Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Apology Letter

Chapter 182 Apology Letter

"Oh, my God, Mafalda, what happened, who made her angry?" Rufus put the half-drinked drink on his desk, looked up at the office where the voice came from, Open your mouth and ask the assistant of the director.

"Someone sent a letter." Mafalda glanced at the office door and whispered, "And then, it became like this."

Unlike Rufus, Mafalda was a little intimidated by her boss, and was careful not to lose her current job when talking about her.

"A letter?" Rufus didn't understand, but he didn't continue to ask. He also knew the character of his boss.

Yes, a letter, a letter that has been torn.

The head of the Misuse of Magic Office had never been so angry. She felt threatened by someone, and the person who threatened her was Hattok Dagworth.

She is no stranger to this name.

A few days ago, Hutok Dagworth came once, but she simply refused.

This time, Hetok didn't come, but sent her a letter, which probably meant: If you don't apologize to him, then I can only apologize, through the Daily Prophet.

Hetok even had his apology written and sent in an envelope.

Even if she didn't read the script, she knew the consequences of asking a potions master like Hattok Dagworth to apologize for the trouble she caused in the Daily Prophet.

No one would think that Hutok Dagworth made a fuss, they would think that why the Ministry of Magic made a mistake, the potions master needed an apology.

Then, it's her bad luck.

The worst situation is that she loses her current position. Many people are staring at her position, and those colleagues who are bad friends on weekdays will definitely give her a ride.

Sorry, that's the only thing I can do right now.

Let Hutok Dagworth get back the gold membership card smoothly, otherwise... who knows what else he will do.

Why things have become like this is really incomprehensible.

Problems still need to be solved.

Who was the guy Hetok asked him to apologize to?

The director of the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic Office has long forgotten who caused these troubles for herself, but she knows that her assistant knows that Mafalda is also one of the few insiders.

In the end, after Mafalda searched through the archives, she wrote a letter of apology herself.In fact, it would be enough to ask my assistant to write it for me, but...in the end, I didn't do it, so as not to cause any trouble.

How could the director of the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic Office be a no-brainer?

This matter, bear with it and pass it, bear with it... The quill in my hand is bent.


On the weekend afternoon, Albert left Rowena's office. Professor Smith is good at many things, and the two have a lot of topics in common.

The academic exchanges between the two parties have greatly enhanced Albert's skills and experience.

Just after returning to the lounge, a senior boy called Albert and handed him a letter. The envelope only had the name of the recipient but not the name of the sender. It was very strange, but Albert From the W on the beeswax, you knew the letter was from the Ministry of Magic.

Albert had already guessed the contents of the letter, so he opened it on the spot.

Mr. Anderson:
We have a letter from Mr. Huttok...

Albert quickly glanced at it, all of which were hypocritical excuses, and the so-called apology was completely insincere, but Albert did not expect the other party to really apologize.

What made Albert more concerned was the sender's name, Dolores Umbridge, Director (Director) of the Ministry of Magic's Prohibited Misuse of Magic Division.

"Dolores Umbridge?" Albert repeated softly, looking at the sender's name.

Then, Albert couldn't help but frowned slightly, and murmured: "Umbridge? I seem to have a little impression, the Ministry of Magic? Umbridge...Professor Hogwarts...Defense Against the Dark Arts...Pink... ...Toad...High Hogwarts Inquisitor!"

"Oh, so it's that guy!" Albert suddenly realized, and finally remembered who this guy was.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who appeared in the fifth book?Unexpectedly, that guy is still the director of the Department of Prohibited Abuse of Magic.

At this moment, Albert understood why Hetok hated this woman so much.

The title of ugly woman is not too much!

In Albert's scattered memories, Umbridge is a self-righteous, unreasonable woman with a desire to control the sky.

Expect her to apologize?
It's really difficult, it's really embarrassing for Hetok, and it's not easy for him to get back that gold membership card.

Albert checked the envelope and compared it with the notes on the warning letter in his memory. It should not have been written by the guy named Mafalda Hopkirk.

Actually, there is another clue.

The writing on the parchment was so dark that the writer seemed eager to poke a hole in it.

This is enough to show that the writer was very excited at the time.

If Albert knew that Umbridge lost five quills to write this letter, he wouldn't just describe it with excitement.

In Albert's view, if the other party can take all these details into account, he can only say that this is the case.

However, the chances of that happening are slim.

However, knowing that Dolores Umbridge is the Director of the Division of Prohibition of Misuse of Magic in the Ministry of Magic, it is not difficult for Albert to understand why she let the dementors attack Harry.

After all, as the director of the Department for the Prohibition of Misuse of Magic, she naturally knows the relevant laws very well.

"What's the matter, whose letter is it?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Ministry of Magic, that matter from last time has been resolved." Albert folded the letter and stuffed it back into his robe pocket. "Where are you going?"

"Library, together?"

"Okay, wait for me, I'm just about to go to the library to check things." Albert returned to the dormitory to pick up things.

"Looking up something?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked after hearing the words: "A riddle?"

"What riddle?"

"You don't know?" Lee Jordan looked at Shanna in surprise.

"Know what?" Shanna asked confusedly.

"Albert and Katrina's bet!" Lee Jordan explained with a smile: "I heard that they made a bet to answer the riddle. I heard Albert and Katrina say in the morning that the time is estimated to be in the middle of the month. See Who can answer a hundred riddles correctly."

"A hundred riddles?" Shanna couldn't help but widen her eyes. The riddles are actually not too difficult for her, but it is not an easy task to answer a hundred riddles correctly.

There is no doubt that this is a contest between two geniuses.

"Who do you think will win?" Lee Jordan asked Shanna.

"Needless to say, of course it's Albert." Shanna said as a matter of course, "That guy is a real genius, how could he lose to others."

(End of this chapter)

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