Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1135 Travel after marriage

Chapter 1135 Travel after marriage
Early the next morning, Isobel opened his eyes. The wedding yesterday still seemed like a dream when he thought about it.

She looked sideways at the handsome boy who was sleeping soundly beside her, and reached out to gently caress his immature cheek. From today, from now on, Albert finally became her husband legally and truly belonged to her.

Those beautiful girls with ulterior motives should give up.

Also as a woman, Isobel knew very well that girls would basically not compromise on certain things, and no one wanted to be a lover who was not seen by others, so they had no chance.

Although they had no chance from the beginning, but men may always make mistakes, and they are always missed by others, so she still cares a little bit.

"Ha, good morning."

Albert opened his eyes in a daze, and stretched out his hand to cover his yawn.

"Morning, it's time to get up."

Isobel brushed his temples, propped up his body and kissed Albert's forehead lightly.

"I'm so sleepy, let's continue to sleep for a while."

Albert's eyelids are still heavy, and he still wants to continue to sleep.

"Anyway, there is nothing important today."

The original traditional etiquette was directly canceled because their family members had left. As a result, the newlyweds began their post-wedding travel on the first day of their wedding.

"Get up and have something to eat first, you should be hungry." Isobel pushed Albert lightly, seeing that he didn't respond, he poked under the quilt and woke up the drowsy Albert .

"Really." Albert grumbled, "How dare you be bolder than me."

The girl was only wearing a thin beige nightgown. After meeting Albert's gaze, she didn't look shy at all. She put her arms around his waist from behind and suggested softly: "If you are still stuck in sleep, after eating Come back to bed and sleep, and Beetle should have breakfast ready."

"I'm really hungry."

Albert covered his yawn again, stretched out his hand and rubbed his cheek vigorously to cheer himself up, his eyes fell on the girl's long and white legs like lotus root, and then a nightgown was thrown on top of her head, waiting for him to tear it off Afterwards, Isobel had put on a new pajamas and was tying his belt.

"It turns out that you are also shy!" Albert muttered, as if he was a little regretful that he didn't see the beauty changing clothes.

"Do you want me to show you another side?" Isobel asked with a smile.

"No need, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, and I'm so sleepy now."

Albert put on his pajamas, and with the help of Isobel, he simply tied his belt, and the two left the bedroom and came to the deck together.

The air was fresh, the morning sun was pouring down on the deck, and the house-elves had prepared breakfast.

A milky stewed fish soup with fresh mouth mushrooms, shrimps, oysters, and a few goji berries dotted on top.

The fish soup was very fresh. After Albert ate a big bowl and filled his stomach, he became more sleepy. He took Isobel back to sleep and went back to the cage.

The girl's body is soft and comfortable to hold.


Isobel looked at the sleeping Albert, yawned, stretched his body like a cat, and closed his eyes again.

It was already afternoon when Albert woke up again.Isobel has already woken up, and there is still a faint lingering fragrance around her.

Albert yawned and sat up on the bed. Isobel had just come out of the bathroom, his hair was wet, and he was wiping with a towel.

"You should also take a shower!" Isobel sat in front of the mirror and combed his hair.

"You should wait for me, so that you can feel like a honeymoon." Albert said softly, hugging the girl's slender waist from behind.

"I'm going to wipe my hair."

"Why not use magic?"

Albert took the towel to help Isobel wipe his hair, and asked suspiciously.

"It's impossible for us to rely on magic for everything." Isobel seemed to enjoy the process, "Besides, if you directly use magic to evaporate the moisture, it will be difficult to manage your hair."

Albert suddenly asked, "By the way, have they sent back the news?"

"I've already returned to the Far East, Nia reminds you to remember to visit them when you have time."

Isobel kissed Albert's forehead, and said as if treating a naughty child: "Go take a bath first, and have some afternoon tea later, there is still some time before dinner."

The afternoon tea was not on the plywood, and it was still afternoon outside, and the climate in the French sea was obviously warmer than that in the UK.

Albert let the sailboat retract the canvas and mast, and move into the shallow sea like a submarine. This was originally designed to get rid of possible pursuers, but now that I think about it, it's a good idea.

There is a sparkling sea above the head, and there are often sea fish walking through it. The house elves have prepared black tea and yesterday's wedding cake, and there are several latest newspapers on the table.

The newspapers were full of Scrimgeour being the new Minister and his announcement of the measures to be taken against Death Eaters and You-Know-Who.

Undoubtedly, Scrimgeour, who had the power to defeat the Death Eaters, won the support of a large number of wizards.

He also accepted Albert's suggestion to convene a high-level meeting of the Ministry of Magic to gather everyone's opinions in order to deal with the next crisis. More people will think of ways, and they can always think of some better countermeasures. It doesn't matter if they don't accept it, at least It gives everyone a sense of participation, and also gives everyone a sense that Scrimgeour is still willing to listen to and accept everyone's opinions.

"Things went better than I expected."

Albert put down the newspaper, took a sip of the milk tea, looked at the cake handed to his mouth, and opened his mouth waiting to be fed.

It's incredible that the texture of the wedding cake didn't change much overnight.

"The Freezing Curse, and put it in the freezer."

Probably guessing what Albert was thinking, Isobel smiled and said: "The life of a wizard is not the same as that of a Muggle."

"Yeah, magic is really amazing."

After Albert took another bite of the cake, he also started feeding Isobel with his own portion. He liked this feeling, it was the feeling of being in love, as sweet as the cake in his mouth.

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this?"

"I just think it's incredible for such words to come out of your mouth." Isobel leaned over and licked the cream on Albert's lips, and said softly.

"Probably because I still haven't integrated into the magic world." Albert gently stroked his lips, a little surprised by Isobel's intimate behavior.

"It's normal, you haven't really lived in the magic world after all." Isobel said softly.

"That's right," Albert said.

After all, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life. Although he lived in Hogwarts for seven years in this life, he did not really live in the magic world after all, and he also somewhat rejected the somewhat backward life style of the magic world in his heart.

"Actually, we don't have to care about these things, as long as we live comfortably." Albert said without hesitation, "Muggles know how to enjoy life better than wizards, just like this sofa we are sitting on, there is no need for us to reject these things." Enjoyment and convenience, just live the life we ​​want."


Albert handed the cake on the fork to Isobel's mouth.

"Don't eat, eat too much cake, easy to gain weight." Although Isobel said that he didn't want to eat, he still opened his mouth to eat the cake fed by Albert, "If I become a big fat man in the future, it will be your fault of."

"No, your mother is not fat. As long as you don't overeat and live a regular life, you won't become fat." Albert ate the remaining cake on the plate, took out a tissue to wipe the cream on his lips , "Besides, you are exercising every day, how can you gain weight."

"Who knows, women tend to become fat and ugly after the age of 30." Isobel is obviously very concerned about this matter.

"We won't be short of money in the future, just live the life we ​​like. Maybe you can really invent a beauty potion that can maintain your appearance in the future, and you can stay young and beautiful forever."

"The beauty potion invented by Sigismund Bach can do it." Isobel curled his lips. Men really like beautiful women.

"That's just turning one person into another." Albert said rather disgustedly, "However, Zigmunt Baqi's beauty potion can actually refer to its ideas."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Isobel asked quickly, she knew Albert's potion level very well, and she might be able to easily get out the potion that the girls dreamed of.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a good place."

"Really, don't always talk halfway." Isobel complained.

"It's just a speculation. When we have time, we will study together." Albert held Isobel's cheek and kissed, "Don't worry, you are still young, even if you are old, you will always be me." wife."

"I think if you can devote all your energy to one thing, you will definitely be able to create a miracle that amazes everyone." Isobel said softly.

"Really? But I don't really care about so-called miracles."

Albert took Isobel back to the cabin. This is an area wider than a suitcase. There is a very delicate house not far from the entrance. Looking around is sunny orchards, flower fields and vegetable gardens. It's beautiful.

"Even if we have been living on the bottom of the sea, we can still last for more than half a year." Albert took Isobel to the wooden house in the corner. The space inside was larger than expected, and the walls were all made of glass. A dining table, a circular hammock that can accommodate two people to rest,
"here it is……"

After Albert waved his wand, all the surrounding walls disappeared, replaced by a picture of the seabed.

"I made this based on the inspiration of the Hogwarts Slytherin common room. It allows people to enjoy the underwater scene immersively. Isn't it beautiful?"

"It feels like a dream." Isobel looked at the fish swimming around outside, and said softly, "You can always bring unexpected surprises to people."

"Like it?"

Albert took some snack bags from the cabinet next to him and sat on the hammock.

"I like it." Isobel sat on the hammock and moved all the snacks brought by Albert aside, "It's a pity that Katrina couldn't see it."

"You care about her very much, and I'm going to be jealous." Albert hugged Isobel and leaned on the pillow, admiring the sea view outside, chatting about some trivial matters at yesterday's wedding, and waiting for Lee Jordan to take photos After it is done, it is a question of whether to hang it up.

"Forget it, it always feels a little strange." Isobel shook her head and said, it always made her feel uncomfortable to be stared at while sleeping, and...

 Let's do this first.

(End of this chapter)

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