Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 1354 The Enemy of Fairies

Chapter 1354 The Enemy of Fairies
After Cedric heard the news from Ernie, he couldn't help but be a little surprised at the other party's audacity. This matter was really discussed seriously, because they also wanted to drive away the Death Eaters and put Hogwarts to death. Take it back.

In the end, Albert was not present on this matter, which led to the delay in making a decision at the meeting.

As for the Order of the Phoenix, after a brief discussion, they have clearly rejected this bold plan, because even if they can control the Death Eaters headed by Snape, it may be difficult to truly deceive the mysterious man.

Professor McGonagall believes that before the opportunity mentioned by Albert comes, the Death Eaters should not be overly stimulated, lest those lunatics do something crazy again.

Such a result is undoubtedly disappointing, especially for the students who stayed at Hogwarts, the oppression of the Death Eaters made them breathless.

"Perhaps, the professors have their own considerations."

Cedric hesitated for a moment, and said to Ernie, "If you really want to drop out of school and join the Defense Association, I suggest that you temporarily hide in the Room of Requirement to practice Defense Against the Dark Arts. If Dumbledore's Army is disbanded, everyone will lose their confrontation The courage of You-Know-Who and Death Eaters."


"Neville and Luna will return to Hogwarts in two days, and I will come here more often." Cedric reassured, "For you now, laying a good foundation is especially important, otherwise When you start to learn more about fighting techniques, you will find that you need to go back and make up for what you have missed."

"I really don't understand what you're thinking about?" Michael murmured.

"Maybe we can do it ourselves," Ernie suggested.

"Albert has gone somewhere in the past few days. I suspect he is preparing something. I will talk to him about it when he comes back." Cedric never wants Ernie to act in private, lest they suddenly reveal What a big mess, it is likely to be difficult to end.


What exactly is Albert doing?
This is probably something both the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix are curious about.

Everyone thought he was planning something.

They guessed right, Albert was indeed planning a big event, and he was advancing his plan in an orderly manner.

The blasting of Hogsmeade can only be regarded as a half-success, which was indeed a little unexpected to him, but the conflict caused by the confrontation between the Death Eaters controlled by the Imperius Curse and the foreign dark wizards still successfully attracted everyone's attention force.

This made Ludo Badman's secret operations smoother. Many goblins have been patronized by dark wizards in recent days, and their valuables have been looted. Many goblins have been scared and moved back to the goblin village to be with their kind keep warm.

And such a result is what Albert wants to see, and it can also be said to be the main reason why he made Ludo Badman commit a series of robberies.

"Soul out of the body!"

After Ludo Badman controlled the goblin and completed a new round of robbery, Albert quietly appeared at the scene of the crime and used the Imperius Curse to successfully control the unlucky guy who had just been robbed. This is already the No. 5 fairy that Albert has controlled in recent days.

The first four goblins were all robbed by Ludo Badman and forced to move back to the goblin village.

There are many unlucky people who have experienced similar experiences, so naturally there will be no goblins to doubt them. Even if this group of unlucky people who were snatched by the same person gather together to scold Ludo Badman one day, it seems to be a normal thing. Not to mention secretly telling Albert about the situation in the demon village in the middle of the night.

The magic system of goblins is different from that of wizards. If Albert doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, he needs to be careful.It would be foolish to rush into a fairy village without any preparation.

After all, even with an advanced shielding spell, it might not be able to shield the elf's warning magic. He wasn't sure if there was something similar in that village.

It would be foolish to be discovered if you just broke in.

However, various evidences show that goblins are more willing to believe in the intricate underground labyrinth than in the so-called warning magic.

It is very difficult for intruders to find the goblin's village deep underground.

At least the group of black wizards headed by Ludo Badman is unlikely to go deep underground to rob them. Even if they did, they would probably just get lost in the underground labyrinth.

This undoubtedly made Albert's plan smoother.

As an activist protecting the rights of goblins, Ragueno is undoubtedly popular among goblins. The fact that he was robbed by Ludo Badman made many goblins extremely angry.

Back then, those goblins who came to Ludo Badman to collect debts even claimed that they regretted not killing Badman directly back then?
Ragnor, who returned to the goblin village to escape the disaster with the little luggage left, was warmly welcomed by everyone, and the goblins even held a small party for him.

After having a party with a few neighbors who had the same experience, he drank some wine and opened one of his suitcases with dazed eyes. After opening the box that originally contained only a few tattered books and clothes, unexpectedly appeared A hidden door that goes down.

After going down the stairs, there is a small basement inside, and there is actually a large cabinet stored here alone.

If a wizard with knowledge is here, he will surely recognize that this is the vanishing cabinet that was very popular in the past.

Suddenly, the gears on the disappearing cabinet started to move, and the door was opened from the inside, but there was nothing inside the cabinet.

However, from the extremely light footsteps, it cannot be concluded that someone came to this fairy village through the disappearing cabinet just now.

It's just that the person who was sent over became invisible.

"Smooth than I expected." Albert laughed at himself in his heart, "That's right, if all of this fails, then how unlucky I must be, not to mention drinking Felicia Potion when I came here."

He came out of the suitcase quietly, picked up the village map prepared in advance on the table, tapped it lightly with his wand, and after using the human footprint spell on the map in his hand, he began to check whether the old goblin Bogorod was in location marked on the map.

Quick, accurate, ruthless!

Everything is unpredictable.

This is the key to Albert's success.

Even if the goblins really noticed that someone had invaded the village, Albert would have already left behind to replace the dead ghost.

As for who the scapegoat is, it is naturally Ludo Badman.

If Albert's luck is really that bad, the "enemy of the goblin" will lead people to invade the goblin's village and continue the robbery plan.

It also seemed normal for this daring guy, blinded by the interests of the robber goblin, to plan this operation.

After all, it is a dedicated backer who has been prepared for a long time, and the hatred between the two parties has been full since the debt was not repaid.

As for him, of course he left before the goblin could react.

Bend down and go out through the low door.

Outside is a spacious open space, the surrounding is eerily quiet, and the goblins have already fallen asleep.

Perhaps, in the village of goblins, they don't have to be as vigilant as outside, and living with their own kind makes them feel more at ease.Moreover, the goblins obviously didn't think that there would be enemies invading the dungeon, let alone a shameless guy using supernatural means to invade here.

At this moment, Albert will step on special shoes and walk quietly in this dungeon decorated with fluorescent moss and magic lights.

After arriving at the door of Bogrod's house according to the map guide, Albert double-checked that there was no problem, then quietly opened the door and bent over to walk in.

The rooms here are almost the same, and Albert quickly found the old goblin Bogorod sleeping on the bed.

"Soul out of the body!"

Albert raised his wand and cast a spell on the old goblin Bogorod. He was not in a hurry to completely control the old goblin Bogorod, but instead let an invisible bracelet made of rope appear on his wrist.

It would be Harry's last safeguard if his plans failed.

At that time, Albert will do it himself.

"I hope everything goes well in the future." Albert murmured.

The Horcruxes must all be wiped out,
Voldemort could only be killed after losing his Horcruxes and becoming mortal.

He will never allow the plan to fail!

After completing the control of the Imperius Curse on the old goblin Bogrod, Albert didn't stay here. He came and left without a sound.

As for the suitcase containing the disappearing cabinet, he was ready to take it with him.

The method is very simple.


He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, cast a spell on it, and after turning the handkerchief into a portkey, he was pulled and disappeared.

Portkeys are indeed a convenient means of travel, the only problem is that traveling with them isn't all that enjoyable.

After recovering from the terrible dizziness, Albert directly set fire to completely burn the handkerchief, burned it to destroy the corpse, and then reappeared with the suitcase and left.

After that, it was left on Harry's side.

I don't know how he practiced the Fiendfire Curse.

However, at this point, Albert was not in such a hurry.

"You seem to be relieved at last." Isobel handed over a glass of wine.

"A big thing happened today."

"To control a goblin?"

"That's a key person." Albert took a sip and repeated, "Very important guy, I have obtained the key to victory."

"It seems that you have already raised all the chips leading to this wizard war."

"Well, at least even if Harry is left behind, I am confident that this war will end, it's just a price to pay."

Albert knew very well that the final victory needed to accumulate a little bit of advantage, especially when dealing with a difficult guy like Voldemort.

"Maybe, we should celebrate." Isobel put his arms around Albert's neck.

"Little Alice?" Albert reminded.

"Don't worry, little Alice is in the study, we will take good care of her in the future."

"It was indeed the wisest choice to get the Time Converter in the first place."

Albert bent down and picked Tom up from the carpet, put him in the corridor outside the door, and closed the door again, leaving the fat cat still yawning.

(End of this chapter)

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