voldemort."

"No, what I'm talking about is that you have been collecting the memory of the mysterious man very early!" Albert sighed softly, "The mysterious man doesn't value you as much as you value him."

"You can always see through it easily." Dumbledore actually didn't care, and continued, "Know yourself and your enemy, I think your saying that the person who knows you best must be your enemy makes sense."

"Those who can win the final victory are often those who are prepared." Albert felt that Voldemort's failure was completely targeted.

"and then?"

"I have collected a lot of memories related to him." Dumbledore continued, "I need to find what I need from these memories."

"You want me to help you sift through those useful memories?" Albert guessed the reason. As a fortuneteller, Albert is indeed better at doing these things, especially in the impression he gave to others that besides being a genius, he also includes good people. Luck, strong intuition, plus being a master of prophecy, this is why Dumbledore found him.

"Well, I found one thing." Dumbledore said softly, "Voldemort seems to prefer the relics of the four founders."

"How many suspicious items did you find?"

"Hufflepuff's cup, Slytherin's pendant, Slytherin's ring." Dumbledore recalled: "If you add the snake that has been destroyed, Ravenclaw's diadem and Riddle's diary , and in the end, it was Voldemort himself, who happened to make up the number seven. And the seven Horcruxes are speculations given by Albert, which are also related to the number seven, although there is no direct evidence."

"It seems that you will be able to gather them together soon." Albert said softly, "This is really pleasant news."

"Hard to say,"

Dumbledore was not that optimistic. He knew very well that there was something called accident in this world, and he had to be as safe as possible, otherwise, if something went wrong, there would be a lot of trouble. That's why he was looking for Albert.

"What do I need me to do, divination of the whereabouts of the Horcrux?"

"Well, there's another thing," said Dumbledore. "Where does Slughorn have the key information I need."

"Key news?"

"It was Slughorn who told Voldemort how to make Horcruxes in the first place, and splitting a soul is a very risky thing, especially splitting many times..."

"The number of Horcruxes?" Before Dumbledore finished speaking, Albert knew what he wanted to say, and confirmed the number of Horcruxes again.


"He refused?"

"No, I think he will probably refuse."

"That's right, I think he definitely doesn't want others to know about it." Albert asked with a strange expression, "So, you want me to help you get this memory?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"I suggest you find Potter." Albert politely refused.

"I only found two suspicious places." Dumbledore said softly, "If it were you, where would you put the most precious thing XZ?"

"Vault, Gringotts," said Albert, "if You-Know-Who has a vault at Gringotts."

"I don't think he has a coffer." Dumbledore shook his head.

"Maybe, he will give the Horcruxes to other Death Eaters for safekeeping, just like he gave the diary to Malfoy for safekeeping." Albert speculated.

"This is a good idea. Voldemort doesn't have a vault in Gringotts. I think he is eager to have his own vault." Dumbledore said with a smile: "I hope to have a good chat some other day. Good night, goodbye."

The double-sided mirror dimmed again, Albert put away the metal book, and walked towards the stairs, Isobel was ready for supper.

Much like fish balls, obviously freshly made and looked delicious.


Isobel felt someone hug her waist, and turned her head with a smile.

"Well, the principal wants to ask me for a fortune-telling. It looks good."

"I dare say that no one has thought of eating this way before. It tastes very good." Isobel scooped a bowl for Albert.

There are actually some fish paste, but it is not suitable to eat too much at night.

"Don't you eat?" Albert asked with a smile.

"I'm losing weight and need to control my food intake."

"It's okay, if you exercise a little at night, the food you eat will be consumed soon." Albert scooped up a spoon, blew on it, and then handed the spoon to Isobel's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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