Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1228 The Son of the Death Eater

Chapter 1228 The Son of the Death Eater

Stopping at the entrance of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle, Malfoy looked up and looked around under the cover of the Disillusionment Charm. After making sure that there was no one around, he quickly opened the door of the Room of Requirement, dived inside and closed the door again, dispelling the The illusion of peeping people is isolated from the door.

In the past few days, Draco has felt inexplicably irritable, and has always had a feeling of being spied on, but no matter what, he just can't find who is peeping at him, and the feeling of being spied on is still lingering.

It's no use even using the looking glass, that shit keeps ringing.

Of course, this may also be a psychological effect. Since the fact that his father Lucius was a Death Eater was completely exposed, many Hogwarts students will look at him with a strange look, and even like to point at his back point, to say some ugly words, but Draco didn't really care about the stares and conversations of these people, because he knew very well that only after the Dark Lord returned to power, these annoying people would close their eyes like frightened rabbits. Nasty mouth.

As for arguing with the other party, he probably couldn't help but beat the other party up.

Moreover, for Malfoy, who has the important task of the Dark Lord, it is really not suitable to attract the attention of others, and it is the most correct way for him to complete the task of the Dark Lord silently like a little transparent.

Deftly weaving his way through mountains of rubbish cut from heaps of discarded items, Malfoy finally stood in front of a man-high locker, wondering why Snape thought he'd be able to fix it.

Is his head convulsed?
He took out Borgin's maintenance note from his robe pocket and read it word by word. Draco had already read this note countless times, and he could almost recite all the contents in it. The Vanishing Cabinet is useless.

Draco could only try his best to repair the disappearing cabinet in front of him again and again, but the broken cabinet was still the same, with no sign of being repaired at all.

Each test is enough to cause any user to die suddenly on the spot. The apple that is put into the cabinet for testing always becomes dilapidated as if it has been gnawed by someone.

"Damn it, if he had the Blessing Elixir, he might be able to rely on luck to successfully repair this broken cabinet!"

Malfoy couldn't help but think of the reward Professor Slughorn had offered in his first class.

It was taken by Harry Potter.

What made him even more regretful was that the old man didn't seem to be interested in Death Eaters, and instinctively rejected him. Even if Malfoy tried to make friends with him many times, he was always dealt with perfunctorily by the other party.

Stealing Felicia from Professor Slughorn, as long as Malfoy wasn't crazy, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing, as for letting his mother get it from the black market.

Not only was there no way, but even if he did get the Felix Elixir, he might not dare to use it.

Once something like Felicia was not well brewed, it would turn into poison completely, otherwise Malfoy would try to brew Felicia himself.

As for asking Snape for help!

He also thought about it, but failed too!
Snape obviously didn't have a stockpile of Felicia, nor did he have the time to make it for him, nor did he have a way to buy it.

Thinking of these troubles, Malfoy couldn't help but sighed heavily, thinking that he might need to find another way, and trying to sneak into the college through Hogwarts' secret passage was really unreliable.

He was not sure whether this method would be detected, at least it would be easier to expose than using the disappearing cabinet to send people into Hogwarts silently.

Dragging his tired body out of the Room of Requirement, on the way back to the Slytherin common room, he heard the whispers of the students around him again, and thought that those people were pointing at him behind his back again, but after slowing down, he did Understand what is going on.

Everyone is talking about Defense Against the Dark Arts, a topic that seems to be hot lately.

I heard that many people want to join the Defense Society, the organization founded by the mudblood.

Did they think that Mudblood was capable of sheltering them, or teaching them ridiculous Defense Against the Dark Arts?
He always thought Defense Against the Dark Arts was a joke, at least Malfoy never thought he needed to learn the so-called Defense Against the Dark Arts?
"What the hell are you doing!"

As soon as he entered the lounge, Malfoy saw a student struggling in mid-air, and couldn't help frowning, looking at the culprit of all this.

"The guy's a traitor," Crabbe muttered.

"You shouldn't cause trouble, at least not recently, you know," Malfoy glared at Goyle and Crabbe irritably, and warned in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I'm doing something very important recently. Things are not suitable for other people to pay attention to, so don't cause trouble."

With that said, Malfoy used the Oblivion Curse to erase the man's memory and put him down.

After sending the unlucky guy away, he sat on the sofa, looked at the two and asked impatiently, "Tell me, what's going on."

"You are really doing..."

"Don't try to inquire about some things." Malfoy interrupted impatiently. "It's not suitable for you to know now, otherwise you will get into trouble."

"Oh." Goyle seemed regretful.

"Have you ever heard of the Defense Society?" Crabbe asked.

"I know... many people have joined the Scarhead DA organization." Malfoy was silent for a moment, expressing that he knew about it.

"No, it's not the Scarhead DA, but Albert Anderson, the defense association founded by that damned mudblood." Crabbe gritted his teeth with hatred for Albert.

"So, that guy also wants to join?" Malfoy's expression was extremely strange. "However, I'm curious, is that guy willing to accept Slytherin students?"

"I don't know, I saw that Mudblood discussing this matter with people from other colleges." Crabbe gritted his teeth, "He..."

"Oh, I guess what's going on." Malfoy interrupted, raising his hand, "I know you're angry, but there's no point in doing that. Now I have a lot of work to do, and I have to finish my work before the end of the semester." I don't want you to cause trouble for me."

He showed a strange expression, and continued, "If the plan is successful, believe me, the entire wizarding world, and even Hogwarts will change. Before that, you need to wait patiently for the results, don't tell me, you guys No patience."

Goyle and Crabbe looked at each other and nodded knowingly.

"very good."

After wearily dismissing the two of them, Draco pulled out homework from his backpack, which he hated but had to take the time to do to avoid being locked up by the professor for not doing homework.

Staring at the parchment in front of him for a long time, Draco hesitated to write, his thoughts had drifted far away.

Now Draco has completely lost the fanaticism when he took over the task before, and only wants to complete the almost impossible task so that he and his family can continue to live.

He had also given up on the mission of the Dark Lord and took his family to hide, but all the traitors who betrayed the Dark Lord had no good end, and he simply didn't have the courage to gamble with his family's life.

However, he is not gambling right now, he is just putting all his hopes on Snape.

If Snape failed, they would all die.

Both Snape and their family will die!
Why did things turn out this way?

It's all because of the black... no, it's all about the damned Mudblood.

Yes, it was all his fault.

(End of this chapter)

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