Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1186 Anti-Mysterious Army

Chapter 1186 Anti-Mysterious Army

It was raining heavily outside, and a fire was burning in the old hall of the manor, and a wizard was talking respectfully to the man in the armchair.

"Find that Mudblood's hiding place?"

There was a hint of surprise in Voldemort's hoarse voice, obviously surprised at the efficiency of his right-hand assistant.

"I used the Imperius Curse on Diggory." Yaxley handed the letter to Voldemort respectfully, "but I'm not sure if it's a trap, after all, that Mudblood is very cunning, Lucius and Lestrange The whole family fell into his hands, and this may also be a trap to lure us into the bait."

"You want to use that old woman to determine if this is a trap?"

After glancing at the contents of the letter, Voldemort threw the letter into the fireplace and let it burn to ashes in the flames.

"Yes, my master."

"You go and bring her." Voldemort's tone paused, "Oh, yes, I think you should have captured her family as well."

"They've been caught, and the dementors are watching over them," Yaxley said.

"Very well, I would like to see if the old woman can still refuse so forcefully." Voldemort sneered.

Soon, Yaxley pushed a wheelchair to the hall, and sitting in the wheelchair was Cassandra Wabraski, the Master of Prophecy who had disappeared from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries a while ago.

"Do as I just said."

Yaxley placed a crystal ball in front of the aged master prophet.

The old man stretched out his hand tremblingly, and the moment his fingers touched the crystal ball, the dense fog on the crystal ball swirled like a whirlpool.

It's just that when the fog stopped spinning, what caught the eye was still a thick fog.


Yaxley stared at the crystal ball, frowning slightly.

"It failed. The accuracy of divination and prophecy is not high, otherwise the prophecy hall in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic would have been filled with prophecy balls." There was a trace of contempt and sarcasm in the old man's tone, she was begging for death .

Cassandra has known her fate ever since she fell into Voldemort's hands. She has lived too long to have little respect for death.

If it hadn't been for the last time Voldemort used her relatives to threaten her, Cassandra would not want to bother with them at all.


Voldemort turned the armchair and looked indifferently at the old woman in front of him, "No one can deceive me."

"When you were in school, you must have failed the divination class." Cassandra sneered mercilessly, "As long as you know about divination, you will know how low the success rate of divination and prophecy is. Of course, I have one thing You can be sure that you will be defeated by Harry Potter in the future."

"If you want to die, you need my permission." Voldemort stared at the old woman in front of him indifferently, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, "You didn't intend to prophesy for me at all. It's okay, I won't torture you, But I can torture your daughter, son, grandson, I've got all your family members captured, maybe you'll want to meet them."

Cassandra didn't have to wait long before she saw a group of dementors dragging several terrified wizards into the hall.

"If you are still so stubborn and unwilling to divination for me, I will torture them to death in front of you." Voldemort raised his wand, cast the Cruciatus Curse on one of the middle-aged wizards, and screamed Screams and panic filled the hall.

"Be quiet." Voldemort sneered. "If you die, I don't mind having them buried with you."

"You are like this, how can I divination for you!"

Cassandra was completely desperate after seeing her relatives. She threw a crystal ball at Voldemort angrily. She stood up from the wheelchair and rushed to Voldemort, but lost her balance due to her age and fell to the ground.

"Help her up," Voldemort ordered grimly.

Yaxley helped the old man sit back on the chair, and placed a new crystal ball in front of her.

"Now, tell me what I want to know."

"What do you want to know?"

Cassandra's voice trembled, trying not to look at her loved ones as much as possible.

"Tell me where Albert Anderson is," Voldemort ordered. "I want to know where that Mudblood is hiding."

Cassandra put her hands on the crystal ball, her eyes widened, and she murmured: "It failed."

The prophecy failed.

As if to confirm what she said, Cassandra did another divination and saw Albert appearing in a forest.

Then, no more.

"You know, my patience is limited, maybe, I should remind you of the current situation." Voldemort raised his wand and pointed at a middle-aged woman.

"Stop it, I really can't find Albert's location." Cassandra yelled at Voldemort, "I don't have to deceive at all..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light filled the hall, and the middle-aged woman fell to the ground with empty eyes.

A panicked scream followed.

"You madman, a complete madman."

Kassander clutched her chest, looking at her dead granddaughter.She regretted it completely, regretted that she hadn't left England, regretted why she didn't die earlier, so that her family would not be hurt.

"Tell me, what I want to know, I think you definitely don't want to..."

"If you want to kill, kill it!"

Cassandra would look away from her granddaughter and stare at Voldemort with hatred, "You never intended us to live anyway, so don't expect me to prophesy for you."

Cassandra's indifference was a bit unexpected to Voldemort, who was also dissatisfied with someone challenging his authority.

Anyone who dares to do this will have to pay the price.

Voldemort pointed his wand at a warlock and tortured him with the Cruciatus Curse in front of Cassandra until he fell to the ground, dying.

"Why didn't you continue?"

Cassandra was indifferent to this, and Yaxley was a little surprised by her toughness.

Avada Kedavra!
A green light flashed, and Harry Potter, who was far away in the dormitory of Hogwarts and Gryffindor Tower, suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, gasped for breath, and looked at the dim room with some confusion inside.

Voldemort killed people.

Harry put his hand to his forehead, trying to recall the scene he saw in the dream, however, something seemed to have become very blurry.

"What a terrible morning!"

Hearing the sound of rain outside, Harry lay back on the bed, staring at the dark ceiling in a daze.

The dreamed things seem to be disappearing from memory.

After he opened his eyes again, the sky outside had brightened slightly, and the rain was still falling. His roommates had already woken up, and everyone was changing their clothes and preparing to have breakfast.

On the way to the Great Hall, Harry told Hermione and Ron about the dream he had last night.

"Harry, you should close your brain." Hermione grabbed Harry's arm nervously and said with a worried face, "Dumbledore must hope that you can close your brain and stop letting the mysterious man affect you !"

"Hermione, the situation is not as bad as you think, and Dumbledore also thinks that Voldemort will not try to spy on my brain anymore." Harry comforted softly.

Although he didn't know whether this statement was credible, Dumbledore must have a reason for saying that.

Moreover, Harry didn't think this kind of thing was so bad, at least he could know what Voldemort was doing, and collecting intelligence was very important.

"He seems to have killed someone and used it to warn another person."

Harry tried hard to recall what he had dreamed last night, "But the effect didn't seem to be very good. I could feel his anger. That guy seemed... angry from embarrassment."

"Who do you think can make the mysterious person angry." Ron was a little curious about who that person was.

"I guess I know who You-Know-Who is threatening," Hermione said suddenly.

"Who is it?" The two said in unison.

"Cassandra Vabraski."

Hermione took out yesterday's newspaper from her backpack.

"This master prophecy and her relatives seem to have disappeared inexplicably."

"Cassandra Wabraski?" Harry repeated the name in his mouth, always feeling a little familiar.

"The author of "Putting Through the Fog to See the Future." Hermione reminded.

"What did Voldemort want to know through the prophecy?"

"Maybe, I should tell Dumbledore about it, if Voldemort is up to something... oh, come on Ron."

Harry was helpless at the fact that Ron had become terrified when he heard Voldemort's name.

"Sorry Harry, but it's not without reason that everyone is afraid of the You-Know-Who." Ron was already very brave, and he was much less reactive than most people when they heard "Voldemort", "And, even Anderson I won’t call the mysterious person by his name directly, I don’t think it’s really…”

Ron's words stopped abruptly, and he looked at the owl that fell in front of him.

"You really thought Anderson would be afraid of Voldemort, no, that guy didn't pay attention to Voldemort at all." Harry felt that Albert didn't say the name because he was afraid, but because he said it casually and was too lazy to change it.

No wizard born in a Muggle family was really afraid of Voldemort, at least not so afraid to say his name.

Hermione is a ready example.

The reason she didn't say Voldemort was because people around her were afraid of the name.

Ron pretended not to hear Harry's words, took the letter from the owl, found that it was a letter from George, and immediately opened it to read.

"Any questions?"

After noticing Ron's expression, Harry immediately asked, he thought there was some bad news in the letter.

"Fred and George said that if our DA party is too busy, we can ask Cedric to come over and help organize the event." Ron handed the letter paper to Harry and whispered, "I don't know what they are thinking what."

"I remember that Cedric seems to be working as an assistant to Mr. Weasley. Has he already resigned?" Hermione also didn't understand what they wanted to do.

"I don't know, but I think something must have happened that we don't know about." After Harry quickly read the contents of the letter, he handed it to Hermione and said, "I think Albert seems to intend to train Hogwarts." Defense Against the Dark Arts techniques of Ci's students."

This kind of behavior seemed quite abnormal to Harry, even if it was an excuse to help him cultivate so-called supporters, and Cedric had already left school, how could he return to Hogwarts?
Could it be using the secret passage of Hogwarts?
Of course Fred and George knew the location of those secret passages, but is it really necessary to do this to this extent?
"By the way, there's still this in the envelope," Ron said, handing Harry a piece of metal.

"Communication bookmark."

Hermione could tell what was in Ron's hand at a glance. She also had something similar there, and she could contact the person who had the other half of the communication bookmark. The magic gold coin was a simplified version of this thing.

"I think what they mean is that they can contact through the communication bookmark and discuss the DA party together." Ron said to Harry after repeatedly confirming that there was nothing else in the envelope, "After all, there are still a lot of people at this party. too busy."

"I also think it's a good idea. It would be best if Cedric came to help, so I don't have to worry about the DA party." Harry also thought it was a good idea. He spends too much time at the party, and it's good to have someone to help him share the pressure now.

As for what Albert wanted to do, Harry didn't care.

Anyway, he was really too busy.

No way, the number of people joining the DA party was astonishing, even with the help of Ron and Hermione.What's more, Ron and Hermione's level of Defense Against the Dark Arts can only be regarded as average, and they also need to learn, so he can't let him teach a group of people by himself, it is simply unrealistic, unless the previous teaching mode is restored , separate the members into professors.

"How to use this thing?"

Harry handed the communication bookmark to Hermione, asking how to use it.

"I think it's okay to have Fred and George come along, and maybe I can learn something useful from them."


Hermione saw Harry's intention at a glance, and reminded kindly, "I think you should host the DA party yourself."

"Of course I will go there in person, but you can't expect me to be the first person to teach you." Harry took out the list of DA gatherings from his school bag, "Currently, the number of people participating has exceeded 60, and the number is still increasing." Continue to increase, do you really think I can handle it by myself?"

"But I think Fred and George must have some purpose in doing this." Hermione reminded, "Perhaps, Albert has some purpose."

"Maybe, they plan to pull up a team from among the students to fight against the mysterious people." Ron looked around, and after making sure no one was overhearing, he said in a low voice, "I heard that they seem to plan to re-form the Defense Association."

"You actually think that Albert would expect a group of underage children to stand up against the mysterious man." Hermione felt that Ron's words were quite absurd, and taunted sharply, "Could it be that all the adults in the wizarding world are dead? "

"I think it is very possible. Many adult wizards are very timid. On the contrary, the students in the school are more brave. As long as they are properly trained, they are not much worse than the so-called adults, and even have an advantage. After all, their learning ability Stronger." Harry agreed with Ron's words, Hogwarts students were braver and more daring to resist than wizards in the wizarding world.

"Cough cough."

Seeing that Hermione seemed to want to say something, Ron quickly changed the subject, "By the way, Neville said this morning that he saw Cedric in the school hospital yesterday."

"Didn't Cedric graduate? Why is he in the school hospital?"

"Maybe we can visit him some time, if he's really in the hospital hospital." Harry felt that the matter was getting weirder, and maybe he should ask Cedric in person what was going on.

After finishing the transformation course in the morning, the three hurried to the school hospital as soon as possible.

"We're here to visit Cedric, I heard he seems to be..." Hermione explained to Madam Pomfrey with a grim expression.

"Mr Diggory stole away yesterday."

Madam Pomfrey was even more dissatisfied when talking about this matter. In her opinion, Cedric had to be hospitalized for observation for at least two days. After all, he was tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, so he should stay and check carefully, but the guy slipped away quietly. up.

"Why is Cedric at school?"

Harry tried to get some news, but Madam Pomfrey who was in a bad mood drove him out of the school hospital directly.

(End of this chapter)

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