Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 490 Find Dumbledore

Chapter 490 Find Dumbledore

"Albert, can we talk?"

At the wizarding card party at the end of May, Harry offered to speak to Albert.

However, the impact of losing points last time is still there, and most of the little Gryffindor wizards are still very dissatisfied with Harry. When they heard him greet Albert, many girls threw at Harry. Not only bad.

"Oh, of course."

Albert apologized to the few present, greeted Lee Jordan, and left the hall with Harry.

Harry found an empty classroom that was empty.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Albert felt a little funny when he looked at Harry who closed the door behind his back with a mysterious look.

"Is such that……"

Harry told Albert the last time he overheard the conversation between Quirrell and Snape.

"So, do you think that Snape learned from Professor Quirrell the way to pass through the magic mechanism?" Albert asked after listening, "Then you came to me to... expose Snape?"

It was delightful that Snape was scapegoating again.

"Yes, we have nothing to do." Harry said rather helplessly.

"Go to Dumbledore, you should have done this a long time ago." Albert gave his proposal.

"Quirrell is terribly afraid, and he will definitely not come out to testify for us." Harry shook his head.

"Is the evidence important?" Albert asked back, "Dumbledore has always been a very enlightened headmaster, and sometimes he doesn't need evidence. At least, if you go to the headmaster, he will definitely be able to raise his vigilance. It was mentioned to you a long time ago, and obviously you have never done it."

Harry opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Don't hesitate, since you think Snape wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, you should go to Dumbledore." Albert patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much you think about here." use."

In fact, Albert also wanted to know what interesting things would happen if the famous Harry Potter went to Dumbledore to complain that Snape was the culprit for stealing the Sorcerer's Stone?

"If it's okay, I'll go first." When Albert turned to leave, Harry stopped him.

"and many more……"

Harry seemed still hesitating.

"What else?" Albert asked back.

Harry bit his lip and told Albert about the last time he entered the Forbidden Forest to find the unicorn. He also told Albert that Snape was stealing the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort.

"So, really, another unicorn was killed?" Albert sighed softly.

Harry remembered what Hagrid had said to them. Albert was also an insider, and he had predicted the attack on the unicorn a long time ago.

When he discussed this matter with Ron and Hermione, he even thought that Albert probably knew the "truth" no less than they did.

"Firenze told me that he said Voldemort was trying to prolong his life with the blood of the unicorn."

"Well, I can probably guess it." Albert looked up at Harry, and asked mysteriously: "You know, why people dare not directly refer to the Dark Lord as Voldemort, but use Mysterious Man to refer to the Dark Lord?" head?"

"Because they're afraid of Voldemort?" Harry replied after a moment's thought.

"Of course, that's only one of the reasons. The other reason is because the name is bewitched."

"Is this name enchanted?" Harry was a little puzzled, which was obviously beyond his comprehension.

"Well, it has been enchanted. If you use this name, the other party will know." Albert looked at Harry, who was confused, and continued: "You and I are both from the Muggle world. I don't have much intimidation in the head. I call him You-Know-Who, just because I need to. Although you may think I'm alarmist, I still need to remind you that if you keep using that name, one day , will bring you unnecessary trouble."

"Is this a prophecy?" Harry asked.

"Even if I don't need to predict, I can still guess what will happen in the future." Albert said, "Sometimes, it is not very difficult to speculate what will happen in the future from known information."

"Then what do you think I should do." Harry didn't bother about Voldemort's title, and said a little emotionally: "If Snape really got the Sorcerer's Stone, Voldemort will come back, and he will turn this place into a A school that teaches black magic."

"Well, I don't have much advice for you." Albert thought for a while, and answered Harry's question seriously: "As long as Dumbledore is the headmaster, you don't have to worry about Hogwarts changing." into a school dedicated to teaching black magic."

He looked into Harry's eyes and said, "I'm still saying the same thing, you can go to the principal if you have anything to do."

Harry was very disappointed. He originally thought that Albert could provide him with some good ideas to solve the problem, but the other party just repeatedly emphasized to him that he should go to Principal Dumbledore.

Although Albert said that Headmaster Dumbledore was very open-minded, he still doubted whether the other party could listen to them.

After all, children's words are usually not taken seriously, especially since their relationship with Snape has always been bad, and there is a high possibility that they will be regarded as slander.

He really didn't want to be like that.

After the party, Fred specifically asked Albert what Harry wanted him to do.

"You said Harry, he told me that our dear Professor Snape might want to steal something hidden in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor. The method of conspiracy." Albert was not going to hide his roommate either.

"Then what do you say?" George asked curiously.

"I told them to go to the principal to complain." Albert said with a smile.

"If I were Potter, I would definitely not do this." Lee Jordan said angrily, "Dumbledore will think that they made up this nonsense to get Snape fired."

"It's likely to be like this." George echoed.

Underage wizards don't even have a say when it comes to certain matters.

"I think it might work wonders if Albert went to headmaster Dumbledore instead." Fred glanced at Albert, nodded and said.

"I won't do such thankless things." Albert shrugged, "You should stop worrying about these things, the final exam is almost here."

He changed the subject, looked at the three roommates with a smile and said, "If you fail the exam, you will be repeated."

"You should be worried about Fred and George. I'm ready for the exam." Lee Jordan patted his chest and said, "The test scores this time will definitely crush Fred and George."

"Why don't you say that you want to crush Albert in terms of grades." George said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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