Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1230 Sewell Hospital

Chapter 1230 Sewell Hospital

As April approaches, the temperature outside the house begins to warm up, and the lilacs in the yard also glow with new vitality with the arrival of spring.

Albert sat on the sofa in the sun room, enjoying the long-lost morning sunshine while reading the latest issue of the newspaper.

He looked up at the McDougal sisters who were walking in the courtyard, smiled and waved at Isobel, and turned his attention to the latest headlines.

"It's really unrealistic to expect a group of lunatics to live in peace."

When he learned the latest news from the newspaper, it was already a few days later. He put down the newspaper, picked up his wand and summoned the notebook, and wrote down the useful news in the newspaper:

Angelina is attacked, Claire disappears, and Damocles is tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

"If Angelina was attacked and Claire's disappearance is related to me, then why was Damocles tortured with the Cruciatus Curse by the Death Eaters?" Albert always felt that these three things gave him a strong sense of disobedience. harmony.

"To find me?"

Albert really couldn't understand. Although the two sides did have deep hatred, after Voldemort took control of Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Mary, they should not be trying to find him.

But this unreasonable thing still happened.

To confuse right and wrong, or...

Who is trying to find me again?

Albert picked up the wand on the table, summoned the crystal ball in the study out of thin air, put his hand on the crystal ball lightly, and stared at the figure appearing in the billowing smoke, his expression became very strange.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Albert whispered the name of the culprit.

"What does that crazy woman want to do, find me, or..."

If there was any action on Voldemort's part, he would surely receive some news.

So, it's all more like Bellatrix acting on her own accord?

Well, it's not surprising that she hated herself.

Moreover, lunatics are unreasonable.

"Sure enough, she should be arranged as soon as possible." Albert murmured, he felt that a certain plan should be put on the agenda.

However, Damocles was unlucky enough. He clearly suggested that the other party go to other countries to hide for a while.

It's a pity that the master of potions not only didn't leave the UK, but also didn't accept the protection invitation from the Ministry of Magic, trying to use blood (pure blood) and reputation to remain neutral in this wizarding war.However, when Damocles was targeted by Death Eaters, he was not as lucky as Hetok Dagworth.

"Whose fate are you spying on?"

Katrina supported Isobel to sit on the sofa, and glanced at the crystal ball and newspapers on the table, and finally landed on a strange hospital leaflet.

"Sounds like a voyeur to me."

Albert didn't care about Katrina's teasing, and looked sideways at his wife. Except for Isobel's breathing becoming a little short, other conditions remained in good condition.

"Several Hospital?"

Katrina picked up the hospital leaflet, carefully looked at the content on it, and asked Albert: "You reserved a Muggle hospital for Isobel?"

Albert reached out and took the flyer from Katrina's hand, and said meaningfully, "This is not for Isobel."

"Mysterious all day long."

Katrina pouted, picked up the "Daily Prophet" and flipped through the front page news.

Then, she looked up at Albert in surprise, "The group of Death Eaters haven't given up looking for you yet?"


"Those people would probably hate you very much!" Katrina said suddenly, "If it wasn't for your relationship..."

"Hate me?" Albert asked back as if he couldn't understand, "Why do they hate me?"

"Hate you for spilling over to them," Katrina reminded.

"They should hate Death Eaters," Albert said.

"You know, they don't dare." Katrina had a little self-mockery and sarcasm on her face. She was very aware of the awe that ordinary people had towards Death Eaters, and she knew even more that they would hate Albert even more, thinking they were all Albert. wrong.

There are many such people.

"If they don't even have the courage to hate the Death Eaters, it means that they are bullying and fearless waste, and they don't deserve sympathy at all." Albert's tone was still calm, maybe he would sympathize with these unlucky people, but if those people It's not because of revenge, but because they are afraid of transferring hatred to him. Then they deserve their misfortune, and they don't deserve Albert's sympathy at all.

As for their misfortune and hatred, what does it have to do with him, Albert?

It cannot be said that all persecution by Death Eaters is due to the influence of Albert.

"When you treat those irrelevant people, you are still as cold-blooded as ever." Katrina felt that Albert threw those unlucky ones aside like trash.

"People are like this, it's too late to watch the fun, and who would really care about the life and death of those irrelevant people!" Albert put his ear on Isobel's belly, and said calmly Cruel words.

"Some things can only be done, not said!" Isobel bowed his head and kissed Albert's forehead.

"That's why I say that most people are hypocritical and pretend that they are not hypocritical. They are a bunch of double-standard dogs."

"You don't seem to be hypocritical." Katrina looked at the intimate couple and asked, "When will we leave the UK?"

"At the end of May." Albert said without thinking.

"You should come with us!" Katrina asked for Isobel.

"Well, at that time, I'm afraid I will have to run at both ends. A major incident may happen in the UK in mid-June. At that time, I will have to stay in the UK to control the situation."

"It's more important than the birth of your child." Katrina raised her eyebrows slightly to express her dissatisfaction.

"I have a time converter, and it will be fine then." Albert comforted.

"Oh, you still have that thing, I almost forgot about it." Katrina didn't continue to ask, and after being with Albert for so long, she also understood that it was difficult to change this man's mind.

Maybe, Isobel has a solution, but she has no objection, what objection can she have?
"Honey, I have an appointment this afternoon, and I may not be able to come back for dinner at noon." Albert bowed his head and kissed his wife's forehead, picked up the wand from the table and stuffed it back into the wand holder, and then handed over the leaflet Put it in your pocket.

"Be careful on the road." Isobel instructed.

"Are you pampering him like this?"

Looking at the back of Albert's departure, Katrina looked back at her dear sister.

"That's not good."

"You can't tie him around, everyone has their own business, and Albert must have something important." Isobel continued to flip through the parenting book, "What's more, too much entanglement will make people bored. "

"Can more important things be more important than you and the baby in your belly?" Katrina curled her lips.

"So..." Isobel shook his head and said, "You really don't understand him."


Colchester, Essex.

Professor Mansht was sitting in a coffee shop, casually stirring the coffee at hand, looking outside the shop from time to time, or looking at the pocket watch on his wrist.

He is waiting for a person, a benefactor who is willing to donate to the hospital.

This kind of thing happens to the hospital more than a dozen times a year, and Professor Mansht had the honor to receive several of them, so he came very early today.

The copper bell of the coffee shop rang, and a red-haired middle-aged man in a suit came in from outside.

"Professor Mansht, I hope I'm not late."

The red-haired man walked to the corner of the coffee shop and extended his hand to Professor Mansht in a friendly manner.

"No, Mr. Edes, I came early."

Professor Mansht quickly reached out to shake the red-haired man in front of him, and made a gesture of invitation to him.

After the two sat down, they went straight to the point and talked about the purpose of today's meeting: donation.

That's right, Edes, or Albert, intends to donate a sum of pounds to Professor Manster's hospital, and the hospital where Professor Manster is located will be in charge of treating a patient he sent in the near future. .

Of course, even if the person is not sick, sending it in can help to issue a medical certificate, and even help take care of the patient for a lifetime.

Such considerate service only needs to pay a small amount of diagnosis and treatment fees and hospitalization fees every year, and the price is a little higher than that of nursing homes.

"We will give the patient the best possible care until she fully recovers."

"Can I visit the sick?"

"Of course, you can come to visit the patient at any time, but in order to avoid the patient being irritated, we generally do not recommend it."

"If necessary, we can send you a medical certificate every month, while the patient's family members keep an eye on the patient's condition."

Professor Mansht smiled and introduced the caring service of Sewell Hospital to Albert. Those who didn't know it thought it was a regular hospital.

"Oh, that's the best." Albert nodded, and suddenly said, "She is crazy, her mind is not normal, she likes to talk nonsense, and she has serious violent tendencies."

"Not only does he like to hit people," he added, "but he also has severe hallucinations."

"Oh, my God, you should have sent the person here for treatment earlier, we have rich experience to help you solve the problem." Professor Mansht became more enthusiastic, because he found that the person who would be sent was probably a psychiatrist. Patient, this is really good.

"Can it be cured?"

"Whether it can be cured or not can only be judged after the diagnosis." Professor Mansht said, "Generally, within ten to 15 years, we have hundreds of successful recovery cases."

After friendly discussions between the two parties, Albert first made a donation of about 50.

Of course, this money was not Albert's own, but came from the inheritance of the village residents who suffered from the scourge of Death Eaters and dark wizards.Albert just collected this part of the pound and used it rationally, which can be considered as revenge for those innocent Muggles who died tragically.

Albert was quite satisfied after doing a good thing to himself and completing a task.

As for turning Bellatrix into a bum with no memory, he felt that sending the woman to a mental institution was a more appropriate option.

After all, she was indeed a crazy woman, and it was obviously more appropriate to live in a mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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