Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1312 News of the crown

Chapter 1312 News of the Crown ([-])
"Is Professor McGonagall all right?"

"Minerva is fine."

"The pink toad let Professor McGonagall easily?"

Ron was incredulous about this, and based on what he knew about Umbridge, it was obvious that the other party was not a toad who would give up easily.

"Umbridge was planning to use strong methods."

"Tough measures?"

"She brought a lot of Aurors, and she was sure to get the home addresses of the students who were expelled," Professor Flitwick said.

"And then?" Hermione asked.

"Minerva said that she burned that part of the records." Professor Flitwick said softly, "Albert had expected this day to come, and reminded her to burn that part of the data."

"Umbridge believed it?" Harry felt that the possibility was very low.

"Of course Umbridge doesn't want to believe it, and wants to use Veritaserum on Minerva." Professor Flitwick's eyes were full of unconcealable disgust.

"That guy is crazy. I don't understand why she has so much prejudice against Muggle wizards."

Hermione simply couldn't understand Umbridge's madness.

"Later, there was almost a fight."

At that time, Flitwick had thought about killing Umbridge and leaving Hogwarts.

"Umbridge gave in?" Ron couldn't believe it.

"It was Minerva herself who agreed to take a small amount of Veritaserum to prove that she was not lying, but Umbridge still refused to give up." Professor Flitwick still feels that Umbridge should be given a severe lesson at that time.

"I've never seen anyone as vicious as her," said Harry angrily. "If I had the chance, I'd use the Oblivion Charm to turn her into an idiot."

Both Ron and Hermione looked at Harry in surprise.

"and after?"

"Later, Snape appeared to stop the farce." Professor Flitwick frowned.


"I guess his master probably wants to use Hogwarts to control the parents of those students." Harry saw through Voldemort's purpose of controlling Hogwarts at a glance. .”

"But, how did Professor McGonagall..." Hermione seemed to realize something, "She prepared the antidote for Veritaserum for herself?"

"Yes, we were also surprised at the time."

Professor Flitwick stopped in front of a bare old board and said to the three, "If you are in trouble, I still suggest you go to Anderson, he's a seer, I bet he's sure can help."

"Is this the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room?"

Ron looked at the door in front of him with no handle and no keyhole, just a bronze eagle knocker
"Yes, the question needs to be answered, like this." After Professor Flitwick reached out and knocked on the door, he opened his mouth and said in a gentle voice.

"Phoenix and fire, which one comes first?"

"Miss Granger, what do you think the answer is?" Professor Flitwick looked at Hermione.

"The phoenix will be reborn from the ashes. This is a cycle." Hermione replied, "There is no beginning and no end."

"Makes sense."

After the voice finished speaking, the door opened.

"Excellent answer." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "Go in."

There was no one in the Ravenclaw common room. It was a large circular room with many windows on the walls. During the day, you could see the surrounding mountains and the scenery was beautiful.

However, Harry didn't pay attention to the scenery outside the window, his eyes were attracted by a tall white marble statue standing in the alcove opposite the door.

Harry knew it was Rowena Ravenclaw, crowned by an elaborate marble replica of the circle that was the fabled Ravenclaw diadem.

"Hermione, do you have a camera?" Harry asked suddenly.

"How could I bring that kind of thing."

"If you want to take a picture, I can help." Professor Flitwick waved his wand, conjured a camera out of thin air, and took a picture of Harry's marble portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw.

"This is a Christmas present from Albert." Professor Flitwick said, handing the photo to Harry.

"Thank you, Professor, it was a great help." Harry said, taking the photo.

"Maybe, we should come with Albert." Hermione suddenly had a strange feeling that Albert might be hiding something from them.

"What are your plans for the future?" Professor Flitwick put away the camera and asked, "Continue to search for news about the crown?"

"I'm going to see Ms. Gray." Harry's thoughts were very clear, "If you don't get anything, go to Professor Binns..."

"Harry, I found Ms. Gray." Ron reminded excitedly, staring at the Marauder's Map.

"We should leave the professor. I hope you can keep this secret for us for the time being. The less people know about some things, the higher the probability of our success."

After speaking, the three of Harry hurried towards Ms. Gray's position, but the other party disappeared through the wall before they arrived.

"Where is she?"

The three rushed over all the way, already out of breath from exhaustion.

"She just left."

Ron handed Harry the activity map.

"Looks like we need some luck."

Harry took out the few remaining Felix Elixir, and after using it, he followed the guidance of the Felix Elixir and began to jog quickly.

After a few minutes, Harry finally managed to stop Ms. Gray.

"Ms. Gray, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need your help." Harry glanced at the Marauder's Map, confirmed the other party's name, and said with certainty: "There is really something very important."

"A very important thing?"

"Yes, it's very important. I hope to talk to you. It's related to defeating the mysterious man. I don't think you want that guy to occupy Hogwarts. Let's train all the students here to become dark wizards!" Harry stated his purpose directly to prevent the other party from ignoring him and floating away through the wall.


Ron and Hermione arrived panting.

"What do you want to know?"

Ms. Gray looked at Harry and the three of them indifferently.

"Do you know where Ravenclaw's diadem is?" Harry added, "I just wanted to make sure You-Know-Who got the diadem."

"I don't know." Ms. Gray shook her head. "You are not the first to ask this question. Generations of students have been pestering me about the whereabouts of the crown."

Lady Gray lied, she actually knew where Ravenclaw's diadem was.

Shortly before Dumbledore's death, the crown was handed over to Albert for temporary custody. After the Second Wizarding War ended, Albert returned the crown to Hogwarts.

Ms. Gray was at the scene and was one of the witnesses.

So, she knew what Potter said about defeating You-Know-Who, but she didn't understand why Albert and Dumbledore kept it from Harry Potter.

However, after Ms. Gray promised to help keep it secret, she naturally didn't interrupt the breach of agreement and told Harry Potter about the crown, compared to them having their own plans.

Ron looked at Ms. Gray who was leaving through the wall, and asked with a frown, "What should I do next? Go to Professor Binns?"

"I think Ms. Gray is lying," said Harry suddenly.


"I suspect that Ms. Gray knows something, but she just doesn't want to tell us." Harry's mind turned quickly, and he suddenly asked, "Do you think Ms. Gray is a bit like someone?"

"Like who?"

Ron looked confused, not understanding what Harry was trying to convey.

"Ravenclaw, Rowena Ravenclaw," said Hermione suddenly, "we just saw her portrait."

"Go to Professor Binns, I need to confirm one thing." Harry unfolded the activity map, began to search for the location of the ghost professor, and said his guess to the two, "If Ms. Gray is really Ravenclaw's daughter Or granddaughter, Professor Binns must know something."

"What if Ms. Gray won't admit it?"

"It's not important Hermione. It's true that her identity is more important. I suspect Albert is hiding something. With his level, he must have discovered this."

"But why didn't Albert tell us?"

"That's what I don't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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