Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1321 A Group of Harry Potters

Chapter 1321 A Group of Harry Potters ([-])
"Why can't we go together?"

A series of complaints came from the training room, and many members who were not selected expressed their protest and dissatisfaction, and they also wanted to participate in the next action against the Death Eaters.

"Okay, don't keep complaining. If you want to participate, you should work harder on Defense Against the Dark Arts." Albert suppressed the noise and dissatisfaction of the people, "I hope you can understand that this is never a game. Our opponents are even the notorious Mysterious Man and Death Eaters, don't ruin your life because of your stupid arrogance and arrogance."

No one complains anymore.

They just complained verbally, and the group of people who could be selected were all the best in the Defense Association.

"Okay, those who have just been selected come and gather."

Soon they lined up, each holding a small cup that Shannah handed them.

Albert walked in front of them with a bottle of potion that was bubbling like mud.

"what is this?"

Angelina looked at the medicine bottle and couldn't help frowning.

"Potions," Fred explained.

"It seems that we need to pretend to be someone else." Kenneth was a little surprised, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Albert uncorked the bottle, got a few hairs from nowhere and stuffed them into the medicine bottle. After shaking it slightly, the bottle of potion started to bubble and smoke, and it turned into a clear golden yellow in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, whose hair is this?" Lee Jordan asked.

"Harry Potter."

Albert began to pour the potion into the cups in the hands of several people, and he did not forget to remind, "It can last for about three hours. After drinking, go over there to change clothes, and then come to gather."

The taste of the compound medicine was not very good, and it was a bit choking on the throat. Many people coughed violently as soon as they drank it.

In the blink of an eye, there were twelve Harry Potters in the room.

Albert waved his wand to make his clothes automatically match his current body, reached out to take the glasses handed by Shanna, said thank you and put them on for himself, and his vision immediately became clear.

When he turned his head, he saw that the others were changing clothes recklessly, not caring about showing Harry's body in public, which wasn't theirs anyway.

"I bet the Hogwarts students will be amazed."

After George took the glasses from Shanna and put them on, he took the cloak thrown by Fred and put it on himself.

"More than a shock, I dare say they must have been stunned."

"Okay, everyone come here."

Albert got a board and explained to them the next plan.

The whole plan is very simple. The three people headed by Albert will enter the train to clean up the Death Eaters inside, while another group led by Cedric will be responsible for clearing out the Death Eaters and Dementors outside. .

"After the battle outside is over, launch this thing into the sky." Albert handed a tube that resembled fireworks to Lee Jordan.

"What is this?" Lee Jordan asked, fiddling with the gadget in his hand, "Fireworks?"

"The logo of the Defense Association." Albert explained, "After the battle, you quickly pack up the loot and retreat according to the original plan. I hope the whole process can be completed within 10 minutes, without giving the enemy any time to react."

After finishing speaking, Albert looked at Cedric and asked, "Is it okay for you to lead the team?"

"I'm fine, but aren't you leading the team this time?" Cedric asked a little puzzled.

"I'm in charge of going into the train to deal with the Death Eaters inside, you guys will act with me." Albert glanced at the Weasley twins who were pinching each other's cheeks.

"How did you recognize us?" Both Fred and George were curious about this.

"Only you can do such naive things." Davis complained.

"I don't think I need to repeat it again?" Albert tapped the three key points on the panel with his wand.

"No, I'll watch them." Cedric showed Albert a reassuring expression, and he has now reacted.

"We're not three-year-olds."

"Okay, grab your broomsticks and get ready to go." Albert pulled up the hood on his cloak, declined the broomstick offered by Qiu Zhang, and walked outside.

"Have you been able to fly in the sky without the help of a broom?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"We're going to get on the train," said Fred.

"No need to use a broom," George added.

Members of the other defense associations came to see everyone off.

"Be happy, we'll remember to bring you the loot."

"We want the underpants of the Death Eaters." Someone suddenly shouted.

In a burst of laughter, Albert used apparition to lead them away.

As soon as everyone's vision was restored, it was pouring rain, and some members who hadn't had time to put on their hoods were instantly drenched.

"I hate the rain, and I hate wearing glasses even more."

Kenneth reached over and pulled the hood on, trying to keep out the rain as much as possible.

The next moment, they seemed to hear something, and suddenly found that several mushroom-like ice umbrellas had grown out of thin air, covering everyone from the heavy rain above their heads.

"Did you already know?"

Angelina is trying to dry off the water on her body.

"Just in case in advance."

Albert took out the map and began to determine the exact location of the Hogwarts Express train, so that after the train was stopped by Death Eaters, he could seize the right time to act.

"You guys estimate five to 10 minutes."

Albert closed his pocket watch and stuffed it into his pocket, handed the map to Cedric and said, "Fred and George and I will get on the train first, so you should be fine."

"No problem, leave it to me." Cedric knew that this was a training opportunity Albert gave him.

"see you later."

After Fred greeted Angelina, he put his hand on Albert's shoulder, and the three disappeared immediately.

When they appeared, they were beside the train track.Not far ahead, the Hogwarts express train was coming this way.

"I thought you would directly take us up with Apparation." Fred was a little curious about what method Albert would use.

"That's too easy to attract people's attention. I have an easier way."

"In what way."

"You'll find out later."

Invading the train went more smoothly than Fred and George had expected, and Albert didn't even use any amazing magic.

The window of the last carriage of the train was opened in advance, and Albert led them in through the window. What was even more amazing was that although there was luggage in the carriage, there was no one there.

"This is Luna's carriage."

Albert noticed the puzzled eyes cast by Fred and George, and explained calmly.

The two looked at each other, thinking that Albert would use some method to lead them into the train, and this was the end?
"Okay, we can have something to drink now, and then start acting after the Death Eaters come to the door." Albert waved his wand to conjure hot drinks out of thin air for them.

"Acting with you always lacks some adventurous passion." Fred said a little depressed.

"Don't complain, are the others still out in the rain?"

Even if there is a temporary shelter prepared by Albert, it is not very comfortable for the others to bear the downpour.

Kenneth has been wiping his glasses with a cloth to prevent the rain from blurring his vision.

He hates wearing glasses.

"You can use the water and fire inviolability spell on the glasses to prevent the glasses from being drenched by rain and affect your vision." Cedric reminded kindly, and helped others to recite the spell on the glasses.

"Don't complain, the opportunity for Albert to personally lead the team is rare." Lee Jordan was looking at the map in his hand.

"Actually, I've always been curious, why do we have to pretend to be Harry Potter?" Angelina couldn't help asking, although this feeling was very novel, it was also very strange.

"Needless to say, of course it is to protect you. If the Mysterious Man and the Death Eaters know that you are also involved, maybe they will retaliate against your family." Kenneth felt that the members of the Defense Association were not very smart. It's really embarrassing for Albert to think of things unexpectedly. The whole person acts as the brain of the entire association.

Of course, Cedric probably thought of it too, this guy is being trained as the vice president of the association.

With Albert's character, he is a proper tool man.

However, even if he is a tool man, Cedric is lucky.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What's the point of Albert's doing this?" Cedric actually didn't think it through thoroughly, but it seems that there is not much time for them to think now, because the Hogwarts express train is coming this way, As the team leader, Cedric is still under a little pressure. He needs to complete the task given by Albert and bring everyone back smoothly.

"What do you think is the reason?"

Lee Jordan is already on his broomstick and ready to go.

"Let other wizards in the British wizarding world see that there are still people who are against the You-Know-Who." Cedric also boarded his broom. As the former Hufflepuff and Quidditch captain, he did not take the heavy rain Take it to heart.

"After all, someone needs to raise a torch to lead everyone to move on." Truman said quietly, and Albert chose Harry Potter as the banner. Although he didn't understand why Albert didn't put it on himself, he believed The other party must have their own reasons for doing so.

"What about you?"

Lee Jordan flew into the air on a broom, turned his head and asked Kenneth beside him.

"Probably to unite the students of Hogwarts, and by the way use those students to drag their parents into the water together." Kenneth shrugged: "It is not enough for us to fight against the mysterious man, even if everyone in the association With the level of an elite Auror, it can't match the large number of enemies. If we really want to fully confront the mysterious person, we still need to unite more people, and Albert's move is undoubtedly quite subtle. Since many people have no If you have the courage to confront the mysterious man, then he will give everyone a reason to do so."

"Don't think Albert is as insidious as you, he is just trying to unite all the forces that can be united." Truman corrected Kenneth with a glance.

Although he actually felt that what the other party said might be right, such words should not be said indiscriminately, as it would easily destroy the unity within the Defense Association, and they really needed more helpers.

Lee Jordan thinks there is another reason, which is to make this group of excited guys calm down. It is not easy to stop this group of confident guys from going out to cause trouble. Bigger ones, at least not prone to problems, and can use the deterrence of the mysterious person to keep everyone in peace for a while.

"set off!"

The nine people rode on broomsticks, and with the help of the cover of the rain curtain, they shot towards the Hogwarts train in the distance.

This was a short charge, and they could feel the ominous aura of the dementors from a long distance away.

However, this is not difficult for them at all. Those who can be selected for this operation are all the most elite members of the Defense Association.

"Call God for protection."

Cedric raised his wand and summoned his Patronus.Not only him, but everyone else also summoned their own patron saints, and let the patron saints fly at the forefront of the team.

"Enemy attack!"

The dark wizards who had been standing outside the train to get wet in the rain were suddenly attracted by this large group of dazzling patron saints.

However, they were powerless to stop it.

Because the patron saint's target was not them at all, but went straight to the dementors who were circling around the train and absorbing the overflowing joy of the students.

A horde of Patronuses came running head-on, causing the Dementors to flee in panic.

The battle is imminent.

Several spells flew directly towards the black wizard who was suspended in mid-air on his broomstick, and several unlucky ones fell off the broomstick in an instant.

The training results of the original Defense Association are fully revealed. Even if the enemy is in the sky and can move, their spell accuracy is still very high.

This scene stunned the Death Eater who led the team. He couldn't understand why the dark wizard beside him was so vulnerable.

The two sides only had a confrontation, and their own side was almost down in half. The most ridiculous thing was that their enemy seemed to only use the stun spell.

"It's Harry, I see Harry Potter."

I don't know who suddenly screamed loudly.

In fact, without him shouting, the dark wizards had already seen Harry Potter.

After the formation of the front and arrows turned around, Lee Jordan immediately took out the fireworks that Albert gave him from his pocket, and shot a mark towards the pitch-black rain.

This is Cedric's request, in order to attract the attention of the dark wizard and give his side a chance to fight for the second round of charge.

He believed that after two rounds of charges, the group of black wizards probably would not have much resistance to resist.

Cedric's plan was quite successful. The dark wizards were attacked for a while, and before they could fully react, they were temporarily attracted by Albert's special defense association mark.

No way, whoever let the mark come out, it lit up the pitch-black rain curtain, attracting the attention of everyone present.

When Cedric led people to launch the second round of charge, the dark wizards who had not had time to react were besieged by justice, all of them were stunned, and fell directly from the broom, life and death were unknown, and the only thing they saw at the end was It was the face of Harry Potter.

"It's really easy to win."

The crowd cheered triumphantly.

Cedric glanced at the golden and red Defense Association logo, turned his broom and flew towards the train with the "Harry Potters", letting people see who did it today.

Sure enough, people couldn't help exclaiming when they saw a large group of Harry Potter riding brooms passing by the train window, and some even waved and shouted at them excitedly.

"I believe that what happened today is enough for them to discuss for several months." Lee Jordan looked at the golden and red mark, and raised the corners of his mouth happily. Next, he plans to continue to spread today's influence through the wizard lookout station .

I believe that Harry and the Defense Association will impress everyone.

"Okay, according to the plan, go to pick up the spoils in groups of two, and move quickly."

After a while, the Harry Potters on brooms disappeared, leaving only the golden and red-themed coat of arms in the sky, which was particularly conspicuous under the dark rain.

The story quickly spread on the Hogwarts express train, and everyone now knows that the coat of arms is a bit like Hogwarts, with the griffin as the background and the mark of two crossed wands It is the badge of the Defense Association, and the legendary savior, the famous Harry Potter is still fighting hard with his partners against the mysterious man.

(End of this chapter)

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